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How to Make an Interactive Network Visualization

How to Make an Interactive Network Visualization
Networks! They are all around us. The universe is filled with systems and structures that can be organized as networks. Recently, we have seen them used to convict criminals, visualize friendships, and even to describe cereal ingredient combinations. We can understand their power to describe our complex world from Manuel Lima's wonderful talk on organized complexity. Now let's learn how to create our own. In this tutorial, we will focus on creating an interactive network visualization that will allow us to get details about the nodes in the network, rearrange the network into different layouts, and sort, filter, and search through our data. In this example, each node is a song. Try out the visualization on different songs to see how the different layouts and filters look with the different graphs. Technology This visualization is a JavaScript based web application written using the powerful D3 visualization library. jQuery is also used for some DOM element manipulation. Functions

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Stephen Boak — Easy as (a) Pie Through my work at Boundary I’ve started playing with the D3 visualization library, trying to build some interesting visualizations for our real-time network monitoring dashboard. I’ve really been enjoying D3 and Mike Bostock, the creator, has been extremely helpful to me and lots of others in the d3-js Google Group. Since the library is new, I hope the series of experiments I post here can be helpful in spreading some knowledge and awareness of the library. What You’re Building

University A network can consist of different 'classes' of nodes. For example, a two-mode network might consist of people (the first mode) and groups in which they are members (the second mode). Another very common example of two-mode network data consists of users on a particular website who communicate in the same forum thread. Here's a short example of this kind of data. Learn how to use Gephi Welcome to Gephi! Gephi is an open-source software for visualizing and analysing large networks graphs. Gephi uses a 3D render engine to display graphs in real-time and speed up the exploration. You can use it to explore, analyse, spatialise, filter, cluterize, manipulate and export all types of graphs. Getting Started

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Social Network Analysis in R Home » Lab table of contents To run the following labs install R (Linux, MacOS X or Windows) and execute the following command in R (this will download and install all needed packages and data): source(" Chapters 1. tips and downloads for getting things done @Blueluck: Very true - I've seen other countries where people leave their family in another country to go find work, and then to manual labor for extremely cheap just to be able to send it all home to their family. I guess that could be interpreted as their purpose, but the work is not purposeful in and of itself. I guess "pay enough to take money off the table" covers that, so we're only talking about how to motivate people after they're at the comfortable level most Americans that read this blog are at.

Mapping with D3 Trying out D3's geographic features. Hover over a county: There's nothing special about this map. Build your own interactive network Similar to the map builder, there is a web-based version of the network builder under development. The web based version is useful as it provides immediate feedback on a new interactive visualization — due to browser security restrictions the visualizations will not run from a local computer without a webserver. Nevertheless, the scale and size of network data also demand an offline alternative for networks. I am very happy to announce the first version of such an option: a Sigma.js export option for Gephi. The code we have written for this has been tested, but it should be considered an ‘alpha’ version. We very much welcome feedback and information on any bugs you discover.
