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Tumblr Numbers: The Rapid Rise of Social Blogging [INFOGRAPHIC] The Social Media Infographics Series is supported by Vocus' Social Media Strategy Tool, a free, six-step online tool that lets you build a custom social media framework tailored to your organization’s goals.

Tumblr Numbers: The Rapid Rise of Social Blogging [INFOGRAPHIC]

In four short years, Tumblr has grown from relative obscurity to start-up darling to international microblogging network. The platform has grown a staggering 900% in the past year and eclipsed platform competitor WordPress, largely due to its global reach and brand-building potential. Those under Tumblr’s influence are fiercely loyal — with 2% of users making up 43% of total visits — and they log in from all over the world. Take a look behind the scenes at Tumblr’s influence on the web, including top tags and fun facts, in this handy infographic. 2% Of Tumblr's Users Account For 43% Of Its Visits. Tumblr Unveils Leader Board & Topic Navigation. Tumblr, one of if not the largest blogging and curation platform on the web, today launched a new way to explore content by topic and discover the most popular Tumblr users on the hot topics of the day.

Tumblr Unveils Leader Board & Topic Navigation

Called Tumblr Explore, the feature is intended to make the huge quantity of content on the site easier to navigate and new content easier to discover. The company also framed the feature in its announcement as a way for users to get more readers on their own blogs. Who's the hottest Tumblr on the topic of food right now, for example? (Founder Stories) David Karp: “Making Money Off Tumblr Would Be Incredibly Easy”

It’s a common criticism of popular Web services that don’t yet make a lot of money: Where’s the business model?

(Founder Stories) David Karp: “Making Money Off Tumblr Would Be Incredibly Easy”

That criticism has certainly been lobbed at Tumblr, the short-burst publishing platform all the kids are flocking to these days. Tumblr generates billions of pageviews across its networks and is growing at more than 250 million pageviews per week. “Making money off of Tumblr would be incredibly easy,” CEO David Karp tells Chris Dixon in the Founder Stories video above. Self Expression Matters. Erick at Techcrunch sent me this chart yesterday and asked me why Tumblr was growing so fast.

Self Expression Matters

I guess it was related to this post he wrote about Tumblr yesterday. I told him I had no idea but I could make an observation. My daughter came home from college on thursday night and showed me all of her friend's Tumblrs. All the cool kids have them at her school now. Why All The Interest In Tumblr? Try 1,540 Percent Pageview Growth. Tumblr is attracting a lot of attention right now There is talk of a big funding round in the works and it is making significant hires.

Why All The Interest In Tumblr? Try 1,540 Percent Pageview Growth

Why all the interest? Sometime last June, blogging service Tumblr hit an inflection point. It’s visitors and pageviews just took off. According to comScore, Tumblr served up 1.2 billion pageviews in the U.S. in October, up a mind-boggling 1,540 percent from the year before (see chart above). Unique visitors from the U.S. hit 6 million, up 150 percent (see chart below). But something definitely started to click this summer. As Funding Talk Swirls, Tumblr Lands A Director Of Product. Tumblr Lands "Very Big And Competitive" Round From Sequoia. Tumblr Leaves Posterous in the Dust. One of the more interesting startup battles in recent times has been Tumblr vs.

Tumblr Leaves Posterous in the Dust

Posterous, two light blogging services that make it easy for anyone to publish 'found' things very quickly and at the click of a button. Tumblr was the first kid on the block, but over the past year Posterous has tried to take users away from Tumblr with arguably better features and aggressive marketing. Blog platform Tumblr’s soaring traffic brings growing pains. Tumblr. Tumblr, one of the simplest blogging platforms around, is doing really well.


Situated between WordPress, which requires a bit more effort to create and organize content, and Twitter, which requires almost no effort but also doesn't offer many features, Tumblr is the perfect tool for users who want to have a blog with photos, videos and other content embedded, but simply haven't got the time or the will to struggle with a complex blogging platform. How is this working out for the company? Well, according to the neat infographic which it's sent us (see below), its traffic and user base is growing fast, and it has recently hit some major milestones. Compared to Twitter, Tumblr is still a small dot on the radar, but it's definitely growing fast enough to make an impact. The Tumblr team isn't slacking on the features, either; they recently added the option to add static pages to your blog, as well as dead simple, direct video uploads.

Traditional Media Outlets Flocking to Tumblr. Traditional media's first major adoption of Web 2.0 came with Facebook, as outlets syndicated their content on the popular social network by way of fan pages and official accounts.

Traditional Media Outlets Flocking to Tumblr

Then, Twitter went mainstream as writers, editors and the media organizations themselves signed up, sent out links, and chatted about related topics in 140 character bursts. Now it seems traditional media outlets are flocking to another service - one that is almost a hybrid of the others, allowing for short-form posts, but with richer format. Tumblr Is On Fire. Now Over 6 Million Users, 1.5 Billion Pageviews A Month. One year ago, in July 2009, Tumblr was going strong.

Tumblr Is On Fire. Now Over 6 Million Users, 1.5 Billion Pageviews A Month

They had 255 million pageviews that month. By November of last year, that was up to 420 million pageviews. But some new stats which Tumblr is releasing today show an explosion in growth since then. Tumblr is now at 1.5 billion pageviews a month — their Quantcast data confirms this. For the first time, Tumblr is now a top 50 site in the U.S. in terms of traffic as gauged by Quantcast.