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Facebook Twitter Storytelling. How to Succeed in a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) by Apostolos Koutropoulos & Rebecca J. Hogue. “MOOCs provide a new methodology and modality for teaching and learning.

How to Succeed in a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) by Apostolos Koutropoulos & Rebecca J. Hogue

This newness does pose some problems for learners, but also provides for exciting new possibilities. MOOCs require learners to be more proactive in their education and in building their personal learning networks (PLNs). Everyone can be successful in a MOOC, provided that certain steps are taken and strategies devised before, during, and after a MOOC.” In the past couple of years, massive online open courses (MOOCs) have become a trend among many members of the educational online community. This is particularly true of faculty who are interested in open educational resources.

What Makes Hitchcock’s Films Great: An Animated Recipe. 5 Big Ideas to Keep Control of Indie Transmedia Projects. Transmedia. 9 Facts Every Creative Needs to Know About Collaborative Teams. Look behind any creative success story and you’ll usually find a great team, a group of passionate people who raised each other’s game.

9 Facts Every Creative Needs to Know About Collaborative Teams

When thinking about productivity we often focus on the individual, yet it’s by optimizing teams that we can truly take our projects to the next level. How? One secret weapon you have is to appreciate the psychological factors that turn a group of individuals into a cohesive team unit. To help you optimize your team selection and working habits, here are nine facts that can help you get the most out of working with others: 1.

One the earliest findings in social psychology was the “social facilitation” effect – the way the mere presence of other people engaged in the same task as us can boost our motivation. 2. Everyone knows that sports teams enjoy an advantage when they compete in the familiar surroundings of their home stadium. Th Whole is Always Smaller Than Its Parts. Creación Colectiva. En Internet el creador es el público. Por David... The Victorian Web: An Overview. Las narrativas transmedia en un manifiesto y 11 tweets. Un grupo de profesionales e investigadores está difundiendo el Transmedia Manifesto, un documento que resume en 11 principios o tesis los fundamentos de las narrativas transmedia.

Las narrativas transmedia en un manifiesto y 11 tweets

Los transcribo a continuación: The art of storytelling has always been subject to change. Through the process of digitalization and the accompanying media convergence, we’re now on the verge of a quantum leap. We are no longer viewers, listeners, readers, users, or players.Today, we are “experiencers”, whose roles and behaviors change based on how we use and approach media. With this reality in mind, we take this opportunity to propose eleven theses on the future of storytelling: Thesis 1: Claiming reality Fiction supersedes reality, becoming as immersive as possible. Thesis 2: Rabbit holes The story offers multiple entry points to the experiencer, depending on the medium and situation in which it is used. Immersive Writing Lab – Storyworld Writing Competition   Storytelling is intrinsic to human culture yet writing compelling stories is far from easy.

Immersive Writing Lab – Storyworld Writing Competition  

As such the very idea of a STORYWORLD that may encompass numerous stories from multiple points of view across multiple media is undoubtedly daunting. But if there were no challenge we wouldn’t bother and if writing were easy, everyone would do it, right? Welcome to the Immersive Writing Lab 2013 Writing Competition. Over the next few months we’ll be posing a series of Writers Guides covering 5 major elements that comprise a storyworld project to guide your thinking and help you articulate your big ideas into form.

The 5 elements we’ll be looking at include: Teoría de la Manada. Sistemas Intertextuales Transmedia. Derivado de lo anterior, el presente trabajo se propone realizaruna exploración en tres momentos: primero, una revisión rápida delconcepto de transmedialidad; segundo, una discusión sobre nocio-nes como las de relaciones intertextuales, obra seminal, obra nú- cleo, expansiones y compresiones narrativas; y, nalmente, propo -nemos considerar las implicaciones, en términos investigativos, delpaso de una comprensión exclusivamente narratológica, a otra quedemanda incorporar perspectivas complementarias (antropológicas,ludológicas e, incluso, de mercadeo) necesarias para abordar el fe-nómeno a través del concepto de.

Sistemas Intertextuales Transmedia

Miv1de1. 25 Ways To Plot, Plan and Prep Your Story. I’m a panster at heart, plotter by necessity — and I always advocate learning how to plot and plan because inevitably someone on the business side of things is going to poke you with a pointy stick and say, “I want this.”

25 Ways To Plot, Plan and Prep Your Story

Scriptwriting in the UK: Bible Bashing. In TV-land, treatments and outlines are sometimes referred to as ‘series bibles’.

Scriptwriting in the UK: Bible Bashing

This is where you lay out the basic tenets of your proposed new show in a clear and inviting fashion. At this stage of the game, however, they’re not really series bibles. They’re more like proposals/outlines. Proper series bibles go into great length about the world and the characters, and normally take at least a couple of hours to read (series bibles for soaps take an entire weekend to get through). Sphere and Networks: Two Ways to Reinterpret Globalization.