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27 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier

27 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier
1. Bananas, eggs, and peanut butter are all you need to make healthy, gluten-free pancakes. Lots of protein and lots of happiness! Recipe here. 3. Put fruit compote on pancakes or waffles instead of butter and syrup. Try this recipe for chai pancakes with cranberry compote. 4. Yeah, no, for real, mayo can take a hike. 5. You can find lots more awesome baked snack alternatives here. 6. Each one is like a tiny, perfect popsicle! 7. And dip veggies instead of chips, while you’re at it. 8. Better in every way. 9. Nutritional yeast has a rep as a weird hippie ingredient (you can find it at organic/health food stores or order online) but it’s absolutely worth keeping around. 10. This broccoli soup is vegan on the DL. 11. This is not a trap! 12. Here are a bunch of great vegetarian chili recipes to try. 13. Whole grain powerrrr! 14. Also great for gluten-free or paleo diets. 15. You won’t miss ‘em, promise. 16. Finely chop the cauliflower in a food processor, then cook for a few minutes. 17. 18.

Related:  healthy comfortFOOD

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