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Microscopic Images of Alcoholic Drinks

Microscopic Images of Alcoholic Drinks
All of these impressive photos of alcoholic beverages under a microscope uncover the elements that make up some of our preferred tipples. Similar to photos of snowflakes, each and every beverage is unique, while observed below when zoomed about 1, 000 times under a high tech lab microscope. Created by United States company Bevshots, these are available as artworks for potential buyers which recognize the concealed beauty of alcoholic beverages. Catching the small elements that define most popular drinks such as vodka, pina colada and Chablis. "What you can see in the magnified pictures are the crystalised carbohydrates that have become sugars and glucose, " described Lester Hutt, 35, the founder of Bevshots. He describes, "Each image was created by using a pipette of each particular drink and squeezing a drop onto a slide. Vodka and tonic Whiskey Vodka Tequila Sake Pina Colada Martini Dry Martini Champagne Red wine German Pilsner inevitable Coca Cola

Creepy, Crusty, Crumbling: Illegal Tour of Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans [75 Pics] Hurricane Katrina killed this clown. According to the photographer, “An abandoned Six Flags amusement park, someone spray painted ‘Six Flags 2012 coming soon’ on the wall above the downed head. But they were clownin.’ Six Flags will never rebuild here.” That’s sad, but much of New Orleans has not been restored to her former glory. WebGL Water Loading... Made by Evan Wallace This demo requires a decent graphics card and up-to-date drivers. If you can't run the demo, you can still see it on YouTube. Interactions: Draw on the water to make ripples Drag the background to rotate the camera Press SPACEBAR to pause and unpause Drag the sphere to move it around Press the L key to set the light direction Press the G key to toggle gravity

BEFORE THEY PASS AWAY The purity of humanity exists. It is there in the mountains, the ice fields, the jungle, along the rivers and in the valleys. Jimmy Nelson found the last tribesmen and observed them. He smiled and drank their mysterious brews before taking out his camera. He shared what real people share: vibrations, invisible but palpable. He adjusted his antenna to the same frequency as theirs. 20 Most Amazing Microscope Shots These microscope pictures are taken from the book ‘ Microcosmos’, created by Brandon Brill . This book includes many scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of insects, human body parts and household items. These are the most amazing images of what is too small to see with the naked eye.

We Danced On The Moon Brad and I drove to the Salt Flats. I had never been before. We made an adventure out of it. We stopped and looked for ghost towns. We stopped to explore in the sunshine. Index of / vincemckelvie: tumblr needs to get on that auto play video functionality Better late than never Derrick Jensen by Derrick Jensen Photograph by Stephen Wilkes THE MOST COMMON WORDS I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked. Most of these environmentalists are fighting desperately, using whatever tools they have—or rather whatever legal tools they have, which means whatever tools those in power grant them the right to use, which means whatever tools will be ultimately ineffective—to try to protect some piece of ground, to try to stop the manufacture or release of poisons, to try to stop civilized humans from tormenting some group of plants or animals. Sometimes they’re reduced to trying to protect just one tree. Here’s how John Osborn, an extraordinary activist and friend, sums up his reasons for doing the work: “As things become increasingly chaotic, I want to make sure some doors remain open.

College Electronic Microscope Facility Skip to main content Dartmouth College Electron Microscope Facility 20 Places to see in your 20s - WORLD OF WANDERLUST TOP 20: 20 Places to See in your 20s 20. Lantern Festival, Taiwan Here’s a photo you’ve likely seen doing the endless rounds on social media – and it’s little wonder due to the spectacular nature of the photograph, which encapsulates the spirit and wonder of the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in Taiwan.

Miniature People in Shocking Scenes Hazardous Material What kind of misery and chaos have the miniature people gotten themselves into? San Diego-based artist Enomeks has that answer. He's come upon four different yet very dramatic scenes. A hazmat team has been deployed to check out some foreign, fuming material. Banksy has struck again!

Create Something. Donate Login Remember Me Create An Account Picasso, Kepler, and the Benefits of Being an Expert Generalist One thing that separates the great innovators from everyone else is that they seem to know a lot about a wide variety of topics. They are expert generalists. Their wide knowledge base supports their creativity. As it turns out, there are two personality traits that are key for expert generalists: Openness to Experience and Need for Cognition.

I wish I could get prints of these! by roxyriley Sep 11
