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The world we live in

The world we live in
the world we live in Loading… by Arkadiusz Jankowski (via The Planet on Photography Served) Man in field with cattle (by World Bank Photo Collection) Flickr / worldbank DSC_0217 (by DemA.LPhotos) | Tumblr Flickr / demalphotos A rural road (by World Bank Photo Collection) Flickr / worldbank Portrait of woman wearing jewels. Flickr / worldbank Tilling rice paddies with water buffaloes (by World Bank Photo Collection) Flickr / worldbank Do What You Must Do to Find Yourself (by Thomas Hawk) Flickr / thomashawk Eiffel Tower, Paris (by Duane Storey) Flickr / duanestorey Steps.jpg (by Duane Storey) Flickr / duanestorey And So Begins the Night (by Thomas Hawk) Flickr / thomashawk Photograph by Christian Heeb, laif/Redux (via Best Trips 2013 — National Geographic) National Geographic From the Bridge (by Stuck in Customs) Flickr / stuckincustoms Photograph by Daniela Dirscherl National Geographic TonleBati_16 (by Mondayne) Flickr / mondayne Scaffold theme by Mike Harding.

Species Profiles Birds Mammals Plants Reptiles Jiggly Jellyfish from Dazzling to Deadly (72 Splendid Photos) Jellyfish go with flow and have drifted along on ocean currents for millions of years, even before dinosaurs lived on the Earth. Few marine creatures are as mysterious and intimidating as jellyfish. Though easily recognized, these animals are often misunderstood. Inside the bell or umbrella-shaped body is the mouth opening and jellyfish tentacles hang down from gelatinous bodies. If there are aliens on our planet, it might be NOAA, and not NASA, to discover that in the unexplored depths of our oceans . . . this summer one leading British space scientists claimed aliens do exist and they look similar to huge jellyfish. This is a “Mauve Stinger” in Australia, but the most feared jellyfish in Australian waters is the box jellyfish. The National Science Foundation funds and manages the U.S. Crown Jellyfish “are distinguished from other jellyfish by the presence of a deep groove running around the umbrella, giving them the crown shape from which they take their name. “Dance in light.”

Pacific Island National Parks Eventos CFMAB LES 100 PLUS BEAUX VILLAGES DE FRANCE (1ère PARTIE) - VICTOR ASSOCIATION Avec le Canigou pour toile de fond, Castelnou se découvre dans un cadre magnifique. Dominé par un château du Xe siècle, le village des Pyrénées-Orientales n'est qu'à une vingtaine de kilomètres de Perpignan. © Roland Courtin Installé sur le littoral de la Manche, Barfleur s'ouvre sur un port où se mêlent les activités de pêche et de plaisance. Laissez-vous séduire par ses maisons de granit, son sémaphore et le phare de Gatteville situé à la pointe du village. © Christian Dumont Bâti au cœur de la Corrèze, Collonges-la-Rouge offre une très belle harmonie architecturale. Niché au pied d'une falaise et en bordure de la Dordogne, La Roque-Gageac dévoile de jolies maisons de pierre aux toits de lauze et de tuiles. A quelques kilomètres des célèbres stations thermales d'Evian-les-Bains et Thonon-les-Bains, Yvoire bénéficie elle aussi d'une position privilégiée au bord du lac Léman. Accroché au plateau du Vaucluse, Gordes domine la plaine de Cavaillon et plus largement le Luberon.

Photographer Recreates His Dreams as Surreal Photographs Some people use dream journals to record and remember their imaginary nighttime escapades. Israel-based photographer Ronen Goldman uses photographs. Whenever he has a strange dream that he’d like to document, he goes out and recreates that dream as a surreal photograph. The project is titled “Surrealistic Pillow“. Here’s what Goldman tells us about the project, For the past six years I have been recreating my dreams through photos. You can find the entire series over on his website here. P.S. Thanks for sending in the tip, Tulio! Image credits: Photographs by Ronen Goldman and used with permission

Les 7 Merveilles du Monde Antique Joy: A Dreamy Stop Motion Music Video for Iron & Wine by Hayley Morris Director and animator Hayley Morris (previously) takes us on a surreal journey in her dreamlike music video for Joy, a track off Iron & Wine’s latest album Ghost on Ghost that was released just this morning. In her video for Joy Morris found inspiration from the lyric “deep inside the heart of this crazy mess, I’m only calm when I get lost within your wilderness,” which she used as a jumping off point for her animation which was created by projecting hand-painted watercolor animations into stop-motion landscapes. There are some terrifically brilliant moments, the moth especially, which made my jaw drop a bit. I’ve also included a making-of video above showing some behind the scenes footage. (via the fox is black)

11 lieux paradisiaques… qui existent vraiment ! Préparez vos visas, planifiez votre vol car avec les photos qui suivent, de ces endroits tout simplement merveilleux, vous ne pourrez pas rester sur place ! Des arbres géants entourent ce vieux tunnel pour train situé à Kleven en Ukraine. Ce lieu magique est surnommé « The Tunnel Of Love » par les habitants, car c’est un endroit populaire pour les couples en quête d’intimité … Le Tunnel Wisteria est situé dans les jardins Kawachi Fuji à Kitakyushu, au Japon. Les canyons de glace du Groenland ont été sculptés par les eaux de fonte et sont d’une profondeur de 150 pieds. Le Parc National Plitvice est le plus ancien parc national en Europe du Sud et le plus grand parc de la Croatie. Les « Cinque Terre » font partie de la côte est de la région Ligurie en Italie. La Grande Barrière de Corail est le plus grand écosystème au monde de récif de corail. La forêt Crooked est située juste en périphérie de Nowe Czarnowo, Poméranie occidentale en Pologne. Hassan Marine SOurce : Buzzfeed

Underwater Experiments: Astounding Photographs of Jellyfish by Alexander Semenov Russian biologist Alexander Semenov graduated in 2007 from Moscow State University’s zoology department where he studied invertebrate animals. Specifically: squid brains. Now he works as the chief of his diving team at the White Sea Biological Station, camera always in-hand, where he’s captured some of these extraordinary photographs of jellyfish and other wildlife. You can see more images in his photo galleries or you can follow him on Flickr.

Oceanwire Amazing Animations of Fruit and Vegetable MRIs Corn Broccoli Garlic Starfruit Andy Ellison works at the BU medical school in Boston where he frequently works with a research-only MRI scanner. Over the past few months he’s been sharing some fantastic animated gifs of his calibration and quality control scans using assorted fruits, vegetables and other plants.
