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6 Animals That Can Get You High

6 Animals That Can Get You High
Most human beings are inexplicably drawn to at least some measure of mind-altering substances, from your grandmother sipping her soothingly-caffeinated tea to the dude in Under Armour sweatpants puking out rivers of beer in front of your apartment building at seven o'clock on a Sunday morning. However, only the few, the visionaries, look at passing wildlife and think, "Hey, I wonder if that creature can get me wasted? Let's lick it and find out." The sad part? Those guys are often rewarded for their efforts, by animals like... The Arabic-speaking Humr people of Sudan are strictly forbidden to partake in any plant-based intoxicant such as alcohol or cannabis, which is a bizarrely specific restriction reminiscent of the Transportation Security Administration's express identification of nunchucks as a prohibited item on airplanes. You can't see it, but Bear has nunchucks. "Shit, are you the giraffe I just killed and made drugs from, or the giraffe I'm about to kill and make drugs from?"

7 Common Foods That Can Actually Get You High EDITORS' DISCLAIMER: Cracked does not endorse eating the below foodstuffs for the express purpose of getting high, as the side effects are usually horrible enough to make you forget you were high in the first place. Thus the information in this article should only be used for scintillating chitchat at cocktail parties and around the office. Rye grain is occasionally infected with the ergot fungus. The Downside Ergot outbreaks are rare so eating a Reuben will most likely not turn you into Hunter S. But most modern farmers clean their rye in a potassium chloride solution to guard against, something medieval farmers never did. Fun Fact Modern historians blame ergotism for a slew of old-timey panics and superstitions, ranging from werewolves to the Salem Witch Trials. Nutmeg, that piquant brown spice you sprinkle on egg nog, is chock full o' the organic compound myristicin. Some users compare the nutmeg "high" to a hellish case of the flu. Not an actual photo of incident

The Most Addictive Drugs in the World Many people think that heroin is the most addictive drug in the world. The truth is, that although heroin is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world, it is NOT the most addictive. You may be surprised to learn that some of the drugs the experts have found to be most addictive are actually legal. The most addictive drugs Nicotine. Although studies vary, it is generally believed that over 30% of those individuals who use nicotine for a period of time become addicted. Caffeine. Heroin. Cocaine. Alcohol. For the most part, those with alcohol and drug addiction are unlikely to admit, on their own, that they have a problem. Obviously, some of the substances listed above are more dangerous than others. At Michael’s House, we treat individuals who have seen their life take a wrong turn as a result of drug addiction. For addiction treatment that gets real results, contact Michael’s House today.

The 5 Greatest Things Ever Accomplished While High's new book is now on sale. What follows is one of the classic articles that appear in the book, along with 18 new articles that you can't read anywhere else. Any dreadlocked white guys finding this article after Googling "Drugs Rule" should know that we've given this list about drugs a rule. In fact, because we're masochists, we gave ourselves a strict no music policy, leaving us with ... well, not a whole lot actually. Francis Crick Discovers DNA Thanks to LSD The Accomplishment: For the few Cracked readers not versed in the history of human genetics, Francis Crick is the closest that field gets to a rock star, which is pretty fucking close as it turns out. Above: Science? Odile had no idea what they were celebrating. The Drug: LSD. Drugs? Why It Makes Sense: The double helix is essentially the Sgt. Now obviously scientists don't arrive at models by doodling on their trapper keeper and picking out the shape that looks the coolest. "It's so fucking beautiful." Cocaine. Acid.

The Good Drugs Guide - Honest Drug Information on Use and Treatment 7 Superpowered Animal Senses You Won't Believe Are Possible The human imagination is pretty limited when it comes to animal senses. We call people with good vision "eagle eye," and believe that toucan's can smell cereal because they have big noses. It turns out the animal kingdom has plenty of creatures whose senses go beyond what we can conceive without our head exploding. For instance ... Silvertip Grizzlies Can Smell You From 18 Miles Away (And Across Time) Humans use smell to get us excited about pie before we actually put it in our mouths, and not much else. His nose is a time-traveler. It knows who walked down the street last night at 11PM, what the soles of their shoes were made of, the brand of cigarette they were smoking. ... and tell you Ingrid had a secret admirer last spring when they fixed the sidewalk. Fortunately for the sake of this article, and unfortunately for the sake of everyone who's afraid of bears, the silvertip grizzly's sense of smell is seven times stronger than that of the bloodhound. "These are a curse ... Wrong.

The Blog : Drugs and the Meaning of Life (Photo by JB Banks) (Note 6/4/2014: I have revised this 2011 essay and added an audio version.—SH) Everything we do is for the purpose of altering consciousness. Drugs are another means toward this end. One of the great responsibilities we have as a society is to educate ourselves, along with the next generation, about which substances are worth ingesting and for what purpose and which are not. However, we should not be too quick to feel nostalgia for the counterculture of the 1960s. Drug abuse and addiction are real problems, of course, the remedy for which is education and medical treatment, not incarceration. I discuss issues of drug policy in some detail in my first book, The End of Faith, and my thinking on the subject has not changed. I have two daughters who will one day take drugs. This is not to say that everyone should take psychedelics. There is no getting around the role of luck here. Huxley was operating under the assumption that psychedelics decrease brain activity.

7 Simple Questions You Won't Believe Science Just Answered One advantage of living in the information age is learning new things every day. Even more interesting is when we learn stuff that we thought we already knew but apparently didn't, like the fact that the sun is a sphere. Yep, science just found that out in February 2011. Next they're going to tell us that they just figured out whether the chicken or egg came first. Actually .... Which Came First: The Chicken or the Egg? If you're anything like us, you probably spent a good part of your college years in a Denny's booth debating the universe's biggest mysteries, like how rad exactly is Dave Matthews Band live? What We Just Found Out It was the chicken. Via Wikimedia CommonsNot such a big man now, are you, Hawking? In the summer of 2010, British researchers cracked the eneggma when they discovered that the protein necessary to create the eggshell was fowlnd exclusively in the ovaries of the chicken. Via James GurneyBwok bwok ROAR! Via Actually, it's just the opposite.

Bryan Lewis Saunders - DRUGS "Near Death Experience" 25I-NBOMe Abilify / Xanax / Ativan (dosage unknown in hospital) 90mg Abilify (after 3 months usage 3x maximum dose) 1 sm Glass of Absinth 10mg Adderall Alcohol 10mg Ambien Ativan / Haloperidol (doseage unknown in hospital) Bath Salts 15mg Buspar (snorted) 4 Butalbitals (doseage unknown) Butane Honey Oil 250mg Cephalexin (painted w/ watercolor pencil, water and cephalexin) 1/2 gram Cocaine Computer Duster (2 squirts) 2 bottles of Cough Syrup 1 "Bump" of Crystalmeth 20mg Cyclobenzaprine 4mg Dilaudid 1 shot of Dilaudid / 3 shots of Morphine (In the ER with kidney stones) DMT (during and after) 60mg Geodon Hash Heroin (Snorted) Huffing Gas (during and after) Huffing Lighter Fluid 7.5mg Hydrocodone / 7.5mg Oxycodone / 3mg Xanax Khat (chew and tea) 3mg Klonopin 300mg Lithium 10mg Lortab (Shitty) LSD Marijuana (Kine Bud) Marijuana (G13) Marijuana Resin Morphine IV (doseage unknown) Psilocybin Mushrooms (2 caps onset) 2mg Nicotine Gum (after quitting smoking for 2 months) Nitrous Oxide Opium 7.5mg Percocet

10 Famous Unsolved Mysteries Easily Explained by Science The Mystery Ghosts have been spotted all over the world since time immemorial, typically in dark, spooky places, where anyone or anything could jump out at you. Something like one-third of people believe in ghosts. Could all those people really be wrong? Yes. GettyDrumroll ... Yes again. The Solution We've talked a bit about ghostly origins before, specifically how infrasound can cause hallucinations and feelings of dread. GettyReally, she was torturing her imaginary childhood friend. As they attempted further experiments, the patient complained of feeling the other person behind her even while she was lying down. Via lnco.epfl.chThanks, Switzerland. GettyUsually their boss. Well, either that, or scientists have just concretely proved that ghosts hate literacy. What do Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid of Giza and Ayers Rock have in common? GettyApart from hippie flash mobs? All have a reputation as mystical, even magical places with strange histories and events surrounding them. *Gasp* No! Huh.
