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David karp. Tumblr 'truly disappointed by Twitter's decision' to block friend-finding on the blogging service. Tumblr is the latest company to respond to the strict guidelines found in Twitter's new API terms. As spotted by Matt Buchanan, the site just abruptly removed Twitter from its "Find people you know" section, which previously scanned your Facebook, Gmail, and Twitter friends/contacts, matching them with users on the Tumblr microblogging platform.

Now only the former two services remain. Instagram was forced to take similar action last month, axing Twitter from its own friend-finding capabilities after the massively popular photo app was blocked from utilizing the necessary APIs. Neither company has explained the reasons behind this most recent change, but the timing certainly suggests a direct link to new policies that dramatically alter how third parties can interact with the Twitter service.

To our dismay, Twitter has restricted our users’ ability to "Find Twitter Friends" on Tumblr. [#DIGART] 10 New Media Tumblrs To Follow Religiously. This week we’re exploring the Digital Arts Market (or lack thereof). We’re asking the tough questions: What will it take for a sustainable digital arts market to form? Is that even a possibility? Can the digital arts make money? And will they ever be incorporated into the contemporary arts dialogue? We invite you to participate in the discussion in the comments section, on your own blog (send us the link!) , and on Facebook and Twitter (#DIGART). Let’s get the conversation started! Even for those of us who spend the majority of our days hunting around the strange corners of the internet, it can still hold plenty of surprises.

Phone Arts Phone Arts is a Tumblr run by internet artist Michael Manning that collects original images usable as phone backgrounds. Kim Asendorf The New Aesthetic RGB+D is a blog focusing on the 3D-imaging work of technology artist James George and photographer Alexander Porter (the “D” stands for “depth”). OKFocus Notes on a New Nature Year of the Glitch Hypergeography. Why We Are On Tumblr. We recently launched our Marketing Land and Search Engine Land accounts on Tumblr. We’ve been quietly developing them this month, familiarizing ourselves with the platform in terms of how to post, what to post, who to follow and ultimately defining why we should be there in the first place. If you’ve been thinking the same, perhaps our story will be of interest. Why Tumblr? Here’s a response to launching our accounts after we announced them on Facebook: If we attract 12 year-olds to the world of search or internet marketing, that’s not a bad thing.

So what is our social strategy in the move, as someone asked us today on Tumblr itself: Our response: That’s an excellent question, which we plan to address in a post on our Marketing Land site. Brands Should Be Where The People Are In other words, as responsible tech news brands, we really should be on there. Don’t trust Alexa rankings? Getting To Know Tumblr When we decided to claim the Marketing Land brand, we initially had a hard time. Tumblr Is Not What You Think. Editor’s note: Adam Rifkin is co-founder and CEO of PandaWhale, an online network of interesting things and people.

You can follow him on Twitter @ifindkarma. Pop quiz: what is the favorite social networking site of Americans under age 25? If you guessed Facebook you are way behind the eight-ball, because Tumblr now enjoys more regular visits from the youth of America. That figure struck me while reading Garry Tan’s January 2013 survey and I wondered why? What are the young and restless doing on Tumblr all day? For a long time, I thought of Tumblr as topic-based image blogging: In other words, self-expression through collecting pictures of a particular type of thing.

ALL WRONG. Tumblr actually became huge because it is the anti-blog. But Tumblr does not conform to this calculus, and the reason is that a large percentage of Tumblr users actually don’t WANT an audience. Most Tumblr content falls into three categories: Does this sound familar? [Image via] A New Policy Against Self-Harm Blogs | Tumblr Staff.

Follow-up: Tumblr’s New Policy Against Pro-Self-Harm Blogs | Tumblr Staff. Tumblr Office Tour. Daniel Goodman / Business Insider Here is the office of Tumblr, the super fast growing blogging platform that may be inspiring Facebook and has big plans for the future. We had to see where the magic happens. The Tumblr office is on E 21 St. and that building in the background is actually home to Business Insider. Tumblr splits its office between two floors. The top one is where most of the staff works. Of course, a big logo on entry. There is a book case on entry and the home of their 11-year-old Pomeranian Tommy. Once you get into the back there is a pretty good view of the whole office. There are balloons at each section of desks.

Andrew Greene, 29, from New Jersey, is a Product Engineer at Tumblr and is working on improving the spam filters. Next we head over to the big hanging dice. The designers sit here and they have another great view of the office. Zack Sultan, 26, from Berkeley, CA, is using a cool pad for a mouse and for drawing designs. These Tumblr mugs are all around the office.

Tumblr Takes Fight Against SOPA Up A Notch, ‘Censors’ User Dashboards. Congress is in the process of kneecapping the web as we know it with a House bill called the Stop Online Piracy Act (a similar bill, called the Protect IP Act, is in the Senate). In a misguided attempt to curb piracy on the web, the bills would introduce website blocking at the DNS level, among other things, in a way that would effectively amount to censorship. And they could have disastrous implications. The threat is so serious that many of the web’s largest companies, including AOL, eBay, Facebook, LinkedIn, Mozilla, Twitter, Yahoo, and Zynga sent a joint letter to Congress over the issue. A congressional hearing being held today has prompted many sites to add a ‘Stop Censorship’ banner on top of their logos (you can get one here). And now some other services are taking even more drastic measures. Head to Tumblr right now and log into your Dashboard.

Millions upon millions of users will doubtless run into these blocks of censored text without any idea as to what is going on. Community Managers At The Hottest Startups. Tumblr Talking To Top VCs About An $800 Million+ Valuation. Tumblr rolling towards hitting 10 billionth post soon. Although it easily could have turned into a random social media site lost among a sea of similar speedy blogging platforms that have emerged in the last year, Tumblr hasn't tumbled. In fact, Tumblr is nearing the 10 billionth-post mark as it now retains almost 28 million blogs and sees over 37 million posts a day.

Take a look at exact metrics current as of 10:25AM PT on Friday, September 2: Royal Pingdom has worked out a number of time units in which 37.5 million posts can break down to from as low as a second and then back up to a year. The web monitoring site also predicts that Tumblr will surpass 10 billion posts within a week and then 20 billion in nine months should it stay on this growth rate. Tumblr's growth has accelerated incredibly even just in the last few months. The Next Web reports that Tumblr had racked up over 5 billion posts and approximately 17.5 million blogs by May 1, 2011. Tumblr fits in somewhere between WordPress and Twitter among the major social blogging sites.

Tumblr Hits 20 Billion Total Posts. Tumblr has hit a major milestone — 20 billion posts — a huge increase from the 12 billion posts figure it reached in November. "Forgot to make a big deal of this earlier, but Tumblr crossed the 20-billion-post mark Monday night," said a tweet from the official Tumblr account, with a link to Tumblr's About page, which sports a counter showing the total number of Tumblr posts. Currently, the number sits at more than 20 billion posts, 51 million of which were created today. Tumblr currently has more than 49.7 million total blogs and is due to hit the 50 million milestone any day now.

The rapid rise of Tumblr in the past year has been nothing short of amazing. In June 2011, Tumblr announced it had more blogs than — more than 20 million. For comparison, WordPress powers more than 72 million blogs, about half of which are hosted on SEE ALSO: Tumblr Hits 15 Billion Monthly Pageviews. Tumblr Numbers: The Rapid Rise of Social Blogging [INFOGRAPHIC] The Social Media Infographics Series is supported by Vocus' Social Media Strategy Tool, a free, six-step online tool that lets you build a custom social media framework tailored to your organization’s goals. In four short years, Tumblr has grown from relative obscurity to start-up darling to international microblogging network. The platform has grown a staggering 900% in the past year and eclipsed platform competitor WordPress, largely due to its global reach and brand-building potential. Those under Tumblr’s influence are fiercely loyal — with 2% of users making up 43% of total visits — and they log in from all over the world.

Take a look behind the scenes at Tumblr’s influence on the web, including top tags and fun facts, in this handy infographic. Infographic designed by Emily Caufield. Series supported by Vocus This series is supported by Vocus' Social Media Strategy Tool, a free online tool which lets you build your own custom social media framework in six easy steps. Tumblr Now Has More Blogs Than According to their respective websites, 4-year-old microblogging platform Tumblr now hosts more blogs than 8-year-old

In January, Tumblr had more than 7 million individual blogs. At the time of this writing, the total blog ticker on its site read about three times that at 20,873,182 — beating out's current count by about 85,000 blogs.'s count doesn't include sites that people host themselves with the open source software via, but given that the hosted service had about a four-year headstart, surpassing it in number is still an impressive feat for Tumblr. Clearly a flood of individuals have been signing up for Tumblr lately. But top companies in entertainment and news and fashion have also recently launched Tumblr blogs. Web : Tumblr, un «Twitter» multimédia, lève 30 millions de dollars. «One more thing… une dernière chose…» C'est avec cette réplique, désormais culte, que Steve Jobs a coutume d'introduire la dernière invention d'Apple lors de ses présentations.

Signe de l'importance de son annonce, c'est aussi la formule choisie par David Karp, le fondateur de la start-up new-yorkaise Tumblr, pour révéler en bas d'une note de blog l'entrée d'un nouvel actionnaire à sa table. Le fonds d'investissement Sequoia Capital, qui s'est illustré dans le passé en misant sur Google, Yahoo!

, PayPal, YouTube ou encore Zappos, a injecté un montant estimé à 30 millions de dollars dans Tumblr. L'investissement valorise la société à 135 millions de dollars et amène à 40,3 millions de dollars les fonds levés par Tumblr depuis sa création. Ses autres actionnaires sont les fonds Spark Capital et Union Square Ventures. Comme Twitter, Tumblr est une plate-forme de microblogging, mais étendue au multimédia. ­ «Une année incroyable» Tumblr: A Growing Search Acquisition Opportunity for Brands. While search engine result pages (SERPs) may be constantly evolving, one facet of search that has withstood the test of time is basic acquisition strategy. Most marketers understand that if you control as much premium space on Page 1 as possible that the users will inevitably follow.

This concept of SERP control strategy is one that has been referred to as the Digital Shelf strategy. It is an analogy to the shelves in the grocery aisle – just as CPG retailers position themselves as efficiently and effectively as possible on the shelves at the grocery store, so do online marketers on SERPs. Eye level grocery position is the same as Page 1/Position 1; it inherently has more value than the bottom shelf. Odds are good that you will sell more items from that position than you will from the knee level shelf (say Page 1/Position 8). Tumblr’s Showing Outsized Growth and Potential as Marketing Channel Much of this growth has been like other social networks, driven by mainstream Internet users. "Tumblr" now a more popular Google search than "blog"

“Tumblr” has officially surpassed “blog” as one of the most searched terms on Google. Tumblr overtook blog in December for the first time since the microblog network was started in February 2007, tweeted Laura Olin, a social media director. According to Google's search stats, the word “blog” has been on a decline since May 2009, which is around the same time Twitter became the third highest ranked social network according to visits. (Tumblr was not ranked in the top 25 at this time.) The decline of the traditional blog was foreshadowed in June 2009 by The Guardian's Charles Arthur in a story aptly titled "The Long Tail of Blogging Is Dying. " "Writing a blog post is a lot harder than posting a status update, putting a funny link on someone's Wall, or tweeting," Arthur wrote.

"People are still reading blogs, and other content. The word blog was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999. Illustration by Jason Reed. Staff - 100 million. Comment devenir Mister Tumbler man. Avec 4 milliards de pages vues fin 2010, le service de blog aux fonctionnalités sociales a explosé dans le monde entier. Dirigé par un Américain de 24 ans, la start-up au nom imprononçable a levé 30 millions de dollars et lancé une version française en février. Comment ne pas se planter? 1 Suivez Sur Tumblr – dérivé du verbe anglais to tumble, «tomber sur» – il faut suivre d'autres blogs, comme vos abonnements sur Twitter. A ne pas manquer: les médias (The Guardian, 20 Minutes), les célèbres blogs « fuckyeah», ces tumblr dédiés à un unique thème (,, l' qui réunit tous les tumblr francophones, le très respecté «Dailywhat» pour ses bons liens Web et Lol, mais aussi Valérie Lemercier, Katy Perry… 2 Postez léger Tumblr est une plateforme de blog ultrasimple (votre grand-mère peut en ouvrir un). 5 Veillez sans vous fatiguer Tumblr réunit énormément d'informations et devient presque une bibliothèque de la culture Web.

[CM] Tumblr : guide d’utilisation dans un usage professionnel. Magazine Editors Are 100% Sure Tumblrs Are Driving Subscriptions, But They Can't Prove It.