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Pagerank Explained Correctly with Examples

Pagerank Explained Correctly with Examples
Copyright Ian Rogers, 2002 onwards NB. this page was originally hosted on until I shut that company and website down. And then on until I lost that domain to a domain grabber. So much for permanency on the Internet Introduction Page Rank is a topic much discussed by Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) experts. Clearly explain how PageRank is calculated.Go through every example in Chris' paper, and add some more of my own, showing the correct PageRank for each diagram. Any good web designer should take the time to fully understand how PageRank really works – if you don't then your site's layout could be seriously hurting your Google listings! How is PageRank Used? PageRank is one of the methods Google uses to determine a page's relevance or importance. We can't know the exact details of the scale because, as we'll see later, the maximum PR of all pages on the web changes every month when Google does its re-indexing! Guess 1

Strayer University Online SEO Resource Bubble Search engine optimization, aka S.E.O. is a development strategy that increases a websites standing with search engines using white hat or the dark art of black hat. SEO takes into account how a search engine algorithm functions, what keyword or phrase can bring visitors to the site, the demographic of the user performing the search and what type of search engine is being used in the query. Optimization occurs with a white hatby means of back linking, cross-linking, writing content that is original and relevant, social bookmarking, the proper use of meta tags, URL normalization, multi-browser compatibility, a fast load time and proper re-direction techniques. The dark Black Hat art involves the use of creepy hidden content, cowardly meta keyword stuffing, splinter in the doorway re-directs and underhanded link farming. The following SEO resources have been compiled from around the web and will be periodically updated. Publisher : Shaw Website Design Group | Genre : SEO | Location : Calgary

Blackboard Quiz Generator: A Service of Wytheville Community College Blackboard Quiz Generator A simpler, faster way to create Blackboard quizzes and tests! Example I want to create a multiple-choice series of questions. 1. etc. After you submit the form, you get a file generated for you that will import into Blackboard using the Pool Manager (available with Blackboard v4 and v5, but not at Try it out and create a quiz If you use this service a lot and you use the "Select Specific Questions from Pool" feature in Blackboard, you may find a couple of Assessment Helper Scripts I've written very helpful. David Carter-Tod Wytheville Community College

UX - UI Resource Bubble Welcome to Shaw Website Design Group's User Experience | UI Design Resource Bubble. From UI Tutorials to User Experience Blogs, Shaw has you covered. You will find that no matter what your skill level, our UX | UI bubbles will provide a wealth of resources to grab interest and guide your learning experience. At Shaw Website Design Group, we hope what we have put together allows you to float your curiosity and inflate your knowledge about User Experience | UI design. UX research allows your company to understand the market and your users in order to determine which features and functions are essential to the success of the website. You need to first think like your customer to be successful. Depending upon the size of the project and the budget set forward, you should: Hold a interview to understand the market and the requirements asked for. The UI Design process is a critical part of UX and must be thought out carefully. Learn about User Experience and UI Design using Resource Bubbles CMS Resource Bubble Welcome to Shaw Website Design Group's Content Management System - CMS Resource Bubbles. Here you will find that no matter what your skill level, our CMS bubbles will offer you a wealth of resources to seize your interest and guide your learning experience. At Shaw Website Design Group, we hope what we have gathered allows you to float your curiosity and inflate your knowledge about Content Management Systems. In Short, a Content Management Systems (CMS) allows you, who may not know Hypertext Markup Language , to engage in the creation, editing, publishing, revision and removal of content from a Web site. Content Management Systems allow individuals to upload or use in-house templates to change the current theme to suit the goals of the webmaster. Finally all Content Management Systems offer add-ons or plug-ins to enhance the development and user experience. The following Content Management System - CMS bubbles have been gathered from around the web and will be periodically updated.

Annenberg / CPB Select a program below, and click on the VoD icon to view it. If you cannot find the resource you are looking for in this list, check our discontinued series list for distributor contact information. Against All Odds: Inside Statistics Shows students the relevance of statistics in real-world settings. Algebra: In Simplest Terms A step-by-step look at algebra concepts. America's History in the Making Explore American history from the Pre-Columbian era through Reconstruction in this course for middle and high school teachers. American Cinema Over 150 Hollywood insiders document American culture through film. American Passages: A Literary Survey American literary movements and authors in the context of history and culture. The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High School Teachers Discover how the principles of good teaching are implemented in the visual and performing arts. Art of the Western World Art Through Time: A Global View Artifacts & Fiction: Workshop in American Literature

Retooling for Creative Curriculum Retooling for Creative Curriculum - Using Low Threshold Activities to Produce Best Practice Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Abstract: Will Rogers once said "When you are through changing, you are through." Production of educational multimedia is changing and faculty and support staff are having to change with it. This paper describes potential benefits for using multimedia and hypermedia, describes barriers that limited their use in the past, and briefly outlines current issues. The paper argues that there is an important future for educational multimedia, and new methods and software programs are available that will change how it's produced. In particular, the philosophy and strategy of Low Treshold Activities (LTAs) provides an important foundation for the retooling of creative curriculum. Multimedia, as a concept, has reached popular acceptance. Convincing faculty members that multimedia and/or hypermedia is a good idea for educational use is just the beginning. Fair Use

Reinventing class discussion online Web discussions are gaining popularity in academe as a way to spur intellectual exchange among students outside of regular class time. In fact, a recent survey by the Campus Computing Project finds at least a quarter of college courses have their own Web pages, many of them with discussion areas. But, as convenient as it is to log on any time and discuss the latest course reading with classmates, students often find that the online world doesn't prompt the same kind of bonding, camaraderie or even conflict that face-to-face discussions do. Students respond less directly to one another on the Web because they can't see each other. Often they throw out random, isolated thoughts, and the discussion founders. To make discussion more enticing and productive online, some psychology professors are developing ways to foster more bonding and social interaction over the Web. Forge social bonds The first step toward a productive Web discussion is "just to say who you are," says Bonk. Assign roles

Time management strategies for online teaching in a mixed-mode approach Time Saving Strategies and Tips for Instructors Using Online Discussion Forums (A practical guide under co-construction, April 2000) Introduction Students and instructors being able to write messages at any time of day or night when it's convenient appears to be one of the great benefits of going online for learning and teaching : I have found that the online mode takes just as much time as the face to face mode. When a campus-based classroom becomes network-enabled, discussion forums extend and strengthen the social interaction already occuring in that classroom. Such benefits, however, are accompanied by time requirements. Management of online activities has become an ever increasing task and the more tools we have it seems the more work we need to do as instructors. Instructor cannot ignore their own learning curve in the use of an online platform such as Virtual-U or another. Getting started A few years ago, the learning curve was steep for one wanting to learn or teach online. 1. :: Home
