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The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Chemtrails and The Secret of Alternative 4

The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Chemtrails and The Secret of Alternative 4


System of Transmission of Electrical Energy SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 645,576, dated March 20, 1900. Application filed September 2, 1897. Serial No. 650,343. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, NIKOLA TESLA, a citizen of the United States, residing at New York, in the county and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful improvements in Systems of Transmission of Electrical Energy, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the drawing accompanying and forming a part of the same. It has been well known heretofore that by rarefying the air inclosed in a vessel its insulating properties are impaired to such an extent that it becomes what may be considered as a true conductor, although one of admittedly very high resistance.

10 Life Hacks to Help You Cut Plastic Out of the Picture By Kate Good / Plastic is so ubiquitous that it can be found in or associated with nearly every tangible item in existence. Just think about how many different things you used today that either were plasticor came packaged in plastic, you’re guaranteed to come up with at least five.

Ancient City Found in India, Irradiated from Atomic Blast Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous. A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built. For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people.

The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla « Revolutionizing Awareness Posted by Admin on June 16, 2010 by Nikola Tesla Suppose some one should discover a new mechanical principle–something as fundamental as James Watt’s discovery of the expansive power of steam—by the use of which it became possible to build a motor that would give ten horse power for every pound of the engine’s weight, a motor so simple that the veriest novice in mechanics could construct it and so elemental that it could not possibly get out of repair. Then suppose that this motor could be run forward or backward at will, that it could be used as either an engine or a pump, that it cost almost nothing to build as compared with any other known form of engine, that it utilized a larger percentage of the available power than any existing machine, and, finally, that it would operate with gas, steam, compressed air or water, any one of them, as its driving power.

Plants Have Memories: The Spiritual Case Against Agricultural Manipulation The Lakota of North America have many stories about seeds and how to know when each plant is in its sacredness. One seed flowers during a spiritual window called the Timpsila Ttkahca Wi, or when the Moon of Timpsila (turnip) is ripe. If you were to prematurely dig for the plant, it will not grow into a full nutrient. If you're too late in collecting the flower top, it breaks aboveground, and fierce winds blow the top away, leaving no trace where the underground root is located. Atlantis or Someone Else? The report is about an Earth based scenario, a combination of the possibilities inherent in a background Earth story, some possible hypotheses by me, and then some visual evidence to add into the mix. It will be up to you to decide if there is any merit. First we'll start with the background story.

Recovered The Ten Inventions of Nikola Tesla Which Changed The W Nikola Tesla-Did You Know? “Tesla was considered an eccentric man who talked of death rays that could destroy 10,000 airplanes at a distance of 250 miles. However, Tesla devised the AC (alternating current) system that we use in our homes today. AC offered great advantages over the rival DC system. 7 ways for Modern Society to Reconnect with Nature I got a question recently which I spent a while pondering, and now am striving to try and put into words this idea that i’m having about the way that modern society and nature interact with each other. The question went something like – “If the Flower of Life is everything, then is stuff like traffic jams and office cubicles a representation of the Flower of Life too?” So far, the short answer that I have for that is “Yes and No”. There are parts of that which is true. At a very large fractal of our energetic field, as well as a very tiny fractal, all of the geometries at some point are connected with the Flower of Life pattern that we all know so well. What occurs to me however, is that around a certain point of that fractal, from the atoms to the molecules to the cells in your skin all the way to the clothes that you’re wearing, those geometric fundamentals break down in favor of man-made structures that are more removed from that original geometry.

Deadly time vortex appears over Antarctica Sector of erupting anomalies. Disturbing news has been leaking out from the giant continent at the bottom of the world. Some scientists manning lonely outposts under the drifting and shifting aurora are nearly paralyzed with fear. Tesla Coils: Unleash the Aether Nikola Tesla's most significant contribution was not AC power, radio, or the induction motor, but what we call the Tesla Coil - a tool which allows for the power of the aether to be unleashed and harnessed. Now being launched through an open source project. by Hank MillsPure Energy Systems News The inventions of Nikola Tesla are numerous.

Hermann Hesse on What Trees Teach Us About Belonging and Life “When we have learned how to listen to trees, then the brevity and the quickness and the childlike hastiness of our thoughts achieve an incomparable joy.” I woke up this morning to discover a tiny birch tree rising amidst my city quasi-garden, having overcome unthinkable odds to float its seed over heaps of concrete and glass, and begin a life in a meager oasis of soil. And I thought, my god*, what a miracle. What magic. What a reminder that life does not await permission to be lived.
