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Make a Snowman!

Make a Snowman!

Santa Claus Facts, Origins, Christmas celebration in different countries, and fun Tidbits In the United States and Canada, his name is Santa Claus. In China, he is called Shengdan Laoren. In England, his name is Father Christmas, where he has a longer coat and a longer beard. In France, he's known as Pere Noel. In Germany, children get presents from Christindl, the Christ Child. Customs of the Christmas Season in Spanish speaking countries have many similarities, and many variations. In Costa Rica, Colombia, and parts of Mexico, the gift bearer is el Niño Jesus, “the infant Jesus.” In Puerto Rico, children receive gifts from the Three Kings on January 6th, also called the celebration of Epiphany, the 3 Kings' Day. Epiphany remains a part of the holiday season in Puerto Rico and is a day off from school. However, the celebration of Epiphany is not just in Puerto Rico. In Italy Babbo Natale, which means Father Christmas, is Santa. In Morocco he is known as Black Peter In Japan, Santa Claus is called Santa Claus or just “Santa”. In the Netherlands, he is called Kerstman.

La ruota del tempo Raccolta di applicazioni destinate agli alunni delle prime classi della scuola primaria, per il rinforzo degli apprendimenti relativi al tempo, inteso sia come successione lineae che come ritorno ciclico. Ogni applicazione è accompagnata da una scheda con le indicazioni didattiche che può essere scaricata come documento a parte, oppure può essere letta in sintesi all'interno del programma stesso. Se si incontrano problemi nella installazione delle applicazioni, è necessario installare a parte: 1. le librerie di VB 4 (si tratta di un file eseguibile che una volta scaricato deve essere "lanciato"); 2. il componente aggiuntivo Anibtn32.ocx (una volta scaricato e decompresso, questo componente va inserito nella cartella C:/Windows/System32 del proprio pc).

English Christmas Traditions - Lovely Christmas (UK) Author: Jan De Ryck - Updated: 19 October 2011| Comment Christmas traditions in England stem from the many and varied parts or our history. England is an old country and has a long, mixed heritage. England is renowned as a sea faring nation and over the years has brought back to its shores, customs and goods from all over the world. The English had many festivals during the winter, way before the birth of Jesus and some of our (now) Christmas traditions even go back to that time. Christmas Cards The Christmas craze begins weeks before, when Christmas cards are sent off to relatives, friends, loved ones and business contacts. The Nativity Play Another eagerly awaited event in the run-up to Christmas is the nativity play: each year hundreds of thousands of school children act out the story from the Bible about the birth of Christ. The Christmas Pantomime The Christmas Tree Not the oldest of traditions, the Christmas tree may have originated in Germany, but it is very popular in England, too.

storia per bambini delle scuole elementari Ordina le scene1 Scrivi i numeri da 1 a 6 sotto le scene di questo racconto in disordine, mettendole in ordine dalla prima all'ultima, e poi clicca su VALIDER per vedere se hai fatto tutto giusto e giocare con un'altra storia. Ordina le scene 2 Ordina le scene 3 Ordina le scene4 Ordina le scene5 Costruisci l'orologio Metti al posto giusto le ore e le lancette L'ora esatta Aspetta che le lancette si fermino e clicca sull'ora esatta. Impara le ore Trascina l'ora esatta sotto gli orologi. L'orologio Guarda le lancette e scrivi l'ora esatta. L'orologio 2 Un altro bellissimo gioco per imparare a leggere l'ora. I mesi Un gioco in cui devi ordinare i mesi I mesi 2 Devi abbinare al mese il numero corrispondente I mesi 3 Devi completare la sequenza dei mesi I mesi 4 Devi scrivere quanti giorni hanno i mesi I mesi 5 Trascina i nomi dei mesi sotto il giusto numero di giorni che contengono I mesi dell'anno quiz Rispondi alle domande sui mesi I giorni della settimana I giorni della settimana 2 Fumetti animati sull'evoluzione

Crew's Nest Holidays & Celebrations Hello, and welcome to Holidays & Celebrations Christmas. We hope you enjoy your visit and see something which makes you smile. We wish each and every one a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! There are 26 days until Christmas! Museo Veneto del Giocattolo | la più ampia collezione di giocattoli antichi nel Veneto Christmas Traditions Find information about customs for the Christmas season, including trees, Santa Claus, holly, mistletoe, and more by David Johnson Christmas Tree The practice of tree worship has been found in many ancient cultures. Often, trees were brought indoors and decorated to ensure a good crop for the coming year. The modern Christmas tree was likely born in the 8th century, when St. Prince Albert, who was German, introduced the Christmas tree to England after his marriage to Queen Victoria in 1840. Mistletoe The Druids believed mistletoe fell from heaven and grew onto a tree that sprang from Earth. Santa Claus Patron saint of children and sailors, Saint Nicholas was a 4th-century bishop from Asia Minor. Kriss Kringle, another name for Santa Claus, developed in Germany around 1600. In the Netherlands and Germany, the Santa Claus figure often rode through the sky on a horse to deliver presents to children. Read Names for Santa Around the World Holly Yule Log Candy Canes Christmas Cards

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