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Related:  Academic Search Engines

Academic Search Engines Additional Resources Information and Tips A note on Authoritative Regardless of where you find information, it is important to evaluate the source of it, especially if you are using it for decision-making or in an educational setting. Search Engines and Directories The first three tools listed in this category are directories compiled by consortiums of universities. ipl2 was formed from the merger of two prior academic directories, the Internet Public Library and LII, Librarians’ Index to the Internet. iSEEK and Virtual LRC are more like traditional search engines, but similarly limited to preselected academic sources. Scholarly Papers These search engines include papers and other academic documents, largely from academic journals. Online Courses and Video The first two sources here are for finding online courses. Flashcards and Quizzes Books Docs and Presentations Changes to this Page Search Tips by Tool OpenCourseWare Search tip: OpenCourseWare Consortium includes MIT and other institutions

11. Software Repositories - Adding and Managing Package Repositories 11. Software Repositories As mentioned in the previous chapter, the package manager installs software by fetching packages from software repositories, therefore the software available for easy installation via the package manager depends on the configured repositories. A software repository is a collection of RPM packages (the openSUSE packaging format) and metadata for the available packages. Usually repositories are on online servers, but it can also be on a CD/DVD or on other media. 11.1 Managing Repositories Respositories can be added, removed and configured via YaST, in the module called Software Repositories. 11.1.1 Adding Repositories The official repositories are pre-configured, but many unofficial repositories exist and can be added too. The easiest and safest way to add repositories is using the list of online community repositories in YaST. YaST => Software => Software Repositories => Click on "Add" => Select "Community Repositories" and click "Next" 11.1.2 Recommended Repositories | Registry of Research Data Repositories (39) Data: Where can I get large datasets open to the public Research Data Repositories Search Engines:Research Aid Databases From Topical Search Wiki Academic Ranking Journals characteristics SHERPA Databases RoMEO – A database of publisher's policies regarding the self- archiving of journal articles on the web and in Open Access repositories. JULIET – A database of funders archiving mandates and guidelines. [2]CofactorJournalGuideGenamics JournalSeek – A catalog of research journals including journal description, abbreviation, homepage link, subject category and ISSN. Reference works Scholars social networks CrossRef – An authoritative catalog of primary research publications. JournalTOCs – A catalog of academic journals tables of contents (TOCs) RSS feeds. Related Pages References ↑ "Introduction", Arnetminer, Accessed Dec 15, 13, Robin Kear and Danielle Colbert-Lewis, "Citation searching and bibliometric measures", College & Research Libraries News 72 (2009):470-474 , accessed Dec 6, 2013,

OnCoRe Blueprint: Resources: Repository Information Current Repositories As of June 30, 2011 The following list was accurate as of June 30, 2011, the date this FIPSE grant was concluded. For an updated listing of repositories, please visit The Orange Grove: Florida's Digital Repository at: The number of open access repositories is very large; this is not a complete listing. It is provided as a guide to assist you in your background research. AMSER (the Applied Math and Science Education Repository) is a portal of educational resources and services built specifically for use by those in Community and Technical Colleges but free for anyone to use. arXiv – is a discipline repository for the sciences such as physics, mathematics, nonlinear sciences, computer science, quantitative biology. ARIADNE (European Knowledge Pool System) Developed to deliver educational content throughout Europe, the KPS facilitates the sharing and reuse of educational resources. Repository Search Engines and Listings:

UNdata Public Data Sets on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Click here for the detailed list of available data sets. Here are some examples of popular Public Data Sets: NASA NEX: A collection of Earth science data sets maintained by NASA, including climate change projections and satellite images of the Earth's surfaceCommon Crawl Corpus: A corpus of web crawl data composed of over 5 billion web pages1000 Genomes Project: A detailed map of human genetic variation Google Books Ngrams: A data set containing Google Books n-gram corpusesUS Census Data: US demographic data from 1980, 1990, and 2000 US CensusesFreebase Data Dump: A data dump of all the current facts and assertions in the Freebase system, an open database covering millions of topics The data sets are hosted in two possible formats: Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshots and/or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. If you have any questions or want to participate in our Public Data Sets community, please visit our Public Data Sets forum .

Datasets for Data Mining, Analytics and Knowledge Discovery See also Data repositories AssetMacro, historical data of Macroeconomic Indicators and Market Data. Awesome Public Datasets on github, curated by caesar0301. AWS (Amazon Web Services) Public Data Sets, provides a centralized repository of public data sets that can be seamlessly integrated into AWS cloud-based applications. BigML big list of public data sources. Related Top Thesis & Dissertation References on the Web: A Master’s Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation is the capstone of many graduate programs. It requires a monumental amount of effort to put together the original research, citations, and sheer writing time to finish. Many students cruise through their master’s and PhD coursework without breaking a sweat, only to be stonewalled when it comes time to write a long, in-depth dissertation that contributes original material to the student’s chosen field. Bluntly, finishing a thesis or dissertation is hard, and nobody can do it alone. It is impossible to do original research in any field without reading the work that has come before. Writing and research styles can be completely different from one discipline to the next. VitaeVitae is an organization based in the United Kingdom focused on professional and career development of doctoral researchers and the staffs of higher education institutions.Compelling Feature: How is Vitae Structured? “Publish or perish” is the axiom many academics live by.

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