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The Zeitgeist Movement Official Channel

The Zeitgeist Movement Official Channel

Hedonic treadmill The Hedonic (or Happiness) Set Point has gained interest throughout the field of positive psychology where it has been developed and revised further.[3] Given that hedonic adaptation generally demonstrates that a person's long term happiness is not significantly affected by otherwise impactful events, positive psychology has concerned itself with the discovery of things that can lead to lasting changes in happiness levels. Overview[edit] Happiness seems to be more like a thermostat, since our temperaments tend to bring us back towards a certain happiness level (a tendency influenced by carefully chosen activities and habits). Hedonic adaptation is a process or mechanism that reduces the affective impact of emotional events. Hedonic adaptation can occur in a variety of ways. Major theoretical approaches[edit] Behavioral/psychological approach[edit] Major empirical findings[edit] Wildeman, Turney, Schnittker (2014) studied the effects of imprisonment on one’s baseline level of well-being.

Site TZM Global TZM Frequently Asked Questions (1) What is The Zeitgeist Movement? The Zeitgeist Movement is an explicitly non-violent, global sustainability advocacy group currently working in over 1000 Regional Chapters across 70 countries. The basic structure of The Movement consists of Chapters, Teams, Projects & Events. Overall, the Chapters are essentially what define the Movement and each Chapter works to not only spread awareness about the roots of our social problems today but also to express the logical, scientific solutions and methods we have at our disposal to update and correct the current social system and create a truly responsible, sustainable, peaceful, global society. Working through global and regional educational projects and community programs, the intermediate goal is to obtain a worldwide movement, essentially unifying the people, regardless of country, religion or political party, with a common value identification that we all invariably share, pertaining to our survival and sustainability. Infinite Growth

Warmer klimaat, koudere winters Zowel Europa als het oostelijke deel van de Verenigde Staten hebben er enkele strenge winters opzitten. En volgens experts wordt het ook deze winter bibberen. Boosdoener is vreemd genoeg de opwarming van de aarde. De afgelopen drie winters werden Noord-Amerika en grote delen van Europa geteisterd door hevige sneeuwstormen. In januari 2011 viel het openbare leven in New York en Philadelphia zo goed als stil door ongezien winterweer. Een jaar later bleef de wintertemperatuur in Alaska tien graden onder het gemiddelde. België en Nederland kregen het minder hard te verduren, maar ook onze drie voorbije winters waren eerder koud ten opzichte van de voorbije decennia. Volgens de Amerikaanse klimatoloog Charles Greene van Cornell University staan ons de komende jaren meer koude en extreme winters te wachten: ‘Dat klinkt nogal vreemd in het warmste decennium sinds de metingen 160 jaar geleden begonnen’, schrijft hij in het Amerikaanse blad Scientific American.

Zeitblog TZM - Orientation Download Here The Zeitgeist Movement Defined (Full PDF Book) Who profits? Financial Data to see financial transparency info. About: The Zeitgeist Movement Defined is the official, representative text of the global, non-profit sustainability advocacy organization known as The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM). This tediously sourced and highly detailed work argues for a large-scale change in human culture, specifically in the context of economic practice. However, in the early 21st century, these problems have risen prominently, taking the consequential form of increasing social destabilization and ongoing environmental collapse. While largely misunderstood as being "utopian" or fantasy, this text walks through, step by step, the train of thought and technical industrial reordering needed to update our global society (and its values) to enable these profound new possibilities. If you find a Typo, please email (1) Preface Document Structure The Organism of Knowledge About

Forest gardening History[edit] Forest gardens are probably the world's oldest form of land use and most resilient agroecosystem.[2][3] They originated in prehistoric times along jungle-clad river banks and in the wet foothills of monsoon regions. In the gradual process of families improving their immediate environment, useful tree and vine species were identified, protected and improved whilst undesirable species were eliminated. Forest gardens are still common in the tropics and known by various names such as: home gardens in Kerala in South India, Nepal, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Tanzania; Kandyan forest gardens in Sri Lanka;[5] huertos familiares, the "family orchards" of Mexico; and pekarangan, the gardens of "complete design", in Java.[6] These are also called agroforests and, where the wood components are short-statured, the term shrub garden is employed. In tropical climates[edit] Americas[edit] Africa[edit] Nepal[edit] In temperate climates[edit] Robert Hart, forest gardening pioneer Permaculture[edit]

ZDay Slow Movement The Slow Movement advocates a cultural shift toward slowing down life's pace. It began with Carlo Petrini's protest against the opening of a McDonald's restaurant in Piazza di Spagna, Rome in 1986 that sparked the creation of the Slow Food organization. Over time, this developed into a subculture in other areas, such as Cittaslow (Slow Cities), Slow living, Slow Travel, and Slow Design. Geir Berthelsen and his creation of The World Institute of Slowness[1] presented a vision in 1999 for an entire "Slow Planet" and a need to teach the world the way of Slow. Carl Honoré's 2004 book, In Praise of Slowness, first explored how the Slow philosophy might be applied in every field of human endeavour and coined the phrase "Slow Movement". "It is a cultural revolution against the notion that faster is always better. Professor Guttorm Fløistad summarizes the philosophy, stating: "The only thing for certain is that everything changes. Cittaslow[edit] Slow ageing[edit] Main article: Slow ageing General:

Diaspora (social network) The social network is not owned by any one person or entity, keeping it from being subject to corporate take-overs or advertising. In September 2011 the developers stated, "...our distributed design means no big corporation will ever control Diaspora. Diaspora* will never sell your social life to advertisers, and you won’t have to conform to someone’s arbitrary rules or look over your shoulder before you speak."[2] Diaspora software development is managed by the Diaspora Foundation, which is part of the Free Software Support Network (FSSN). The Diaspora social network is constructed of a network of nodes, or pods, hosted by many different individuals and institutions. Friendica instances are also a part of the Diaspora social network through the Friendica Diaspora connector.[7] Diaspora users retain ownership of their data and do not assign ownership rights. The Diaspora software allows user posts to be designated as either "public" or "limited".
