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Sona Build Guide. Introduction Hey, this is my build for Sona. there are subs for items in this build, such as getting a soul stealer early on or getting the sheen and lichbane earlier but it all matters on what kind of player you are.

Sona Build Guide

If you know your a aggressive player you may want to get the ss but this is my preference. Enjoy. And please don't down vote just for ss or you're preference. Personally i dont need the lichbane at this point, tried it but i still prefer this build. Runes The reason i get crit runes is at the time i only had crit runes and cd runes but always i get lucky crits on the final attack on champions allowing me to get the final kill. power cord + crit = final kill. and the cd runes are for more heals in team battles. Masteries 9-0-21 The obvious and only build for a ap Sona. and the flash mastery and teleport. Items If your a aggressive player you may want to get the soul stealer but this is my preference.

Skill Sequence Also an obvious choice for a ap Sona. Summoner Spells Summary End. Maokai Build Guide. Skill Sequence Sapling Toss - This is your bread and butter for early game harassing and farming.

Maokai Build Guide

With the combination of Caster Masteries + Seals + Clarity, you can pretty much spam this and never OOM. You should constantly be attempting to harass enemy champions with this skill. However, you only need 2 points in this early game to farm/harass effectively. Don't aim straight for the champion, aim just behind them. Twisted Advance - Beyond the initial point in Toss and an off-point in Smash, I max Advance first. Arcane Smash - I primarily use this to farm, or optimize damage output on Maoki's 4 spell non-team fight combo. Vengeful Maelstrom - Your ult.. which you should have down EVERY time you are fighting. Items The MOST POWERFUL ITEM in the game, that nets more kills than any other item and saves more lives than any other item in League of Legends is - Sight Ward There are many times that you will back to base to purchase the items suggested below and will have extra gold leftover. Ashe Build Guide. Patch Notes The guide is up to date for patch Changelog February 11, 2010 Added Cleanse as viable Summoner Spell, and tweaked the Bishop Build.

Ashe Build Guide

February 10, 2011 Guide posted to Mobafire. Original guide can also be found on Riot's Forums HERE How to use this Guide The 4 available builds are shown at the top. Queen - Rook - Knight - Bishop - Pawn To see the tactics and strategies associated with each of these builds, check out the sections for each build near the end of the guide. Queen Ashe In almost every video game I've ever played, I almost always play the role of a ranged damage dealer. After many, many games, I began to realize that Ashe is very similar to the queen in the board game Chess. My favorite build for this guide is called "The Queen Build", and can be found near the end of the guide. Long live the Queen! SWOT Analysis I would like to introduce you to a very popular business strategic planning tool known as a SWOT analysis. Ashe's Positions Ashe's Roles Summoner Spells. Leona Build Guide. Introduction Hey there.

Leona Build Guide

I'm happy you just found my guide about Leona. She is a pretty new champion but this doesn't mean Leona is just new. She is very similar to Jarvan. As I'm a confident Jarvan player I just tried to play Leona as I do with Jarvan. Best of 30 Days Thank you all. Who is Leona? Again: Before playing any champion you should answer this final question. Leona is a tank, who can be played as fulltank or offtank. CDR/Tank: The Way of the Stunning Tankdiffculty -> medium to hardvery tankeven more CC Fulltank: The Way of the Unstoppable Tank difficulty -> easyalmost immortalno serious damagea lot CC Offtank/Tank: The way of the Tanky Threat difficulty -> mediumpretty tankydeals serious damagea lot CC Offtank/CDR: The Way of the Stunning Threat difficulty -> medium to hardstill tankydeals serious damageeven more CC What about AP Leona?

I want to show ways for all four paths. To sum that up: Leona is a great tank with a lot of CC and a decent amount of damage. Runes Runes cost IP. And. League of Legends Strategy Build Guides.