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Kimono : Turn websites into structured APIs from your browser in seconds

Kimono : Turn websites into structured APIs from your browser in seconds

Related:  MidMarket Place

Hello incoming altMBA students! Congratulations on adding your name to the small but growing list of people who have decided to “leap” (as Seth likes to say) – to make the change you dream to make in your lives. Throughout the past month, as a member of the inaugural class of altMBA, I’ve felt extremely challenged at times, emotionally bare, getting the metaphorical crap kicked out of me by our latest prompt or challenge, and conflicted by what is comfortable and reliable (and boring and monotonous), and what is passionate and inspiring (and scary as sh*t). Scraping software, services and plugins sum up Since we have already reviewed classic web harvesting software, we want to sum up some other scraping services and crawlers, scrape plugins and other scrape related tools. Web scraping is a sphere that can be applied to a vast variety of fields, and in turn it can require other technologies to be involved. SEO needs scrape. Proxying is one of the methods which can help you to stay masked while doing much web data extraction.

The Startup Zeitgeist · The Macro Twice per year — once in the win­ter and once in the spring — thou­sands of men and women apply to Y Com­bi­na­tor. Each of these bright minds has his or her own vi­sion of the fu­ture of tech­nol­ogy. They pitch ideas re­lated to Bit­coin, drones, new drugs, vir­tual re­al­ity, and nearly every other topic you could imag­ine. Since 2008, we’ve re­ceived tens of thou­sands of these ap­pli­ca­tions. Col­lec­tively, they pro­vide in­sights into the ideas smart peo­ple are work­ing on and how it’s changed over time. Often we forget to frame what we want to really achieve in our innovation activity, instead we simply dive in and start innovating. I believe until we know what solutions we feel we need or the market wants, we will more often than not, end up disappointed in our innovation solutions. Simply generating ideas, for ideas sake, just does not cut it at all. In recent years our innovation understanding and its management have significantly changed, due to numerous factors that have been happening.

RSS Feeds for Google Plus Profiles and Search Results RSS feeds are not available in Google Plus but you can quickly generate feeds for any Google Profile or Page using the Feed+ app for Chrome. Google Plus does not offer RSS Feeds but you can easily generate feeds on your own using a new Chrome app developed by Eric Koleda, an engineer working with the Google Apps Script team. Here’s a sample Google+ Feed create using this tool. Follow Google+ Profiles and Pages via RSS Feeds To get started, launch Feed+ for Chrome and it will request access to some of your Google services.

A New Theory of Time: X-tention is Simultaneously Discrete and Continuous Time has been conceived mainly as either discrete or continuous, but not widely as a simultaneity of the two. I would like to articulate a new theory of time in which time is reconceived as a ‘raw material’ whose natural state is both discrete and continuous. This is a “middle third” position that extends Husserl’s theory of internal time consciousness by being a new form of time in the middle between and connecting retention-protention (which are continuous) and recollection-expectation (which are discrete). X-tention is this middle kind of time, existing in a primordial state that is simultaneously discrete and continuous, with the capacity to solidify into either in the case of a specific situation. This is much like another fundamental physical element, light, which exists in a superposition state of both particle and wave before collapsing into one or the other per observation.

Private Equity and the CEO: Partners in the Quest for Value Private Equity, People & Organization SHARE mail Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_shareShare on linkedin Private Equity and the CEO: Partners in the Quest for Value Add To Interests SAVE CONTENT PRINT PDF RSS Feeds for Google Searches This tutorial describes how you can create RSS feeds for Google search results of any query and then subscribe to search results in any feed Reader. Google Alerts, you probably know this, offer an easy way for you to create RSS feeds from the Google search results of any query. This is a good option if you are looking to monitor when new web pages are indexed by Google that match your search query. If you have never created feeds with Google Alerts earlier, here’s a quick primer.

How does misinformation spread online? In the run up to the 2013 Italian elections, a social media post exposing the corruption of parliament went viral. Italian politicians were quietly certain that, win or lose, they would be financially secure by taking money from the taxpayer. Parliament had quietly passed a special welfare bill specially designed to protect policy-makers by ensuring them an incredible unemployment package should they lose their seat in the upcoming election. Communication Framework for Change Agents Change agents and their ideas are the life force of organizations. Innovation of all kinds is essential for organizations to grow and thrive; in fact, organizations that can more easily respond to new facts and conditions have a great advantage. In their book Super-Flexibility for Knowledge Enterprises, UC Berkeley’s Dr. Homa Bahrami and Carnegie Mellon’s Dr. Stuart Evans tell us that super flexible organizations are the most successful. These organizations have strong “circulatory systems” that foster idea flow, and they execute more dynamically.

5 Interesting Ways To Use Google News RSS Feeds By learning more about these RSS feeds and incorporating a few interesting tricks to display and read these RSS news feeds, you’ll be able to stay on top of all the very best news as easily as possible. How’s that for useful? Creating RSS News Feeds Creating generic and specific news RSS feeds is quite an easy task. 1. A 10-Year Study Reveals What Great Executives Know and Do Despite the huge impact executives can have on their organizations, failure rates remain high. Prescriptions for what to do continue to fall short. So we wondered: If we closely studied the executives who succeed in top jobs once appointed, could we identify distinguishing features that set them apart and defined their success?
