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Introduction - 10,000 Year Clock

Introduction - 10,000 Year Clock
The full scale 10,000 Year Clock is now under construction. While there is no completion date scheduled, we do plan to open it to the public once it is ready. The essay below by Long Now board member Kevin Kelly discusses what we hope the Clock will be once complete. This is one of several projects by Long Now to foster long-term thinking in the context of the next 10,000 years. by Kevin Kelly There is a Clock ringing deep inside a mountain. is around to hear it. The Clock is real. The Clock is now being machined and assembled in California and Seattle. The Clock’s inventor introduced the idea of the Clock (in 01995) with this context: I cannot imagine the future, but I care about it. That’s Danny Hillis, a polymath inventor, computer engineer, and designer, inventor and prime genius of the Clock. Eno also composed the never-repeating melody generator that rings the Clock’s chimes inside the mountain. To see the Clock you need to start at dawn, like any pilgrimage. You keep climbing.

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