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Shaun Tan

Shaun Tan

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Terry Pratchett Larry Finlay, MD at Transworld Publishers: “I was deeply saddened to learn that Sir Terry Pratchett has died. The world has lost one of its brightest, sharpest minds. In over 70 books, Terry enriched the planet like few before him. juliandenarvaez New set of posters made for ADNEditorial Design, Illustration, Print Design2013 I had the pleasure once again of working with Folio art to produce the illustrations for this Douglas and gordon campaign. Special thanks to Chris Belson from Folio Art, for all his hard work and excellent management, and to Ellie Kingsbury also from Folio Art, for always being ready to collaborate. Drawing, Illustration2013 PAPA SANGRE It was really nice to illustrate this amazing application game in which I work with with two wonderful creative teams, Folio art and Something Else.

Epais et Tordu, le site officiel de Manu Larcenet Le catalogue Christie’s. Je reçois le catalogue Christie’s d’une vente aux enchère d’originaux de bandes dessinées. Je dois avouer que, si la vente me laisse froid, je reste des heures à admirer ce catalogue. Lo mejor de 2011 Ahora sí. Aquí están los resultados para elegir lo mejor de 2011 tras contabilizar los 292 votos recibidos -y eliminar los “defectuosos”- que suponen un récord respecto a las anterioresediciones. Así que en primer lugar, muchas gracias a todos por vuestra participación. Y gracias también a las editoriales que se han sumado a la iniciativa regalando lotes de cómics, incluida La Cúpula, que no aparecía en los listados previos pero que finalmente también regalará un lote tres cómics. Antes de iniciar el repaso de resultados, nos gustaría un comentario breve pero significativo para nosotros. La lista de “lo mejor de 2011″ que vais a leer a continuación, en términos generales, coincide con nuestros propios gustos.

Mike Mignola Illustrated Books The Library Dragon Written by Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Michael P. White When Sunrise Elementary School advertised for a thick-skinned librarian with a burning love of books, Miss Lotta Scales knew she was perfect for the job. Who could guard books better than a REAL dragon? "She kept a fiery eye out to make sure no one removed any books from the shelves.... Xiao Xiaowan y David Spriggs: Fantásticas pinturas tridimensionales Imagen: El trabajo realizado por los pintores Xiao Xiaowan y David Spriggs, se basa en la transformación de la pintura plana a una escultura tridimensional utilizando capas múltiples de vidrio, creando figuras similares a los hologramas pero de notable estética. Ambos artistas, logran ofrecer al espectador distintos rostros de un mismo trabajo, dependiendo del lugar donde se sitúe el observador.

jon klassen This was posted 2 days ago. It has 344 notes. some tests that Joe Schmidt and I did a few months back. Polaqia - Inicio Drahos Zak Drahos Zak arrived in Australia from the Czech Republic in 1980 after completing a PhD in Illustration and Graphic Design at Charles University, Prague. In Australia Drahos has worked as an Illustrator for various newspapers and magazines, but it is his illustrations for children’s books that have gained him international recognition.

op imagen artística del día - junio «grasshoppermind op art image of the day – june Posted by grasshoppermind on June 2, 2012 Posted in: op art and geometric art. Leave a comment monday july 2 2012 How Shaun Tan transformed children’s literature The king said, “What punishment should someone receive who drags an innocent victim out of bed and throws her into the river to drown?” Sample the FT’s top stories for a week You select the topic, we deliver the news. The stepmother said at once, “That’s a dreadful crime. The murderer should be put in a barrel studded with nails, and rolled downhill into the water.” “Then that is what we shall do,” said the king.

Drawings #4 « Anton Vill Art Paints Under Construction Sketchbook About

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