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Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress by MonsterInsights – WordPress plugin. Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress We believe that it’s easy to double your traffic and sales when you know exactly how people find and use your website.

Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress by MonsterInsights – WordPress plugin

MonsterInsights shows you the stats that matter, so you can grow your business with confidence. With over 2 million active installs, MonsterInsights is the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. At MonsterInsights, we make it “effortless” to properly connect your WordPress site with Google Analytics, so you can start making data-driven decisions to grow your business. Unlike other Google Analytics plugins, MonsterInsights allow you to enable all advanced Google analytics tracking features with just a few clicks (no need to hire a developer). The best part is that MonsterInsights comes with a Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress that shows you actionable analytics reports right inside your WordPress dashboard. We took the pain out of installing Google Analytics in WordPress and made it easy. It just works. Analytics Tools & Solutions for Your Business - Google Analytics.


SEO For Photographers: The Complete, Always-Updated Guide. In some cases you will find that there are no keywords that accurately describe what you do that people actually type into search engines. In these cases, I have two suggestions. 1. Focus On Branded Search Sometimes you’ll see that a specific photographer’s name is showing up with more volume than other keywords. This usually indicates that the photographer is so popular in this area that people know to search for them by name instead of searching for other photographers.

In these cases, Google often picks up on the fact that this brand is synonymous with “photographers in [city].” Unfortunately, this takes time to accomplish. 2. This isn’t actually an industry term… I just made it up. Basically, you have to intercept your customers by finding them where they ARE searching. So for example, maybe you find that less than 10 people per month are typing in “dog photographers in raleigh” and maybe 10-20 people per month are looking for “nc pet portraits.” Image Alt Text: What It Is, How to Write It, and Why It Matters to SEO. If you spend time optimizing your blog or website's content, headers, subheaders, and meta descriptions for search engines, the following image should alarm you: Today, Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) deliver just as many image results as they do text-based results.

Image Alt Text: What It Is, How to Write It, and Why It Matters to SEO

The screenshot above is the first SERP Google produces for the search term, "email newsletter design. " Notice how, in addition to the "Images" tab at the top, Google pulls in a substantial pack of clickable images to the beginning of the main results page -- before any organic text results are even visible. Despite your best SEO efforts, you could still be missing out on another source of organic traffic: your website's images. SEO Marketing. The TrackMaven Blog. Prove Your Impact: The 2017 Digital Marketing Analytics Performance Report Do you know how your social media, blog, public relations, and website performance compare against your industry average?

The TrackMaven Blog

TrackMaven’s 2017 Digital Marketing Analytics Performance Report provides these answers and more. Our latest research effort goes far beyond broad best practices by drilling down to industry-specific benchmarks for 13 industries and 39 sub-industries. Using our marketing analytics platform, we analyzed 12... Keep reading Kara Burney Ah, Twitter. The Marketer’s Guide to Twitter Analytics Ah, Twitter. Marketing campaign optimization is key for turning your strategy into a powerful marketing machine. Power Results-Driven Strategies With Marketing Campaign Optimization Marketing campaign optimization is key for turning your strategy into a powerful marketing machine. Member Area - ForegroundWeb. 20+ Metrics To Monitor And Optimize YOUR Social Marketing Success - Part 1. "Storybook Studios" - Page 1. What is the suppression list for? Think of it as a do-not-email list.

What is the suppression list for?

Every account has one and subscribers are typically added to the list because they have been unsubscribed, or emails sent to the email address have bounced. With these inactive subscribers recorded in your account as "suppressed" it helps to prevent any further emails being sent to them. This keeps list sizes in check and helps to protect your sender reputation.

On this page: How subscribers are added to the suppression list There are rules in place in your account to add subscribers to the list automatically, but you can also add people manually: Automatic Any subscriber who meets the following criteria is added to the suppression list automatically: They unsubscribe themselves using a form or unsubscribe link in an email. Manual Adding email addresses manually is good practice to ensure that people marked "do not email" in an external system – for example, a CRM tool – are not imported to a list accidentally. How the suppression list works.