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Nature of Apologetics

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Creation. 3. A Brief History of Apologetics. While apologies or defenses of the Christian faith go all the way back to the first century, the formal science of apologetics is a more recent development.

3. A Brief History of Apologetics

In this chapter we will survey the history of apologetics in three stages. First, we will discuss in some detail apologetics in the New Testament itself. Second, we will give detailed attention to the thought of the leading apologists prior to the Reformation, notably Augustine, Anselm, and Thomas Aquinas. Third, we will present a more cursory overview of apologetics from the Reformation to the present.1 In later chapters we will consider the apologetic thought of several modern Christian thinkers in more detail.

Apologetics in the New Testament Apologetics in Luke-Acts Throughout the speech Paul speaks biblical truth but uses Stoic terms and argues in Stoic fashion, even quoting a Stoic poet in support of his argument (verses 24-29). How Do I Talk with Someone Whose Worldview Opposes My Own? This week on Thursday is for Thinkers, Dr.

How Do I Talk with Someone Whose Worldview Opposes My Own?

Toby Jennings explores the biblical ways to talk with someone with an opposing worldview. | Ed Stetzer Everyone has a worldview with either more or less ingrained foundational principles. Before evaluating any issue, therefore, the question is: Is one's worldview—one's reasoning of everything—grounded in divine revelation, or in self-preservation and self-interest? Is one's worldview—one's reasoning of everything—grounded in divine revelation, or in self-preservation and self-interest? Simply telling someone who doesn't follow Jesus Christ that he or she is wrong and you disagree with his or her conclusions will usually only spark an unresolvable debate (not because the issue is unresolvable, but because the darkened anti-God, self-preserving mind will always ultimately reject holiness [Rom 8.7-8; Titus 1.15-16]).

What one person advocates will inescapably affect the community, despite the denial of the naïve. Apologetics Press. 65 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Parent Needs to Learn to Answer. Updated Note (4/14): Due to the popularity of this post and questions I’ve received, I wanted to clarify that I am answering each of these questions on my blog this year.

65 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Parent Needs to Learn to Answer

As I add posts that answer the questions, I’ll hyperlink the questions below to those answers. If you want to be sure to see each post, please sign up to receive my blog via email (see bottom of the post or the right sidebar). I’m aiming to write every other post this year as an answer to one of these questions. The other posts will continue to be about topics relevant to intentional Christian parenting. Thanks for reading! In prior posts, I’ve talked about why parents have to care about apologetics (the reasoned defense of Christianity) and I’ve shared resources for getting started with apologetics.

That’s the purpose of this post. I want to give you a very specific list of 65 apologetics questions every Christian parent needs to learn to answer and discuss with their kids (in age appropriate ways). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Apologetics. Is There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible? The reliable Gospel eyewitness accounts aren’t the only ancient description of Jesus.

Is There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible?

There are also non-Christian descriptions of Jesus from the late 1st to 5th Century. What do the non-Biblical accounts say about Jesus and how are we to assess them? It’s been my experience that two people can examine the same event (or even the same historical character) and disagree about what they have seen. Many years ago President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, and the entire event was captured on video tape. Hostile Non-Biblical Pagan Accounts There are a number of ancient classical accounts of Jesus from pagan, non-Christian sources. Thallus (52AD) Thallus is perhaps the earliest secular writer to mention Jesus and he is so ancient his writings don’t even exist anymore. “On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down.

“Now around this time lived Jesus, a wise man.