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Vídeos Detalles Visitas: 1997 La erupción del Vesubio en el año 79 a. En ese sentido, el siguiente vídeo es una reconstrucción virtual realizada por el Museo Victoria de Australia, muy atractiva y de gran valor educativo, que nos ayudará a entender esos momentos de la tragedia y cómo ha llegado hasta nuestros días. Para evitar problemas de reproducción por los plugins de vídeo, hemos optado por apuntar al enlace del museo donde además del vídeo encontrarás otras actividades (en inglés) relacionadas con el estudio del Antiguo Imperio Romano. ICTmagic - home Teaching with Google Earth Created by Glenn A. Richard, Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University A Complete Guide to Using Google Earth in the Geoscience Classroom What is Google Earth? Classroom Activities: Ready-to-use Ready to get started teaching with Google Earth? Contribute a Teaching Activity If you have a Google Earth activity you would like to share with the community, please use our Contribute an Activity form to upload your materials. More Google Earth Pedagogy from On the Cutting Edge Teaching Geologic Map Interpretation with Google Earth This module includes a new approach to teaching map interpretation and locations for teaching structural geology, a gallery of instructional images.Google Earth and Geoscience Education - a summary of Google Earth and its application in the geoscience classroom.

World History for Us All GlobalReadAloud - home Geography for Ancient History (for kids & teachers) Ancient Mesopotamia Geography - This land between two rivers was filled with wildlife and edible vegetation making it an attractive area for early man to move in to. Once they figured out how to grow crops there, civilization soon followed. Ancient Egypt Geography - Ancient Egypt had many natural barriers. Ancient Greece Geography - The Greek city-states were located in southern Europe, grouped together on a large peninsula that juts into the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Rome Geography - Ancient Rome began in the Seven Hills, on a peninsula, shaped like a boot, a peninsula that jutted out into the Mediterranean Sea. Rome did not spring into being as a power on the Italian peninsula. Ancient China Geography - The early Chinese people knew there were other tribes of people to the north. Ancient India Geography - India is a land of many varied geographical formations. Ancient Aztecs Geography - The Aztecs settled down in the Valley of Mexico.

Vikidia Canada 1812: Forged in Fire conceptioncurriculaire - home New Human Ancestor Elicits Awe—and Many Questions Scientists reacted with a mix of awe and exasperation to the news Thursday of the discovery of fossils in South Africa that are said to define a new species of human ancestor, Homo naledi. The awe was inspired mostly by the sheer number of fossils—more than 1,500 bones, all of them from a remote chamber in the cave system called Rising Star, 30 miles northwest of Johannesburg. “It’s a stunning collection of bones, unlike any we’ve seen before,” said Carol Ward, a paleoanthropologist at the School of Medicine at the University of Missouri. Like other scientists, however, Ward tempered her enthusiasm with frustration at the discovery team’s decision to publish before more information could be gathered—most importantly, on the age of the bones. Homo naledi sports a bizarre mixture of primitive and modern traits. But dating fossils solely by what they look like is a highly risky business. Until the fossils’ age is known, some scientists say, their real value to science hangs in limbo.
