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What Languages Sound Like To Foreigners

What Languages Sound Like To Foreigners
Related:  stefanotani

A History of the World - List of Objects Me and You < Mondadori Education Il concetto di didattica per competenze comincia ad affermarsi intorno alla metà degli anni ’90, nei documenti dell’Unione Europea, come il Libro bianco sull’istruzione e formazione1 a cura di Edith Cresson, allora Commissario Europeo con delega alla scienza, ricerca ed educazione, in cui si legge: «In tutti i paesi d’Europa si cercano di identificare le “competenze chiave” e di trovare i mezzi migliori di acquisirle, certificarle e valutarle. Viene proposto di mettere in atto un processo europeo che permetta di confrontare e diffondere queste definizioni, questi metodi e queste pratiche». L’idea di competenza deriva dall’ambito lavorativo, dove indica “il patrimonio complessivo di risorse di un individuo nel momento in cui affronta una prestazione lavorativa o il suo percorso professionale”.2 La dimensione della potenzialità e quella della natura integrata della competenza sono fondamentali, perché le ritroveremo anche nell’applicazione al mondo della scuola. 1. 2. 4. competenza digitale

À l'ENA aussi il y a du racisme RACISME - "Mettre en avant la voix et les visages si souvent oubliés des étudiants noirs." Après les prestigieuses universités anglo-saxonnes d'Harvard, Berkeley ou Cambridge, l'Ecole nationale d'administration, l'ENA, a aussi vu apparaître une campagne photo dénonçant les clichés. Le site "I, too, am ENA", ("Moi aussi, je fais l'ENA"), a été lancée le 11 avril par des étudiants de la fameuse école dont sont issus les plus grands hommes politiques. D'origine africaine, les étudiants rapportent des remarques entendues, des commentaires qui leur ont été faits : "Pourquoi tu fais l'ENA, tu veux être président de l'Afrique?" L'immobilisme de l'ENA Les étudiants d'Harvard, dans le Massachusetts, avaient été les premiers à lancer l'idée, rapidement suivis par les membres d'universités renommées comme Cambridge ou Notre Dame. L'ENA, qui fait partie des 10 universités d'où sont issus le plus de PDG dans le monde, avait été largement critiquée par un ancien élève, Olivier Saby, en 2012.

Super chill orangutan This activity has been designed for beginners. It uses a video clip to drill three different tenses: Present simple, past simple and present continuous. The main activity requires nothing but repeated call and response (teacher calls, students respond). The aim is for students to practice the sounds of these three structures. Language level: Beginner; Elementary (A1; A2)Learner type: Young learners; Teens, Adults; CLILTime: 30 minutesActivity: Grammar drillTopic: Animals & advertising; ScienceLanguage: Present simple; Past simple; Present continuousMaterials: Video; WorksheetSuperchill orangutan: Lesson plan [downloaded 5476 times]Superchill orangutan: Slideshow [downloaded 3796 times] Lesson plan outline Write the following verb items on the board:Tell your students that they are going to see a video clip in which an actor goes for an audition in Hollywood. NB Your students will want to know the meaning of ‘monkey around‘. Show the clip. Follow ups

www.vox English is the language of Shakespeare and the language of Chaucer. It’s spoken in dozens of countries around the world, from the United States to a tiny island named Tristan da Cunha. It reflects the influences of centuries of international exchange, including conquest and colonization, from the Vikings through the 21st century. Here are 25 maps and charts that explain how English got started and evolved into the differently accented languages spoken today. The origins of English 1) Where English comes from English, like more than 400 other languages, is part of the Indo-European language family, sharing common roots not just with German and French but with Russian, Hindi, Punjabi, and Persian. 2) Where Indo-European languages are spoken in Europe today Saying that English is Indo-European, though, doesn’t really narrow it down much. 3) The Anglo-Saxon migration 4) The Danelaw The next source of English was Old Norse. 5)The Norman Conquest 6) The Great Vowel Shift The spread of English Credits

An-Ideal-Husband-Teaching-Packet.pdf guyane : Un comité de soutien pour le rééquilibrage du bureau de la CCDS Par Catherine LamaPublié le , mis à jour le GUYANE 1ÈRE&nbsp; La composition du bureau de la Communauté de Communes des Savanes désormais présidé par François Ringuet ne convient pas à tous. Le comité de soutien "Vivre ensemble Sinnamary" se mobilise pour obtenir un rééquilibrage des vice-présidences par communes. L'élection la semaine dernière à la présidence de la CCDS de François Ringuet et des vice-présidences provoque des remous. La ville de Kourou prend-elle trop de place et de pouvoir dans la Communauté de Communes des Savanes? Une meilleure répartition des vice-présidences Il a publié un communiqué lundi dans lequel il dénonce un manque de démocratie voire de mépris du suffrage universel.

Artensterben: Orang Utans – die Opfer des Palmöl-Booms Im Schutzgebiet Tuaran auf Borneo klammert sich die kleine Cinta an einen Baum und starrt Dutzende von Touristen an. Das Orang-Utan-Kind hatte sich in eine riesige Palmöl-Plantage verirrt, bevor es in den Park gebracht wurde. Umweltschützer retteten es vor dem sicheren Tod. Cinta ist eines der vielen Opfer des Palmöl-Booms, dem weite Teile des Regenwaldes auf der Insel weichen mussten. Fast ein Fünftel der Fläche der malaysischen Provinz Sabah auf Borneo ist bereits mit Ölpalmen bedeckt. Palmöl findet Verwendung in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie, als Biokraftstoff und bei der Herstellung von Kosmetika. Dafür muss der Dschungel weichen. Nach Einschätzung des Umweltprogramms der Vereinten Nationen werden die Menschenaffen mit dem rotbraunen Fell innerhalb von 20 Jahren praktisch aus der freien Wildbahn verschwinden, wenn die Rodung weiter betrieben wird wie bisher. Malaysia ist nach Indonesien der zweitgrößte Palmöl-Exporteur der Welt.

Women who changed the world •Biography Online A list of famous influential women, including women’s rights activists, poets, musicians, politicians, humanitarians and scientists. Sappho (circa 570 BCE) One of the first known female writers. Much of her poetry has been lost but her immense reputation has remained. Plato referred to Sappho as one of the great 10 poets. Cleopatra (69 BCE–30 BCE) The last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt. Mary Magdalene (4 BCE–40BCE) Accounts from the Gospels and other sources suggest Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ most devoted followers. Boudicca (1st Century CE) Boudicca was an inspirational leader of the Britons. Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179) Mystic, author and composer. Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122–1204) The first Queen of France. Joan of Arc (1412–1431) The patron saint of France, Joan of Arc inspired a French revolt against the occupation of the English. Mirabai (1498–1565) Indian mystic and poet. St Teresa of Avila (1515–1582) Spanish mystic, poet and Carmelite reformer. Susan B. Queen Elizabeth II

Geek Attitude Språket som delar Finland | Kultur | SvD "Du ska dö martyrdöden."Mordhotet till Jeanette Björkqvist Mordhotet kom via mejl. Journalisten Jeanette Björkqvist skulle få ytterligare två inom loppet av några månader våren 2013. Och hon var inte ensam. I ett av dem stod det att hon skulle åka hem till Sverige, ett land där hon aldrig bott. Gemensamt för alla var att de var kvinnor, offentliga personer, och hade på något sätt anknytning till det finlandssvenska språket. Jeanette Björkqvist hade suttit med i en nyhetspanel i en rikstäckande tv-kanal och pratat om aktuella världshändelser. - Men jag är finlandssvensk, det gjorde mig till en måltavla, säger hon när vi träffar henne på den svenskspråkiga tidningen Hufvudstadbladets redaktion i Helsingfors. Mejlen med mordhot hade skickats via en anonymitetstjänst och polisen utreder nu vem som kan ligga bakom. - Det är inte roligt att veta att man väcker så mycket aggressioner. Hatbreven kommer fortfarande, hela tiden. Liknande saker drabbar även journalister i Sverige.

Important Women Through History A List of Women Achievers Explore this list of over 30 women of achievement. You can nominate one of these women or someone else to the Honor Roll of Notable Women. This page includes links outside of Every Web site we link to was visited by our team at one point in time to make sure it's appropriate for children. Louisa May Alcott:1832–1888 Author who produced the first literature for the mass market of juvenile girls in the 19th century. Susan B. Clara Barton:1821–1912 Clara Barton got involved with tending the needy when she treated injured Union soldiers on the battlefield during the Civil War. Elizabeth Blackwell:1821–1910 First American woman awarded a medical degree by a college. Pearl S. Cleopatra:69–30 B.C. Marie Curie:1867–1934 This physicist was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize — she actually won it twice — and the first woman to earn a doctorate in Europe. Top of Page Helen Keller1880–1968 A childhood disease left her deaf, mute, and blind. Dr.
