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Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary.WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS.Law of attraction/vibes

Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary.WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS.Law of attraction/vibes

Cleansing Crystals Will Create Positive Energy Within Them Why Should You Cleanse Your Crystals? Cleansing crystals regularly is necessary as they will absorb negative energy. It is likely that your crystals may absorb vibrations not only from you ... but from anything in the environment where they are located. To create positive energy within your crystals... you need to cleanse them frequently. Aura - Learn to see your Aura image with your own eyes What is the Aura ?Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example).

8 Ways To Strengthen Your Auric Field! You are continuously receiving information from your environment, not only through your five senses, but also through your auric field! You are able to perceive when someone is staring at you without seeing them, you can sense how somebody is feeling despite a facade, and you find some people to be energizing while others might be draining. Your aura is an extension of you. It is the energy field that surrounds your body. Many ancient cultures believe that illness first starts because of a weakness in the aura. Maintaining your auric field cleansed, strong and complete, will bring optimal health and wellbeing to you!

The Smudging Ceremony Our Native elders have taught us that before a person can be healed or heal another, one must be cleansed of any bad feelings, negative thoughts, bad spirits or negative energy - cleansed both physically and spiritually. This helps the healing to come through in a clear way, without being distorted or sidetracked by negative "stuff" in either the healer or the client. The elders say that all ceremonies, tribal or private, must be entered into with a good heart so that we can pray, sing, and walk in a sacred manner, and be helped by the spirits to enter the sacred realm.

The Recapitulation Exercise The recapitulation is an ancient technique for retrieving and healing your energy. It also teaches you how to prevent current energetic loss. Those who pursue it shamanically consider the recapitulation to be a never-ending process. Why do we need psychic protection? I had lunch with a friend today who says she needs to learn to protect herself at work more because she is being drained by some of those people she tries to help. She is a nurse. Another friend asked my advice when her 'white light' shield, something she has used for years, and truly believes in, was suddenly not strong enough to protect her from the negative energy she encounters in her work. These are two simple cases of why we all need a little psychic protection. The first one needs to remember to reactivate her shield each morning.

Psychic Protection 2 Psychic Protection 2 Continuing our discussion of psychic Protection, I would like to take a moment to talk about our human body. The Physical Body The physical body is the vehicle for the spiritual energy being that is each person's true Self. Being inside the human body offers no protection from astral entities, just as the body can get ill, so the Spirit can be affected by outside energies, and our thoughts and feelings. If you are not cautious with what you feed yourself, ingest, inject and think, you can alter your 'energy body' in such a way as to create small and large holes in your aura.

How To Raise The Magic Of The Force Within You Updated June 1, 2014 by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome! by Michelle Walling, CHLC In5D contributing writer
