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Renewable Energy Fraud Watch: Cheap Batteries for Backup Renewable Energy. Investors recently chipped in $15 million to fund battery startup EOS Energy Storage, a company that says its batteries could eventually compete with natural-gas power plants to provide power during times of peak demand.

Renewable Energy Fraud Watch: Cheap Batteries for Backup Renewable Energy

Cheap energy storage is becoming increasingly important as greater numbers of wind turbines and solar panels are added to the grid. If renewable energy is to replace the fossil fuels that dominate power supplies and serve to backup wind turbines and solar panels, very large-scale, inexpensive batteries like the ones EOS is developing will be needed (see “Wind Turbines, Battery Included, Can Keep Power Supplies Stable,” “Battery Could Provide a Cheap Way to Store Solar Power,” and “A Solution to Solar Power Intermittency”). EOS is trying to commercialize a type of battery that’s based on inexpensive materials: water, zinc, and air (see “Startup Promises a Revolutionary Grid Battery” and “Years in the Making, Promising Rechargeable Metal-Air Batteries Head to Market”). Jakarta Crown Eco Management: UN's "Post-2015 Development Agenda" Morphed from "Agenda 21"

The hurried Chinese customer was angry and raising her voice.

Jakarta Crown Eco Management: UN's "Post-2015 Development Agenda" Morphed from "Agenda 21"

She was demanding in broken English why the girl behind the cosmetics counter could not understand her long shopping list written in Chinese. “You learn Chinese if you to survive,” she said. The girl’s eyes were brimming with tears at the abusive and rude treatment. I walked away, upset at the unnecessary verbal dress-down. Was the Chinese lady a tourist or an employee of the 247 plus Chinese free trade zones that have sprung up around the country? On May 30, 2013 a letter was sent to the Secretary-General of the United Nation, signed by the Presidents of Indonesia, Liberia, and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron.

Crown Eco Capital Management - Gas Boiler Technology: A Five-Part Strategy to Cap and Cut China's Coal Consumption. A Five-Part Strategy to Cap and Cut China's Coal Consumption It is hard to miss the staggering statistics when it comes to coal in China, which now consumes nearly as much coal as the rest of the world combined.

Crown Eco Capital Management - Gas Boiler Technology: A Five-Part Strategy to Cap and Cut China's Coal Consumption

Unrestricted growth in coal consumption in the last decade has led to the worst air pollution in recent memory, with citizens in northern and central China breathing in higher levels of hazardous air pollution this past winter than if they were living in an airport smoking lounge. Coal mining and combustion also cause serious water and soil pollution, including the release of toxic metals like mercury and arsenic. Unless things change, there are plans to build even more coal-fired power plants in the future -- some 558 GW worth, which would be a 73% increase over China’s 2011 thermal power plant capacity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Here are five key components of NRDC’s coal cap strategy: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Great Renewable Energy Scam: Is There A Change In The Wind? Els/2012/01/19/the-great-renewable-energ y-scam-is-there-a-change-in-the-wind/ People don’t like being forced to purchase things they may not want, which is why over half of us are hoping that the Supreme Court throws out the individual insurance mandate in President Barack Obama’s health care plan.

The Great Renewable Energy Scam: Is There A Change In The Wind?

There’s also a worldwide rebellion brewing against being forced to purchase expensive electricity produced by so-called “renewable” sources, now being exacerbated by the availability of very cheap natural gas from shale formations. But, here in the U.S. there are some 30 different statewide “renewable portfolio standards” (RPSs) that also mandate pricey power, usually under the guise of fighting dreaded global warming. RPSs command that a certain percentage of electricity has to come from wind, solar, geothermal, or biomass. RPSs generally do not include hydroelectric power, which produces no carbon dioxide. Nor do RPSs allow for natural gas. Their worries are quite well-founded. Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia: Pentalver Launch Bespoke Service for Biomass Sector - Crown Capital Management. Container company Pentalver has created a new solution to the problem of where to house a new wood pellet store using its ISO containers.

Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia: Pentalver Launch Bespoke Service for Biomass Sector - Crown Capital Management

With a ready supply of new or pre-used containers, storage facilities, skilled container conversion personnel and on-site electrics and plumbing, Pentalver says it is able to rework shipping containers to create a separate boiler house and fuel store, with an internal capacity of 33.2 m³. It adds that the benefits of using shipping containers include their strong structure and weight bearing capacity which makes them ideal for housing heavy boiler equipment. There is also no need for additional foundations or a base as containers can be landed directly on to the ground.

Other benefits of the container boiler room are said to include: portability, ease of installation (it simply needs to sit on a concrete plinth) and a low cost alternative to an expensive permanent structure.