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Norse cosmology

Norse cosmology
The cosmology of Norse mythology has "nine homeworlds", unified by the world tree Yggdrasill. Mapping the nine worlds escapes precision because the Poetic Edda often alludes vaguely. The Norse creation myth tells how everything came into existence in the gap between fire and ice, and how the gods shaped the homeworld of humans. Yggdrasill[edit] A cosmic ash tree, Yggdrasill, lies at the center of the Norse cosmos. Three roots drink the waters of the homeworlds, one in the homeworld of the gods, the Æsir, one in the homeworld of the giants, the Jǫtnar, and one in the homeworld of the dead. The root in the Æsir homeworld taps the sacred wellspring of fate, the Well of Urðr. Animals continually feed on the tree, threatening it, but its vitality persists evergreen as it heals and nourishes the vibrant aggression of life. Creation[edit] Búri's son Borr had three sons, the gods Odin, Vili and Vé. Norse Gods[edit] The realm of the Norse gods, the Æsir, is called Ásgarðr or the "Court of the Ás".

THE NINE WORLDS OF THE NORSE COSMOLOGY The purpose of this particular page is to give those who lack a good degree of familiarity with the cosmological stomping grounds of the Norse deities, and the other races of beings they regularly interact with in the myths, a crash course on the subject. I will endeavor to make this page as succinct and to the point as possible, giving only the basic information that one may require to fully understand and appreciate the complete otherworldly milieu in which the Norse deities operate within. It should first be noted that much of the original myths as written down before and during the Age of Vikings in Europe was lost, and what survived was in certain cases rewritten by Christian monks of Scandinavian heritage who sought to preserve this literary tradition of their culture after the fall of Northern Paganism, albeit adding Christian-inspired conceits to the material. 1. Asgard--the realm inhabited by the great majority of the Norse deities, and ruled by Odin and Frigga. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

THE CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN, THE ANTAHKARANA AND ALCHEMICAL VITRIOL Super Computers gain speed through the number of processors connected. Each Chakra is a processor. As we connect the chakras higher and higher along the antahkarana by removing the energy blockages between them so we gain more intelligence the higher they go, and the more chakras we connect together. As more processors are connected, so a human being gains more wisdom. Brahma is God. Sexual Energy and Selfish Desire is Mastered through the Soul Connection and ONLY through the Soul Connection because the energy of God is higher and stronger. Established in the connection with God is Enlightenment. As my Master Roshi Hogen says "The spring at the top of the Mountain." - the Energy coming from the Crown Chakra. In Energy Enhancement this is the Energy in the Center of the Universe. Illness is caused by a lack of energy. Energy is a glow. Energy is beauty. Energy is health. Energy is happiness. Energy is concentration and memory and your ability to respond. Gain Energy! GooRoo The Light of the Soul

World tree From Northern Antiquities, an English translation of the Prose Edda from 1847. Painted by Oluf Olufsen Bagge. World tree. Russian ornament. 19th century. Norse mythology[edit] In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is the world tree. Siberian culture[edit] The world tree is also represented in the mythologies and folklore of Northern Asia and Siberia. The symbol of the world tree is also common in Tengriism, an ancient religion of Mongols and Turkic peoples. The world tree is visible in the designs of the Crown of Silla, Silla being one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea. Mesoamerican culture and Indigenous cultures of the Americas[edit] Among pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, the concept of "world trees" is a prevalent motif in Mesoamerican mythical cosmologies and iconography. A common theme in most indigenous cultures of the Americas is a concept of directionality (the horizontal and vertical planes), with the vertical dimension often being represented by a world tree. Other cultures[edit]

Yggdrasil, Norse world tree - Key symbols - LOTUS Gods, elves, giants and humans The universe was born from emptiness 1, the deep abyss (Ginnungagap), with the appearance of the primeval polarity of two complementary principles: fire/ice, warm/cold, light/darkness. Their interaction generated nine worlds equally divided into three spheres: celestial, intermediary and terrestrial. The first creatures were born from the interaction of both principles: the giant Ymir, the primeval Androgyne father of the giants' line, and the cow Audhumla, wet nurse of the giants and ancestor of living beings and Aesir gods. As primeval Androgyne, Ymir unifies both complementary principles within himself. As a reflection of Unity, Ymir also reveals himself as the possessor, the custodian of the primeval Knowledge attached to the origin of the universe and beings. The Aesir gods killed Ymir with the assistance of giants and dismembered him to create the universe. I know an ash tree that stands, Called Yggdrasil, A tall tree, Sprinkled with white mud;

The Nine Worlds of Norse Mythology The designation "Nine Worlds" is a well-known staple of Old Norse mythology, but what are the nine worlds exactly? Can anyone name all nine? Where are they located? In the Poetic Edda, we first learn of the tree Yggdrassil and the Nine Worlds. Mjötvíð, the Measuring Tree, is commonly understood to be the world-tree, Yggdrassil, so-named in Völuspá 20. To complicate matters, not only are there nine worlds, according to the Eddas, but also twelve heavens. Nine Worlds— the concept is easy enough to grasp. Although several illustrations of Yggdrassil have been published, these 4 works contain the primary representative efforts to create a list of the nine worlds. All 4 of these lists share the following worlds in common: Only the first four are found in the poems of the Elder Edda. Of these Muspelheim (and its variants) are unique to Snorri's Edda, and does not appear in the poems of the Elder Edda. Notice in the verse above that the world known as Hel is distinguished from Niflhel.

Norse Mythology | Yggdrasil the tree of life Yggdrasil in Norse Mythology Yggdrasil: The Tree of Life In the middle of Asgard, where the gods lives, is Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil is the tree of life. It is an eternal green Ash tree; the branches stretches out over all of the nine worlds, and extend up and above the heavens. Yggdrasil is carried by three enormous roots. An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil as described in the Icelandic Prose Edda. The third root from Yggdrasil goes down to Niflheim, close to the well Hvergelmir. The three Norns There are three Norns who lives at the well Urd. The bragging of the rooster is a wakeup call for all humans and gods. The Norns of fate Author of page content Martin Højbjerg

Northern Tradition Shamanism: Yggdrasil: The World Tree In order to understand the geography of the Nine Worlds, it is crucial to start with Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Conceptions of the World Tree have been found in tribal societies from Siberia to Polynesia; they differ in some aspects, but generally come with some kind of upper world in the top branches of the tree, some kind of ancestral world of the Dead at the roots, and various other worlds in the middle. It has been theorized that they are different trees on the same model, or that they are the same tree existing in many different dimensions, with different worlds in each, which seems more right to me somehow. We refer to the dimension of the Tree explored by the ancient Norse/Germanic/Saxon peoples as Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil exists in a void of nothingness called Ginnungagap. Here's where things get strange. I've noticed that with a few specific exceptions, the world-barriers tend to be on water - large rivers or ocean. Four deer run through the upper branches. The Sky-Etins

Norse Myths and Legends: Illustrations of Norse Mythology; Mythic Norse Art by Contemporary American Artist Howard David Johnson Howard David Johnson's works have been published all over the world. With a background in traditional media including oils, pastels & colored pencils, he embraces leading edge digital media in the creation of his depictions of fantasy, folklore, mythology, legend, religion, and heroic history. He works in and mixes a wide variety of media and is always experimenting, sometimes re-working existing pictures in various different media such as * Oil paintings * Acrylic Paintings * Prismacolor Paintings * Drawings * Chalk & Oil Pastel Paintings * Photography * Digital Artistry & Mixed Media * In David's invitation to the Florence Biennale Contemporary Art Exhibition, (a partner in the United Nations' Dialog among Nations), UN Secretary General Kofi Anon wrote him: "Artists have a special role to play in the global struggle for peace. At their best, artists speak not only to people; they speak for them. Art is a weapon against ignorance and hatred and an agent of public awareness...
