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How to flip the classroom

How to flip the classroom
Flipping is easy – and with a little thought and planning, teachers can use the flipped model to create engaging learning experiences for their students. This section covers the nuts and bolts of flipping – from creating videos, to introducing the flipped concept, to practical ideas for using class time differently. What are teachers saying? As an English teacher, I have several teaching concepts going at once, so flipping works well for me. I may have kids watch a lesson at home to learn about literary devices in a book we are reading in class. Then the next day, they can point them out to me as we read. The flipped classroom is about making sure that the "voice" most often heard in the classroom is that of the student, not the teacher.

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Scaling Flipped Learning Part 2: Shifting Pedagogy – Flipped Learning Simplified Individual teachers across the world who are flipping their classes, are often working in isolation and small pockets. However, as the movement has grown, there is an increasing need to think systemically about how to scale flipped learning. I believe three systems need to change for flipped learning to flourish on a large scale in a school or district: technological systems, pedagogical systems, and evaluation methodologies.

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