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The Screaming Sheep

The Screaming Sheep

E-mails from an Asshole Knowyourmeme : Yelling Goat About Yelling Goat is a video recording of a Peruvian goat repeatedly making a loud bleating noise that is reminiscent of a human yelling. Since going viral in August 2008, the video has been the subject of remixes and parodies, most notably music video mash-ups that combine the audio tracks of popular songs and yelling goats. Origin A video titled “Man Goat” was uploaded by YouTuber SmoothFeather on November 30th, 2007, featuring a goat repeatedly bleating while tied to a rope. Justin Mclennan came across this goat while hiking in Peru. The most viewed version of the video was re-uploaded by YouTuber latestvideoss on August 18th, 2008. Spread On May 20th, 2008, YouTuber SmoothFeather’s video was posted to the Internet humor site I Am Bored. On August 30th, 2010, YouTuber arjen92 uploaded a video featuring footage of the talk show host Oprah Winfrey introducing guests with clips of YouTuber SmoothFeather’s yelling goat interspersed throughout (shown below). Notable Examples Screaming Sheep

The Most Offensive Jokes Ever | Funny Lists What is the most offensive joke ever? Here are twenty answers to that question along with a little something extra at the end, in my list of the 20 funniest ever offensive jokes: (If you have ever been upset or offended by humor of any kind please do not read any further. This list includes racist jokes, sexist jokes, jokes about paedophilia etc). Q: What’s the difference between Santa Claus and a Jew? And here is a little something extra, cos you know I always like to go above and beyond – its a video of British comedian Jimmy Carr trying to find the most offensive joke ever based on the reaction of the audience. What is the most offensive joke ever?

