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Make the Web Faster

Make the Web Faster

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What Your Website Needs for 2015 The best way to guarantee a prosperous new year is an up-to-date company website. This article describes a few of the most important features your site needs going into 2015. Responsive Website Design Responsive design allows your website to automatically adjust for optimal viewing on desktops, tablets and smartphones. With so many people using mobile devices for Internet access, responsive design has quickly moved from a luxury item to a must-have feature. The best approach to responsive Web design is to start by designing for the smartphone and working “backwards” to the desktop monitor. 5 Free tools for testing your website’s speed online 5 Free tools for testing your website’s speed 5 (100%) 7 votes Today’s internet world “speed” always has been and always will be important in terms of web development and web design. website’s speed is a very important role in website’s success. Even google has its own set of tools that users like you and me, can use to improve the website speed.

  Tools for Web Developers   Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO and more. You can run Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools, from the command line, or as a Node module. The Ultimate Guide - How To Start a Blog That Makes Money In the 1990′s people started creating online diaries. They were given the title of “web logs”. Popular myth has it that it became “we blog” and the “we” got dropped for the sake of language expediency. The word “blog” then emerged from the mist of vernacular evolution. That’s the opening story on the emergence of the blog word!

What is Minification? – Writings of a Page Load Speed Geek What is Minification? Minification, which is also known as minimisation or minimization, removes unnecessary characters from source code in computer programming languages such as JavaScript. This removal does not alter the functionality of the code. Examples of unnecessary characters are white spaces, new line characters, block delimiters (used to make the code more readable but not required for the computer’s use), and comments. Removing these reduces the amount of data the computer must transfer, and it may also be used as obfuscation — which is not to be confused with false cryptography. Minified code can be reversed with a pretty-printer, unlike the false cryptography.

The Complete Flat Website Design Guide Flat website design is steadily becoming popular replacing the commonly known intricate designs that are dominated by drop shadows, gradients and brushes. Flat websites is the new trend with a rising design style that incorporates flat shapes and icons. A flat design basically revolves around the use of triangles, circles, rectangles and other shapes without the need to use other design elements like gradients, strokes or shadows as seen on Microsoft’s most-recent computer operating system Windows 8. Creating a maintenance page for your site - RimuHosting Inspired by "bob's tech ramblings". Sometimes we just need a simple maintenance page that can be displayed on the site while backend changes or other sysadmin functions are being performed. There are a few ways you can do that. Some are described here. Design a maintenance page

Why I Love Pingdom Tools – Writings of a Page Load Speed Geek Pingdom tools is an incredibly handy web site that provides what would normally be an entire suite of website speed testing tools in a simple, elegant, easy-to-use package. Loading speed is an inescapable fact of life for web designers. When a user goes to a web page, they expect to access it quickly, and if they have to wait for even a short amount of time they’re probably going to move on.

Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design Introduction We're going to walk through how to create an adaptive web experience that's designed mobile-first. This article and demo will go over the following: There is even more up to date responsive guidance on our new Web Fundamentals site. How we make RWD sites load fast as heck Posted by Scott on 07/30/2014 There has been a lot of discussion about optimizing responsive layouts for performance lately, and I think that’s great. Speed broadens access and makes users happy, much like responsive design.

SquidFaq/ReverseProxy What is the Reverse Proxy (httpd-accelerator) mode? Occasionally people have trouble understanding accelerators and proxy caches, usually resulting from mixed up interpretations of "incoming" and "outgoing" data. I think in terms of requests (i.e., an outgoing request is from the local site out to the big bad Internet). The data received in reply is incoming, of course. Others think in the opposite sense of "a request for incoming data".
