The Skeleton
Learn about the skeleton and why we need it! © 2012 This website is produced by the Student Recruitment, Admissions and International Development Division at The University of Manchester
Beginning Science Unit about Your Five Senses
This unit includes five worksheets which ask the student to identify items related to a specific sense. The sixth worksheet is a review of the five senses. No answer key provided. Grade recommendation: prek-k • Common Core State Standards Alignment: RI.K.9, L.K.5, L.1.5 Skills: fine motor skills | science | thinking skills | five senses Item 3393 | 6 pages | Publisher: T. Please tell us how you have used this material, see how others are using it, or update/recommend a CCSS. Printing Tip: If a worksheet page does not appear properly, reload or refresh the .pdf file. Beginning Science Worksheets about the Five Senses Click the worksheet preview for the full printable version of Beginning Science Worksheets about the Five Senses. Here are some of the ways our visitors are using this worksheet. • Zulma, a teacher, is using these worksheets as a k-1 handout. • A teacher is using these worksheets in kindergarten.
Brainsmart - Brain
The Body and Medicines
Dr Sally Freeman and Dr Bip Choudhury teach degree students here at the University of Manchester all about the body and medicines . This module has lots of fun facts, games and quizzes to help you learn too. Topics include the body, medicines, drugs and how doctors and pharmacists diagnose and treat illnesses. Hi, I'm Dr Sally Freeman I am a lecturer in Medicinal Chemistry in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Manchester which means that I teach pharmacy students about how medicines are discovered, what they are, how they are made and how they can cure disease. When I was at primary school I used to think that pharmacists (also confusingly called chemists) were simply shop assistants and would have the same training as someone that sells you some eggs or strawberries! I hope you have fun finding out more about medicines and how important they are in this section of the Children's University.. Hello. Pharmacy as a career... Anatomy as a career...
Neuroscience For Kids
The smell of a flower - The memory of a walk in the park - The pain of stepping on a nail. These experiences are made possible by the 3 pounds of tissue in our heads...the BRAIN!! Neuroscience for Kids has been created for all students and teachers who would like to learn about the nervous system. Discover the exciting world of the brain, spinal cord, neurons and the senses. Use the experiments, activities and games to help you learn about the nervous system. Can't find what you are looking for? Portions of Neuroscience for Kids are available in Spanish, Slovene, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Serbian, Russian, Slovak, Romanian, Polish, Albanian, Czech, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Punjabi, Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Ukranian and Turkish. "Neuroscience for Kids" is maintained by Eric H.
The 5 Senses Worksheets – Free Science Worksheets for Kids
Can you smell, hear, touch, taste and see things? Good. That means your 5 senses are working just fine. Can you imagine what life would be like if you couldn’t do one or more of these things? These free printable 5 Senses Worksheets help you learn more about your body. The sense of smell Your nose is used for more than just breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide – it is also the organ you use to smell things and as an aide to the sense of taste. Minty - ToothpasteMusky – Dad’s aftershaveFloral – FlowersPutrid – Bad breathPungent – GarlicEthereal – FruitsCamphoraceous – Moth repellantThe sense of taste Your tongue contains taste buds that enable you to experience different flavors and identify the temperature and texture of the food you eat. Sweet – Maple syrupSour – LemonSalty – PretzelsBitter – Unsweetened chocolateSense of hearing Your ears are responsible for the sense of hearing. Sense of touch Know more about the human body and other science topics here.
The brain
brain; nerve; cerebellum; spinal cord; neurons; brain stem; grey matter ; Contents The brain is the control centre for your body and it sits in your skull at the top of your spinal cord. The brain has three main parts. The cerebellum (say se-re-bell-um). Your brain is wrapped in 3 layers of tissue and floats in a special shock-proof fluid to stop it from getting bumped on the inside of your skull as your body moves around. Your brain is more powerful, more complex and more clever than any computer ever built. It is constantly dealing with hundreds of messages from the world around you, and from your body, and telling your body what to do. It gets the messages from your senses - seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching and moving. Cranial nerves (say cray-nee-al) carry messages to and from the ears, eyes, nose, throat, tongue and skin on your face and scalp. The spinal cord carries messages to and from the arms, legs and trunk of the body. Eating healthy food like fish and fresh vegetables.
"Soy todo oídos" (El oído interno)
La ficha “Soy todo oídos” es un recortable que encontré vía Pinterest en “Scholastic” y que he adaptado al castellano con el nombre de todas las partes del oído interno y una segunda fichas igual pero sin los datos ,para que puedan ponerlo el alumnado. También dejo disponible el original en inglés y el artículo original con propuestas para trabajar los contenidos lo tenéis disponible en este enlace. Materiales: ficha de trabajo, cartulina, tijeras y pegamento Si compartes este material: Nuestro material está bajo licencia Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 (clic para saber más), bajo las condiciones de esa licencia puede COMPARTIRLO en las REDES SOCIALES, WEB Y BLOG, pero en estos dos últimos casos enlazando al material original de este blog y NO descargando y compartiendo desde un blog externo. Relacionado Recortable de la cabeza Esta actividad vale tanto para el área de conocimiento del medio, cómo para realizarla en educación artística. En "Educ. Lil death En "Halloween" Gorra