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National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

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Ecstasy - Drug Prevention & Alcohol Facts What is ecstasy? Effects of ecstasy Withdrawal Further information Online papers on consciousness Search tips There are three kinds of search you can perform: All fields This mode searches for entries containing all the entered words in their title, author, date, comment field, or in any of many other fields showing on OPC pages. Surname Steroid Abuse Is a High-Risk Route to the Finish Line Starting last fall, capitalizing on the interest raised by the Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, NIDA intensified its campaign to warn young people that steroid abuse is a dangerous way to become faster, stronger, and bigger. Boys and girls who abuse these drugs before reaching their full natural height may prematurely halt bone growth, resulting in permanently shorter stature. Boys and men who abuse steroids risk shrinkage of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, and an increased risk for prostate cancer. Girls and women are subject to menstrual abnormalities, voice deepening, breast shrinkage, male-pattern baldness, and an increase in sex drive, acne, body hair, and clitoris size. Some of these adverse effects—including breast enlargement in men, menstrual abnormalities in women, and reduced height in both sexes—may be permanent.

2008 Youth is a stage of life characterised by rapid psychological and physical transition, where young people progress from being dependent children to independent adults. Young people may be inclined to experiment and take risks that could impact on their own health and wellbeing and have consequences for others. This article examines behaviours such as risky drinking, illicit drug use and dangerous driving by people aged 15-24 years. It also looks at some of the potential consequences of these behaviours, including being charged with criminal offences, hospitalisation and death.

Anger potentiates the reporting of threatening interpretations: An experimental study - Scholars Portal Journals This paper reports the results of an experiment investigating the effect of induced anger on interpretational bias using the homophone spelling task. Four groups of participants experienced anger, anxiety, happy or neutral mood inductions and then completed the homophone spelling task. Participants who experienced anger and anxiety inductions reported significantly more threat/neutral homophones as threats compared to control participants; moods had an emotion-congruent effect on threat reporting, with negative moods increasing the tendency to report threat/neutral homophones as threats and positive moods increasing the tendency to report positive/neutral homophones as positive. The findings provide evidence that anger potentiates the reporting of threatening interpretations and does so independently of any effect of concurrent levels of state and trait anxiety.

Anabolic Steroid Abuse Side Effects, Statistics, Treatment, Dependence, Addiction Symptoms Steroid Abuse Medical Author: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD Medical Editor: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACRand Jay W. Marks, MD Steroids are a class of compounds that share a similar chemical structure. This broad group of chemicals includes many normal substances in the body (such as cholesterol), vitamins(vitamin D), hormones (for example, the sex hormones and their derivatives), and drugs given to treat inflammation (hydrocortisone, prednisone). Mentoring Reduces Risk Taking Behaviour in Teens – Yes! Youth Empowerment, Parenting And Mentoring for Schools, Parents, Teachers If someone were to ask you to recall an outrageous or just plain dangerous thing that you did as a teenager, I can almost guarantee that you could remember at least one event that makes you cringe. Quite often, we look back on our youth and ask ourselves ‘why did I do THAT?’ or wonder how it is possible that we are even alive to tell the tale. Memories of driving at 106 mph down the motorway just to see how far you could push the engine may spring to mind as you try to tell your own teenagers to wear a seatbelt while they roll their eyes at you for being an over protective worry wort.

Conducting Research with Non-clinical Healthy Undergraduates: Does Effort Play a Role in Neuropsychological Test Performance? + Author Affiliations ↵*Corresponding author at: Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, Canada M1C 1A4. Tel.: +1-416-287-7424; fax: +1-416-287-7642. E-mail address: (K.K. Zakzanis) Abstract
