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Online screening: Journey To The End Of Coal

Online screening: Journey To The End Of Coal
A project powered by Klynt Editing & publishing app. Journey To The End Of Coal tells you the story of a sacrifice. A sacrifice millions of Chinese coal miners are making everyday, risking their lives and spoiling their land to satisfy their own country’s appetite for economic growth. Your journey begins in Datong which is located just a couple hours away West from Beijing. In and around the coal mines, you get the story first hand from the mingong, the rural migrants traveling their country looking for work. At your own pace and will, you meet them and learn more about how they live in this valley of death and pollution, sometimes even literally bumping into them as they leave their home for their night shift, in the frozen winter of Northern China. Ultimately, you might discover China forbidden mines in which happen most of the accidents. First released on French news portal with more than 1.5 million page views.

Once Upon, atelier architecture transmedia, spécialiste des nouvelles écritures et de la production transmedia La nuit oubliée - sequence 73 Quelles sont les empreintes des répressions d'octobre 1961 dans le paysage urbain ? Thomas Salva a concentré son travail autour de cette question. Les traces sont justement inexistantes. Les légendes prennent alors tout leur sens pour saisir l'épaisseur du voile qui a recouvert les violences infligées aux citoyens Français musulmans d'Algérie. Ces sites qui s'écoutent, la part du son dans la création web ? Il y a quelques années, on trouvait de temps en temps quelques effets sonores au survol, fond musicaux ou bruitages sur les sites web, notamment grâce au Flash qui facilitait ces intégrations. Aujourd'hui les sites à tenter l'immersion sonore sont toujours assez rares. Outre l'aspect technique, l'intégration du son sur un site web pose des problèmes d'usage. Il est souvent jugé comme intrusif ou gênant pour les internautes, ce qui explique les réticences des webdesigners. L'exception confirme la règle avec cette sélection de sites mêlant son, image et interaction pour une immersion totale. Adresse : Fresque sonore et interactive dans les rues de Marseille. Créé à l'occasion de l'ouverture du MuCEM (Musée des Civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée), ce site internet propose une fresque interactive dans les rues de Marseille. « Marseille : le mistral urbain », questionnement sur les évolutions et la vie dans la ville. Clavier interactif

The edge of the abyss: exposing the NSA's all-seeing machine There is currently no clear path to reform. All three branches of US government have, in some measure, enabled, allowed, or justified the existence and continued use of unprecedented NSA programs that collect data on American citizens. President Obama, who is the NSA’s top brass as commander-in-chief of the US military, has shown no genuine interest in reforming the agency. In addition to broadly defending the bulk surveillance programs before the public, his NSA review panel — created in response to leaks from Edward Snowden — is filled with insiders who are unlikely to provoke change. Congress, which is responsible for oversight of the intelligence community, is currently divided on the issue of mass surveillance. Ironically, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Congressional body charged with overseeing the NSA and other intelligence groups, was established precisely to prevent domestic surveillance abuses.
