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Your Olympic athlete body match. 30 July 2012Last updated at 12:14 ET Olympic athletes come in all shapes and sizes, from the lithe limbs of Japan's Asuka Teramoto to the gargantuan frame of China's Zhaoxu Zhang.

Your Olympic athlete body match

But how do you measure up in comparison? Try our app below and find out. Why not then share your results with your friends? Continue reading the main story This interactive feature requires Javascript. Tallest Zhaoxu Zhang 2.19m, 110kg China Basketball Lightest Asuka Teramoto 1.36m, 30kg Japan Gymnastics - Artistic 2.25m 2m 1.75m 1.5m 1.25m 1m TallestHeaviest. Olympic Athletes Body Types. | Sports | 2012 Olympics | Best Body Types for Olympic Sports Take an interactive look at Olympic athletes' body types and how different body types and training methods are best-suited for individual sports in the 2012 Olympics in London. 2012 Olympics: 2012 Olympic Medals | Summer Olympic Sports | London Venues | Torch Route Olympians: Secrets of 2012 Olympians | Best Body Types for Olympic Sports | Oscar Pistorius History: Medal Count History | History of Gymnastics | History of Diving.

Olympic Athletes Body Types

Comparing Vastly Different Body Types of Olympic Athletes. New York-based photographer Howard Schatz captures the diverse range of body types of Olympic athletes.

Comparing Vastly Different Body Types of Olympic Athletes

Referring to a body as an athletic build is often thought to be a perfect, rippling mass of muscle boasting a six pack, but Schatz's series reveals the wide variety of heights, widths, body shapes, and muscle mass that make up the physiques of champion athletes across an array of Olympic sports. Tall, short, heavy and light, Schatz's series clearly displays the broad spectrum of sizes and shapes that these disciplined jocks come in. Dependent on their field of athletics, their bodies are in peak condition, despite looking so different from one another.

While long-distance running athletes are typically lean, this physical feature is undesirable for a weightlifter or wrestler who relies on more muscle and weight to win their respective titles. Just as long legs are preferred for a sprinter, it's a long torso that works to the advantage of a swimmer. Howard Schatz - Books. Athlete A new book of photographs of 125 champion athletes.

Howard Schatz - Books

In such uniquely visionary books as Water Dance, Pool Light, Passion %26 Line, and Nude Body Nude, Howard Schatz has established himself as one of the great photographers of the human form. Working primarily with dancers, Schatz has been particularly attracted to form shaped by function. Now, in Athlete, he reaches the zenith of his photographic paean to the human body, creating an astonishing record of the specialized forms both adapted to the wide spectrum of sport and shaped by fiercely focused effort.

His subjects, as varied and meticulously documented as Audubon's birds, literally embody the astonishing array of physical perfection required for their particular sports. Order from Amazon, or from Barnes & Noble + Chicago Sun-Times ++ -"...A visual triumph + Orlando Sentinel ++ -"Beautifully photographed, beautifully organized, beautifully designed, the book contains endless delights"- + Minneapolis Star Tribune ++ 15 Uncanny Examples of the Golden Ratio in Nature.

Golden ratio. Line segments in the golden ratio In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities.

Golden ratio

The figure on the right illustrates the geometric relationship. Expressed algebraically, for quantities a and b with a > b > 0, The golden ratio is also called the golden section (Latin: sectio aurea) or golden mean.[1][2][3] Other names include extreme and mean ratio,[4] medial section, divine proportion, divine section (Latin: sectio divina), golden proportion, golden cut,[5] and golden number.[6][7][8] Some twentieth-century artists and architects, including Le Corbusier and Dalí, have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing (see Applications and observations below).

Calculation Therefore, Multiplying by φ gives and History. Elite Fitness Graphics - The 'What Makes an Olympic Body' Infographic Takes on Team BMI. The 'What Makes an Olympic Body' infographic speculates on the overall BMI, weight and height of the average team member in each sport during the London 2012 Summer Olympics.

Elite Fitness Graphics - The 'What Makes an Olympic Body' Infographic Takes on Team BMI

The graphic presents a variety of different options for those looking to identify with an Olympic sport. The fascinating comparison between LeBron James' 6'8" and 249-pound frame versus Gabby Douglas' 4'11" and 90-pound frame is an interesting perspective between what it takes to succeed in basketball versus gymnastics. The BMI is an interesting addition to this graphic as it measures what ratio your body should be to its fat content in order to be considered healthy. However, as Olympic athletes are in such an elite crowd of fat-to-muscle ratio, while understanding the BMI in comparison to them is interesting, it does not necessarily mean that everyone should be aiming to hit their BMI range.