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Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Koko's Team. Amazing Animal Quiz. The 100 Most Amazing Photographs Ever Taken Without Using Photoshop. As we know, nature and humankind are both great artists, and when they join forces, amazing masterpieces can be produced.

The 100 Most Amazing Photographs Ever Taken Without Using Photoshop

We’ve seen how clever artists utilise image altering technology such as Photoshop to ‘improve’ a captured image, but like most things there is no substitute for the real thing. As such, we’ve collected the 100 most amazing photographs which combine the efforts of mother nature and photographic artists who have captured magic moments showing the wondrous diversity of modern life and the natural world. Our extensive research makes us fairly certain that all 100 images are ‘photoshop-free’, but we’re sure someone will tell us if we’re incorrect!

This is what happens if you throw hot water into the air in Antarctica imgur A galactic tennis ball © Abhijeet Kumar Modern dykes, windmills and highways in the Netherlands imgur A temple covered in ash from the Ontake volcanic eruption, Japan. Susan Savage-Rumbaugh: The gentle genius of bonobos. NatureGate. About NatureGate NatureGate enables you to find fascinating information about hundreds of wild species together with thousands of superb images captured by top photographers.


You can view and search for species in various ways – for instance using their English names, their scientific names, or by genus or family. Our unique identification tools also help you to get to know new species. They make the task of discovering new species easy, fast and fun. Try one of these tools right right now! Identify species while on the go! NatureGate mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices. Our guide also includes recordings of birds’ calls and songs. Comprehensive information on nature in many languages NatureGate mainly works in eight languages. We also publish a free Finnish-language web magazine, featuring the latest news on the natural scene, longer articles and interviews, and news about our own work and events.

Earth has entered sixth mass extinction, warn scientists. “Species are disappearing up to about 100 times faster than the normal rate between mass extinctions, known as the background rate.

Earth has entered sixth mass extinction, warn scientists

“Our calculations very likely underestimate the severity of the extinction crisis. There are examples of species all over the world that are essentially the walking dead.” Humans were responsible for wiping out the dodo Using fossil records and extinction counts from a range of sources, the researchers calculated the normal ‘background rate’ of extinctions and compared it with a conservative estimate of current extinctions. Natural population changes in the wild usually lead to two species of mammals dying out every 10,000 years. And humans have been responsible for animal decline going much further back. It is likely that early humans were also responsible for wiping out the huge megafauna which used to live in Australia including a huge giant wombat a marsupial lion and a flesh-eating kangaroo.

A giant wombat which used to live in Australia. Renaud Margry. Kanzi, the Bonobo talks to reporters. 21 Photos Of Nature Winning The Battle Against Civilization. You might have to plant the flowers in your backyard to see some green action, but plants will grow from just about anywhere if you give them enough time.

21 Photos Of Nature Winning The Battle Against Civilization

If you abandoned your home today and returned many years later, you might find trees growing right out of your bedroom walls, and plants the size of beanstalks shooting straight up out of your floorboards. Plants are incredibly resilient, and can grow from the most unlikely places so long as they have a source of sun and water. These man-made objects, buildings, and entire cities are no match for the rapid growth of plant life. Check out these unbelievable photos of nature wining the battle against civilization. The Bicycle Tree This bicycle now permanently belongs to a tree on Vashion Island in Washington. Earth - Weird and wonderful photo quiz. It's the BBC Earth weird and wonderful photo quiz.

Earth - Weird and wonderful photo quiz

This is your chance to prove to yourself and others what you know about life on this planet. Guess what weird and wonderful things are in these 15 photos below. Make a note of how many you get right, and share your score with us on BBC Earth on Facebook and Twitter, using #EarthQuiz. Answers are below the images. No early peeking! We don't expect you get the exact species, but be honest with yourself about whether you were close.

Animation Shows 550 Million Years Of Human Evolution In Seconds. Grammarly - Photos du journal. The Problem: The Ocean Cleanup, developing technologies to extract, prevent a... The plastic pollution problem Millions of tons of plastic have entered the oceans (UNEP 2005)Plastic concentrates in five rotating currents, called gyres (Maximenko et al., 2012)In these gyres there is on average 6x more plastic than zooplankton by dry weight (Moore et al., 2001) Ecological effects At least one million seabirds, and one-hundred thousand marine mammals die each year due to plastic pollution (Laist, 1997)Lantern fish in the North Pacific Gyre eat up to 24,000 tons plastics per year (Davidson & Asch, 2011)The survival of many species, including the Hawaiian Monk Seal and Loggerhead Turtle, could be jeopardized by plastic debris (Derraik, 2002)Plastic pollution is a carrier of invasive species, threatening native ecosystems (Barnes, 2005) Economic effects Health effects.

The Problem: The Ocean Cleanup, developing technologies to extract, prevent a...