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Camille : DNA - The Double Helix (animation interactive)

Camille : DNA - The Double Helix (animation interactive)
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DNA Structure - Contents page (Fabien) An Interactive Animated Nonlinear Tutorial by Eric MartzAdapted for using Jmol instead of Chime, by Angel Herráez Part of Biomodel website by Angel Herráez, Univ. de Alcalá (Spain) Disponible también en español. Também disponível em português. Auch verfügbar auf Deutsch. Disponible aussi en français. This version 4.3 works in any Java-compatible browser. If you prefer using Chime for molecular models, the page using it is still available, with equivalent content and functionality. This tutorial is designed to complement Biology or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology books, so it is not by itself a complete introduction to DNA structure. Before proceeding, check that your browser has Java installed and can use the Jmol software: This tutorial is designed to complement an introduction to DNA, by providing tools for a self-directed exploration. Methods, Acknowledgements, and References. Do you know there are more tutorials at MolviZ.Org? More about Jmol: Jmol home page. Version history

Physica - Monde virtuel dédié aux sciences et technologies sur SCIENCE EN JEU - Accueil Une situation d’une gravité incontestable! Une nouvelle île est maintenant accessible via le système de transports de SCIENCE EN JEU : Physica. C’est un endroit où ta compréhension des lois de la physique sera mise à l’épreuve! L’usine est supervisée par l’Aspir-o-matic 412, un robot issu de la toute dernière génération d’automates dotés d’intelligence artificielle. L’Aspir-o-matic 412 dirige les opérations de recyclage, commandant des centaines de petits robots-recycleurs. L’Aspir-o-matic 412 a gravement besoin de ton aide. En lire plus Les robots-recycleurs ne sont pas les automates les plus vaillants, loin de là. Tu n’es pas un spécialiste de la négociation des relations de travail robotiques? Fermer

מחשבון צבע עיניים מחשבון צבע העיניים של גולינגו מאפשר לכם לדעת בצורה פשוטה מה יהיה צבע העיניים של ילדכם. כל שעליכם לעשות הוא לרשום את צבע העיניים של האב ושל האם ולענות על השאלות המופיעות לאחר מכן. הספקת לבקר במחשבוני ההריון הנוספים שלנו? מחשבון זה פועל על הסתברויות מסוימות ואינו מתיימר לחזות במדויק מה יהיה צבע העיניים של ילדכם. כיצד נקבע צבע העיניים? צבע העיניים שלנו מורכב מפיגמנט בשם מלנין (פיגמנט בצבע חום כהה) המצוי בקשתית העין שלנו. גן היא יחידת התורשה הבסיסית. הגן מופיע בכמה צורות המכונות אללים אשר שונות בצורתן הבסיסית. כך לדוגמא, עיניים חומות הן תכונה דומיננטית (שולטת), בזמן שעיניים כחולות הן תכונה רצסיבית (נשלטת). יש לך שאלה בקשר להריון? Kentucky Blues The story of an Appalachian malady, an inquisitive doctor, and a paradoxical cure. by Cathy Trost ©Science 82, November, 1982 Six generations after a French orphan named Martin Fugate settled on the banks of eastern 's Troublesome Creek with his redheaded American bride, his great-great-great great grandson was born in a modern hospital not far from where the creek still runs. The boy inherited his father's lankiness and his mother's slightly nasal way of speaking. What he got from Martin Fugate was dark blue skin. Doctors were so astonished by the color of Benjy Stacy's skin that they raced him by ambulance from the maternity ward in the hospital near Hazard to a medical clinic in . A transfusion was being prepared when Benjy's grandmother spoke up. "My grandmother Luna on my dad's side was a blue Fugate. Benjy lost his blue tint within a few weeks, and now he is about as normal looking a seven-year-old boy as you could hope to find. Cawein is no stranger to eccentricities of the body.

The Blood Typing Game - om blodtyper och blodtransfusioner Vilka är människans olika blodtyper och hur tar man reda på vilken blodtyp man tillhör? Vad skulle kunna hända om du får en blodtransfusion med fel blodtyp? Försök att rädda livet på några patienter och lär dig hur säkra blodtransfusioner går till! Spela Blood Typing Game Om spelet Lägg Blood Typing Game på din egen webbplats eller blogg! Titta på en video om Blood Typing Game 3 min. 1. Listade är de som lyckats behandla flest patienter det senaste dygnet.

Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection | Whitman College (philippe) Welcome to the Whitman College Biology Department's Virtual Pig Dissection (VPD)! This site is designed as a supplement to laboratory dissections exploring introductory mammalian anatomy and physiology — it is basic and many details have been omitted for clarity. We hope that it is suitable for AP Biology students or for students of introductory anatomy and physiology at the college level. We have revised this site to improve the learning experience and accessibility. Within this site, you can navigate to any chapter from the links at the left. Solve Puzzles for Science | Foldit Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of Genetically Modified Organisms

Fun Games for Teaching English Vocbulary, Grammar, Spelling, ESL Games Memory Games This site features the best ESL concentration games to help students master English vocabulary and grammar. These vocabulary games help students develop good word recognition, listening, reading and spelling skills. Sentence Monkey This ESL activity helps students practice sentences and grammatical structures in a fun way. Pirate Board Games ESL Games Plus features interactive board games which provide the ultimate fun English learning experience. Crocodile Board Games Based on the same pirate board game concept, ESL Games Plus features the interactive crocodile board game variation, which will help students practice grammar, vocabulary and sentence structures in a fun way. Word Search Puzzles Online ESL Kids Word Search Games online: Play vocabulary based interactive ESL Word Search Puzzles and Learn new vocabulary. Crossword Puzzles Online Hidden Pictures Powerpoint Flash Cards - PPT & PDF Printable Board Games & Cards Reading Quizzes Advanced level reading comprehension exercises.

Pascaline On your bike: how muscles respond to exercise ​We all know that exercise makes us fitter and healthier – but what changes take place in our cells to make this happen? Next time you are working out in the gym, or pounding the streets running or jogging, ponder this: the idea of ‘muscle memory’ – that today’s exercise has effects on our muscles years from now – has never been demonstrated scientifically. Does it really exist, and if so, how does it work? These are some of the questions we hope to answer in our on-going research, which aims to pin down the changes that occur in muscles when we exercise, and how our muscles ‘know’ to respond differently to, say, endurance training as opposed to strength training. Helping us to investigate these questions is a large team of volunteers. We assess the fitness of our volunteers before and after participation in the studies by measuring their maximal oxygen uptake. Of course, we already know that regular exercise produces health benefits. Building mitochondria Epigenetic factors Acknowledgement

Jeux sérieux en vrac pour les Maths et la Physique Des Maths On ne présente plus Mathenpoche ni le MatouMatheux qui proposent de nombreux tests de type QCM sur tout le programmes de Maths. Plus ludique, Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training (sur DS et Iphone) reste avant tout un quizz. Mais nous cherchons ici des « jeux sérieux » susceptibles d’apprendre des notions scientifiques tout en apparaissant comme de véritables jeux. Autant le dire, en Maths, on trouve beaucoup de choses en primaire (un bon exemple ici de pratique des quatre opérations reviseavecmoi) mais dès qu’on veut dépasser le niveau primaire cela devient difficile. Dans le jeu refraction, disponible en flash sur le web, on doit tout d’abord renvoyer des rayons lumineux depuis un laser de départ vers des cibles au moyen de miroirs. Un étonnant jeu très intéressant Z-rox (english) Z-rox (français, mais il semble y avoir un bug). Le jeu qui m’a personnellement le plus impressionné, bien qu’il puisse être encore très amélioré est « Mathination » (vidéo ici) sur Iphone et Ipad.

DNA from the Beginning - An animated primer of 75 experiments that made modern genetics. Fun 4 the Brain - English Games English Excitement! Panda Mayhem This fun English game has some silly pandas to help teach the parts of speech. Get enough of the questions correct, and you can make your own silly sentence. Sharlayne Overton, author of A Daily Dose of Writing, came up with the concept for this game. Reading is Magical Games Base Word Baseball Strike 1! Popcorn Words Pop! Syllable Split Help Syllable Sammy decode two syllable words. Magic "e" Adventures Help the Prince Frog get back to his princess by using the Magic "e" wand. My Reading Tools See if you can find the treasure by using the tools that you have learned to read. The hard copies of the above five games were created by Sheri Sather. Want a hard copy of her games?

Vu sur le site de l'académie de Créteil : "Le jeu « DNA – The Double Helix » est utilisé pour introduire l’élève à la structure de la molécule d’ADN. Dans ce jeu on doit on apprend la composition d’une molécule d’ADN : on joue avec les chromosomes, les paires de bases et les gênes. On apprend également que la molécule d’ADN caractérise un organisme grâce à une mise en intrigue de cette loi génétique. Enfin on se rend compte que des erreurs dans la réplication provoquent des mutations et que certains organismes vivants peuvent survivre avec un certain nombre de mutations." by scloatre May 18
