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Top10 - Gadgets for your bag

Top10 - Gadgets for your bag
My opinion is that while most of these things can be useful, they are not the kind of things to carry around at all times, here's what I think.. 10. Cable shorteners, maybe I should give it a try. Not sure about the result though. 9. Money clip. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Anyways, I still think that this article is great, even if I don't agree with everything, these ideas are not stupid at all and I did learn some new things.

Aetrex GPS shoes « ΚΑFΕΝΕΙΟ A number of my friends have elderly parents afflicted by dementia or Alzheimer’s. In the early stages, when people are still reasonably functional and still managing at home with a caregiver (often the other non-afflicted spouse), one of the biggest problems is making sure they don’t wander off. One of my friends’ dad used to get dressed and leave the house in the middle of the night. Luckily, the police would bring him home. Essential Outdoor Survival Skills You can’t call yourself an adventurer without these critical outdoor survival skills. When heading into the great outdoors, or any potential survival situation, we all know to bring the necessary gear and supplies. You’ll need food, water, fire and all the other essentials on your backpacking gear list.

HowTo - Back-Up Your Computer For Linux, there is Back-In-Time which uses the standard Linux filesystem hardlink capability to store multiple versions in a non-duplicate efficient manner. Unfortunately, none of the data is compressed and if large media files are not excluded (think 5GB videos), then you will quickly run out of backup storage. OTOH, it is bonehead simple and just works. Mom is very happen - ok, Mom doesn't know anything about it. There are Gnome and KDE specific versions of B-I-T. Atlas endures…for now This is my column in this month’s Emergency Medicine News. In Medicine, Atlas endures. For now…

Airsoft. It’s Not Just For Kids: Using Airsoft in Your Firearms Training One of my sheepdog goals this year is to become proficient with a handgun and to get my carry license. I bought my first handgun a few months ago — a Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm — and have been taking defensive handgun classes at the U.S. Shooting Academy. One thing I quickly discovered is that firearm training gets really expensive, really fast. First there’s the range time you need to pay for, but what really kills you is the ammo.

What Katrina Can Teach Libraries About Sandy and Other Disasters - Wired Campus Disaster plans used to seem like “kind of a bother” to Lance D. Query, Tulane University’s director of libraries. Then, in 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, flooding Tulane’s Howard-Tilton Memorial Library with more than eight feet of water. “I look at them much more carefully now,” says Mr. Expedient Family Survival Water Filter The ability to purify water in an emergency situation is not a “nice thing to have”, it is an essential part of your preparedness plan. Whether you are planning to bug in or bug out, safe drinking water is the foundation for survival. By Dave H, a reader of In my never ending quest for DIY (Do It Yourself) survival tools, I have found a way to purify larger quantities of water at a low cost for my survival community using gravity. Although for some it would be easier to go with a turn key solution such as a Berkey water purification system, I wanted a low cost system that I could afford to keep in multiple locations (cars, home, bug out location, work, storage locker, etc.)

Is Survival REALLY Survival without Cheese and Homemade Bread? Welcome to this week’s Survive The Coming Collapse newsletter, brought to you by Free Survival Cheat, a set of quick, actionable, and free preparedness and survival tips and tricks from the The Fastest Way To Prepare course. Thanks to everyone who participated in the fundraising sale for victims and first responders helping with Sandy recovery efforts. I’m glad to say that I rounded up the amount raised and sent $1,000 to The Church At The Gateway on Staten Island earlier this week. If you participated, thank you. Quick Tips for Dehydrating Food Over the years I have tried dehydrating various foods. I have done fruits, vegetables, meats and shrimp. Some of the items I will continue to dehydrate and some I will write off as a learning experience. By Dave H, a reader of When thinking about dehydrating food for a survival situation, you most likely will be planning for the “Extended” and/or the “Long Term” levels in the Survival Food Pyramid. When I first began dehydrating, I started with small batches and vacuum bags for storage.

The Society for Italic Handwriting - Articles Return to Handwriting Technique A paper read to the Society at the AGM held in London on 24 April, 1957 By H. R.
