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Smartshop, Fumício e Cultivo - Azarius. UK Narcotics Anonymous. Bupropion. Bupropion (/bjuːˈproʊpi.ɒn/ bew-PROH-pee-on) (BAN) or bupropion hydrochloride (USAN, BAN), also known as amfebutamone (INN), is a drug of the aminoketone family primarily used as an antidepressant and smoking cessation aid.[8][9][10] Marketed as Wellbutrin and other trade names, it is one of the most frequently prescribed antidepressants in the United States,[11] although in many English-speaking countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, this is an off-label use.[12] It is also widely used, in a formulation marketed as Zyban, to aid people who are trying to quit smoking.[11] It is taken in the form of tablets, and in the United States and most other countries it is available only with a prescription.[11] Bupropion was synthesized by Nariman Mehta and patented by Burroughs Wellcome in 1969, which later became part of what is now GlaxoSmithKline.


It was first approved for clinical use in the United States in 1989. Medical uses[edit] Citalopram. Citalopram (/sɪˈtælɵpræm/ or /saɪˈtælɵpræm/; brand names: Celexa, Cipramil) is an antidepressant drug of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class.


It has U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to treat major depression,[1] which it received in 1998[2] and is prescribed off-label for other conditions. In Australia, the UK, Germany, Portugal, Poland, and most European countries it is licenced for depressive episodes and panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. In Spain it is also used for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Medical uses[edit] Citalopram HBr tablets in 20 mg (coral, marked 508) and 40 mg (white, marked 509), and a United States one-cent coin (size 19.05mm/0.75"). Depression[edit] Evidence does not show a benefit from citalopram in children with depression.[3] Anxiety disorders[edit] Panic disorder[edit] Citalopram is licensed in the UK and other European countries [11][12] for panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia.

Drugs - Amyl, Butyl or Isobutyl Nitrite, Nitrates, Poppers. Poppers(amyl nitrite, butyl nitrate, isobutyl nitrite, TNT, liquid gold, rush etc.)

Drugs - Amyl, Butyl or Isobutyl Nitrite, Nitrates, Poppers

Amyl/butyl nitrite (poppers) is a powerful drug that can give you an almighty burst of dizzy energy for a couple of minutes. The rush kicks in immediately, and for a few moments you'll feel like the bass drum has got inside your head, the lights have been turned up to a zillion watts and your heart is attempting a solo flight. Generally coming in small glass bottles - or, more rarely, glass phials - costing between £2-£5, amyl nitrite is normally snorted out of the open bottle, although some people like to get adventurous by inhaling a cigarette that has been dipped into the liquid (do not light the cigarette! Amyl nitrite is is a highly volatile flammable liquid!) First produced in 1857 as a treatment for angina, amyl nitrite evaporates at room temperature. Some people react differently to amyl and suffer pounding headaches, dizziness and a flushed face, or feel like they're starring in 'Scanners'.

Marijuana and Sex: A Classic Combination. Ancient tantrists and modern researchers agree: pot and sex are two great things that go together Ivory painting, Ganges Valley, circa 1840-80.Marijuana and sex are gifts of nature.

Marijuana and Sex: A Classic Combination

We enjoy them because biology and evolution have equipped us to do so. Just as our bodies contain pleasure systems which reward us for sex; our brains contain neurocellular circuitry which can only be activated by substances with THC's molecular structure. This makes the marijuana high a unique constellation of feelings, and there are only two sources for the substances which activate THC's very own neuroreceptor. Our brain is one source: it generates a neurochemical very similar to THC, called anandamide. - Salvia divinorum - uso, experiências, informação geral. EZ Test, ecstasy test, pill, test, drugs, cocaine test, marquis, mandelin, mecke, simons, robadope. The Good Drugs Guide.