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Leong_Make_Believe_Play_Jan2012.pdf. Preschool Curriculum for Pre-K & Early Childhood. Early Childhood Curriculum — With a Difference Choosing a preschool curriculum is an important decision.

Preschool Curriculum for Pre-K & Early Childhood

The curriculum you select, and how you implement it, affects the outcomes for children. Why HighScope? Beginning with the Perry Preschool Study, HighScope revolutionized early childhood education with a new approach to teaching and learning. Research based and child focused, the HighScope Curriculum uses a carefully designed process — called "active participatory learning" — to achieve powerful, positive outcomes. Earlychildhood NEWS - Article Reading Center. The arts are an “integral way of looking at life and at education and understanding the complexities of the world and our challenges in it”(Kelly, 1995).

Earlychildhood NEWS - Article Reading Center

Five Great Articles on Early Childhood Education. Early childhood educators have one of the most rewarding and difficult jobs.

Five Great Articles on Early Childhood Education

They are in charge of preparing young minds for the challenges and opportunities presented through education. There have been many articles written over the years about early childhood education. These early child education articles can be excellent resources for educators and parents to help maximize the benefits received by young students. Here are five great articles for those interested in the topic. Lily Endowment Inc. giving grants to support early childhood education. The Business Case for Early Childhood Education. As two longtime corporate executives who have been engaged in education for decades, we have no doubt about the answer to this question.

The Business Case for Early Childhood Education

Children who attend high-quality preschool do much better when they arrive in kindergarten, and this makes an enormous difference for their later success. The data on preschool is overwhelmingly positive. Although some studies suggest that the positive impact decreases over time, this is mainly attributable to differences in the quality of preschool and of the schooling that follows — not a deficiency in preschool itself. The effectiveness of quality early childhood education has been affirmed by many business-related groups, including ReadyNation, a coalition of business leaders, organized in 2006. The Institute for a Competitive Workforce, an affiliate of the United States Chamber of Commerce, found in a 2010 report that “for every dollar invested today, savings range from $2.50 to as much as $17 in the years ahead.”

Early Childhood Education. The NEA-supported, bipartisan Strong Start for America’s Children Act (S. 2452/H.R. 3461), introduced in the House and Senate on November 13, 2013, would promote high-quality learning opportunities for children from birth to age 5.

Early Childhood Education

This vital legislation would help states fund high-quality prekindergarten for 4-year olds from low-income families; encourage states to support prekindergarten for 4-year-olds from moderate-income families; and encourage learning opportunities for even younger children — for example, through partnerships with Early Head Start programs. NEA President Dennis Van Roekel said, “High-quality early childhood education and full-day kindergarten are fundamental to a student’s long term success and shouldn’t be determined by their parents’ income… [It] is the right thing to do.” Research and Recommendations Early childhood education: one of the best investments our country can make. Early Childhood Today. Below is a list of early childhood resources and links for early childhood professionals.

Early Childhood Today

By posting some links and not others, it is not our intention to endorse specific products and organizations. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Offers information on early childhood education and development, accreditation, public policy, research, professional development, and more. Join NAEYC in their commitment to improving the quality of educational and developmental services for all children from birth through age eight. Zero To Three Find resources for your work with parents of infants/toddlers, infant/toddler development, and public policy designed to improve the lives of our nation's youngest children. The National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies What is the state of child care in our country? Welcome to - Information, products and ideas for parents & teachers. Early Childhood Education. Using Robotics to Teach Computer Programming. Photo Dash is a small blue robot that can be programmed to play the xylophone, kick a ball, act like a dog and deliver messages — for instance, a prerecorded rendition of the “Happy Birthday” song.

Using Robotics to Teach Computer Programming

Its head, which spins around, has a single, Cyclops-like eye. Sometimes Dash emits a cheerful chime — a sign that it approves of its programmer’s actions. Saurabh Gupta, one of Dash’s creators, says these anthropomorphic qualities make the robot “more like a friend or a companion” than an object — and therefore more likely to appeal to its programmers, meant to be children as young as 5. Mr. Like one of its competitors, KinderLab Robotics, Wonder Workshop was founded by parents who were frustrated by a lack of opportunities for their children to learn programming. This fall, Wonder Workshop, based in San Mateo, Calif., will begin delivering its robots to customers who participated in a crowdsourced fund-raising campaign on its website. Ms. Last year, Ms. Ms. As it is, Dr. Advice for a New Preschool Teacher.