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Human Rights: The Rights of Refugees Across the world, barriers are growing. Every day people fleeing war and persecution find the door slammed in their face. Refugees have human rights. Libre circulation des professions - Commission européenne La réglementation de l’UE y est expliquée en détails : Points de contact Il existe des points de contact dans chaque État membre. Ils vous informent sur la reconnaissance de vos qualifications professionnelles (législation nationale, procédures à suivre) et vous assistent avec des renseignements dans vos démarches administratives.

ALEC – American Legislative Exchange Council More than 40 years ago, a small group of state legislators and conservative policy advocates met in Chicago to implement a vision: A nonpartisan membership association for conservative state lawmakers who shared a common belief in limited government, free markets, federalism, and individual liberty. Their vision and initiative resulted in the creation of a voluntary membership association for people who believed that government closest to the people was fundamentally more effective, more just, and a better guarantor of freedom than the distant, bloated federal government in Washington, D.C.

In-Depth: Top 10 neglected refugee crises JOHANNESBURG, 21 November 2012 (IRIN) - Refugee crises appear to come and go. In 2011, all eyes were on the Dadaab refugee complex in northern Kenya as it received hundreds of thousands of Somalis fleeing famine and conflict. This year, attention has shifted to the refugee exodus from Syria, even though the majority of Somalis who arrived at Dadaab last year are still there. In fact, most refugee and displacement crises continue long after public attention and donor interest wane, and others never make it into the spotlight.

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) The ODI Fellowship Scheme has existed since 1967 to provide governments of developing countries with high calibre junior professional economists and statisticians where gaps in local expertise exist; and to provide postgraduate economists and statisticians with practical work experience in a developing country. It is demand-led by developing country governments, who share the costs of employing Fellows with ODI. The Scheme is open to postgraduate economists and statisticians of any nationality and is currently partnered with 24 developing country governments and regional bodies. It awarded 57 Fellowships in 2013 and currently has 105 Fellows in post. Scouts and Guides - active global citizens This EC funded project is a partnership between Scouting and Guiding Associations, and non-profit organisations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia, Greece, Scotland and Germany. Partners are working together to deliver training to and develop materials for Scout and Guide Leaders to embed Global Citizenship within existing national Scouting and Guiding frameworks. The project will run until 2018. Girlguiding Scotland and Scouts Scotland In early 2015 a group of Scout and Guide Leaders from across Scotland were selected by their Associations to work with Scotdec.

Le Service Volontaire européen Il permet aux jeunes de 16 à 30 ans d’acquérir une expérience de volontariat à l’étranger. C’est une action qui participe à faire valoir la citoyenneté européenne et à prendre part à un projet d’intérêt général. Quoi ? Participer à un projet de volontariat. Le jeune qui souhaite participer à ce projet doit contacter une organisation d’envoi locale. Welcome To The API Website
