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Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World

Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World
This is the documentary film about Nikola Tesla, the scientist and inventor, one of the greatest men in history. Nikola Tesla was born on July 10,1856 in Smiljan, Lika in what later became Yugoslavia. His father, Milutin Tesla was a Serbian orthodox priest and his mother Djuka Mandic was an inventor in her own right of household appliances. Before going to America, Tesla joined Continental Edison Company in Paris where he designed dynamos. Young Nikola Tesla came to the United States in 1884. Direct current flows continuously in one direction; alternating current changes direction 50 or 60 times per second, and can be stepped up to very high voltage levels, minimizing power loss across great distances. Tesla's A-C induction motor is widely used throughout the world in industry and household appliances. Watch the full documentary now

/money-banking/ Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood The Monster. But to most Americans today, Federal Reserve is just a name on the dollar bill. They have no idea of what the central bank does to the economy, or to their own economic lives; of how and why it was founded and operates; or of the sound money and banking that could end the statism, inflation, and business cycles that the Fed generates. Dedicated to Murray N. Alan Greenspan is not, we're told, happy about this 42-minute blockbuster. Watch the full documentary now War of Currents In the War of Currents era (sometimes, War of the Currents or Battle of Currents) in the late 1880s, George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison became adversaries due to Edison's promotion of direct current (DC) for electric power distribution over alternating current (AC). Thomas Edison, American inventor and businessman, known as "The Wizard of Menlo Park", pushed for the development of a DC power network. George Westinghouse, American entrepreneur and engineer, financially backed the development of a practical AC power network. Edison's direct-current system generated and distributed electric power at the same voltage as used by the customer's lamps and motors. This meant that the current in transmission was relatively large, and so heavy conductors were required and transmission distances were limited, to about a mile (kilometre); otherwise transmission losses would make the system uneconomical. At the time, no method was practical for changing voltages of DC power. DC[edit] AC[edit]

How Was the Solar System Formed? | What Created the Solar System | Life's Little Mysteries Scientists aren't completely sure how the solar system formed, but most agree the best explanation is that a cloud of molecules collapsed inward on itself, forming our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. In this description, called the nebular model, our sun coalesced first, surrounded by a spinning disk of gas and dust. How the sun formed Some evidence, such as a 2010 study from scientists at the Carnegie institution, suggests this contraction could have been spurred by a burst from nearby supernovas . Other forces like differences in density could also have caused the cloud begin collapsing according to "From Suns to Life: A Chronological Approach to the History of Life on Earth" (Springer, 2004), an astronomy review text. Initially, gas collected in the dense center of this spinning disk, creating a protosun. How the planets formed Meanwhile, in the disk of material around the young sun, a process called accretion formed the planets, moons, comets and asteroids. Got a question?

/on-piracy/ Each day, millions of youths from Canada and around the world download music and movies off of the Internet. This epidemic of unauthorized downloading has been cited by the record and film industries as being the prime cause for billions in losses. Politicians have come under tremendous pressure to pass legislation on the issue. But despite all the media frenzy on the piracy crackdowns, there's been very little attention to the topic itself. At the very best, news reporters regurgitated the contents of an industry press release. There was nothing of substance, which is where this documentary fits in: we wanted to cover the issue in-depth. We interviewed industry execs, copyright lawyers, pirates, consumers, artists, and everyone we could think of - and made you this film. This documentary is available for preview only - .

Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived Additional notes from the author: If you want to learn more about Tesla, I highly recommend reading Tesla: Man Out of Time Also, this Badass of the week by Ben Thompson is what originally inspired me to write a comic about Tesla. Ben's also got a book out which is packed full of awesome. There's an old movie from the 80s on Netflix Instant Queue right now about Tesla: The Secret of Nikola Tesla. It's corny and full of bad acting, but it paints a fairly accurate depiction of his life. The drunk history of Tesla is quite awesome, too. has a great article about Edison and how his douchebaggery had a chokehold on American cinema.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology /martin-luther/ Few if any men have changed the course of history like Martin Luther. In less than ten years, this fevered German monk plunged a knife into the heart of an empire that had ruled for a thousand years, and set in motion a train of revolution, war and conflict that would reshape Western civilization, and lift it out of the Dark Ages. Luther's is a drama that still resonates half a millennium on. It's an epic tale that stretches from the gilded corridors of the Vatican to the weathered church door of a small South German town; from the barbarous pyres of heretics to the technological triumph of printing. But this is also an intensely human tale, a story that hurtles from the depths of despair to the heights of triumph and back again. Watch the full documentary now

Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian-American[3][4] inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.[5] Born and raised in the Austrian Empire, Tesla received an advanced education in engineering and physics in the 1870s and gained practical experience in the early 1880s working in telephony and at Continental Edison in the new electric power industry. He emigrated to the United States in 1884, where he would become a naturalized citizen. He worked for a short time at the Edison Machine Works in New York City before he struck out on his own. Attempting to develop inventions he could patent and market, Tesla conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. Early years Tesla's baptismal record, 28 June 1856 Tesla coil

2ème édition du Nantes Food Forum du 3 au 7 octobre 2018 Après une première édition organisée à Nantes en juin 2017, le Nantes Food Forum a été reconduit et remet le couvert pour une seconde édition du 3 au 7 octobre 2018. C’est LE rendez-vous de ceux qui pensent l’alimentation de demain et qui se retrouvent autour de tables rondes, conférences mais aussi d’événements conviviaux. Et oui, vous avez bien lu, la deuxième édition du Nantes Food Forum, ce n’est plus trois jours mais bien cinq, du mercredi au dimanche. La raison ? L’alimentation est un sujet qui prend de l’ampleur et il était difficile de traiter tous les sujets qui nous animent, nous énervent, nous font peur, nous enthousiasment, nous taraudent, nous posent question. Le programme est en cours d’élaboration mais on peut quand même déjà dire que vous retrouverez quelques constantes. En attendant la sortie du programme, vous pouvez dores et déjà ajouter à votre agenda de rentrée un week-end pour penser à vos assiettes et à votre santé. Nantes Food Forum 03 au 07 octobre Nantes

/perfect-murder/ Modern forensic science should make it impossible to commit murder and get away with it. But how easy would it be to outfox the detectives? With the help of top forensic scientists, and real-life murder investigations, we explore whether it's possible to commit a perfect murder. The body is the most important piece of evidence in any murder. Pathologist Dr Richard Shepherd reveals the crucial clues that give away the secrets of a suspicious death. Dr Lee Goff can work out a time of death from just a few maggots on a corpse. And what is the perfect murder weapon? Watch the full documentary now -
