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25 Things To Do When You're Feeling Down

25 Things To Do When You're Feeling Down
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No More Steubenvilles: How To Raise Boys to be Kind Men When Max was just a few months old, I sat cross-legged on the floor with him in a circle of other mothers. The facilitator for our “Mommy and Me” playgroup would throw a question out to the group, and we would each volley back an answer. “What quality do you want to instill in your child? What personality characteristic would you most like for your son to be known for?” she asked. One by one, the mothers answered. The answers blended together until it was my turn to speak. I want my son to grow up to be kind. The eyes of the other mothers turned toward me. Max is almost 4 years old. Sexual assault is about power and control. Teach your child to go toward a child who is upset, instead of walking away. Date rape is often saturated with entitlement. As a community we give our athletes free reign. We have created this. It is time. We must teach our boys to be kind. A toddler can learn how to use words of kindness. Teach your boys that bravery can be terrifying. It’s harder.

Signs That You’ve Been Abused by a Narcissist | After Narcissistic Abuse Do you recognize that you’re doubting yourself more than you ever have before? Victims of narcissistic abuse often appear uncertain of themselves, constantly seeking clarification that they haven’t made a mistake or misheard something. This reactive adaptation to narcissistic abuse is because the narcissist is ALWAYS finger pointing and shifting blame to YOU for ALL of the ups & downs both in the relationship AND in the narcissist’s personal psyche. Because this relationship has NON EXISTENT boundaries, you will find YOURSELF constantly PUT UPON and FORCED to accept responsibility for things you didn’t do or say. This borrowed humiliation and shame is exactly what the narcissist intends for the victim to take from the narcissist. Just refer to the above explanation of self doubt and boundary transgression if you want to understand the CONFUSION that is part and parcel of narcissistic abuse. It’s crazy-making and a narcissist purposefully causes this confusion. Let’s face it. Avoidance –

Trou dans un CV : ce qu'il faut dire… et ne pas dire Nombreux sont les postulants qui craignent que les "trous" dans leur CV ne fassent mauvaise impression dans leur dossier de candidature, voire les disqualifient pour une mission, un remplacement, un poste... Le problème se pose d'autant plus qu'une majorité de salariés est confrontée à cette situation au moins une fois dans sa vie. Karine Doukhan, directeur associée chez Robert Half Management Resources, donne ses conseils sur ce qu'il faut dire et ne pas dire pour justifier ces "trous" de carrière. Ne jamais mentir Certaines personnes sont tentées de mentir au sujet de leur période d’inactivité ou de truquer les dates de leurs périodes d’emploi. Ne pas entrer dans les détails Il importe de présenter honnêtement les raisons de cette période d’inactivité, mais sans entrer dans les détails. Quelques exemples que détaille Karine Doukhan de bonnes et de mauvaises explications à donner: - Pour justifier un congé parental. - Suite à un accident. Toujours rester positif

Life’s Instructions » Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts & Bullsh!t | Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts & Bullsh!t Thom Byxbe is Publisher and Editor of Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts & Bullsh!t He is based in Southwest Detroit, MI, and is a Knowledge Evangelist, Futurist, National Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur, Coach and Expert Blogger. Thom has been a respected author for over 15 years. He has written extensively on the Internet, Technology and Lifestyle topics. Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts & Bullsh!t is one of 4 current Blog projects he writes and manages. If you have suggestions, comments or would like to submit recommendations for articles to appear in Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts & Bullsh!

14 Stories That Prove Animals Have Souls 5 Reasons You're A Good Catch And Still SIngle When it comes to dating there are certain number of women who feel that because they are a good catch the relationship gods are being cruel to them. They look around at their friends and loved ones who are happily married or in relationships and think that they have been cursed because they don't have that special someone to share their life with. I can understand. For years I felt the same way. Ultimately I learned that no matter how much of a good catch one was there were only 5 reasons those who wanted to be in a relationship were still single. If everyone is telling you what a great catch you are but you still haven't found that special someone to share your life with you might want to look at the following list. 1) You're not over your past - Once we've had our hearts broken it's very hard to let go of that memory because of the fear that it will happen again. You've got to get off your butt and take action....consistent action! Dating is simply a numbers game.

CV : ce que les recruteurs regardent en premier Après avoir consulté plus de 2.100 managers européens qui ont en charge notamment le recrutement au sein de leur société, le cabinet Robert Half a établi un classement de ce que ces derniers regardent en priorité dans les CV qu’ils reçoivent. Et ce tour d’Europe montre que les entreprises françaises ont une approche différente des autres qui met à bas une idée reçue. Les Français sont en effet persuadés que le diplôme reste le sésame absolu pour être embauché, y compris quand on a acquis une longue expérience. Or selon cette enquête, le premier élément que scrute un recruteur, c’est l’expérience professionnelle (42% des répondants). Viennent ensuite, les qualifications professionnelles (21%) et les compétences techniques (14%). Un niveau particulièrement bas si on le compare aux pratiques des autres recruteurs en Europe. L'analyse des informations émanant des réseaux sociaux est une pratique rare

34 Ways to Bust a Bad Mood in Ten Minutes or Less Photo by Jess Ivy Bad days happen. A bombed job interview, a broken coffee machine (when you really need coffee), stepping in dog poop on the way to a date — it’s growing increasingly apparent that life can sometimes suck. We can’t get rid of a terrible commute or an intolerable co-worker (sorry), but we do have some sweet suggestions for improving a mood regardless. So You’re Having a Bad Day... One-Minute Fixes Smile. Five-Minute Fixes Get present. 10-Minute Fixes Have sex or masturbate. Tried every tip on this list and still in a funk? This article was read and approved by Greatist Experts Jeanmarie Paolillo and Sherry Pagoto.
