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English listening practice exercises - Sounds English

English listening practice exercises - Sounds English
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List of essay topics List of essay topics includes essays that helps you in learning English, especially writing and speaking: Note: There are approximately 1,000 essays in the list of essays; however there are many more essays especially recent published essays not in the list. You are recommended to use the google search box on the top of our site to fully search for the essay you want in the whole site of our own. * Put the essay topic in the google search box to search for the essay. School:* Do you think that homework should be abolished? * The importance of examinations (uncategorized)* Examination day often makes many pupils worry. * School life is the most difficult time but it also keeps many joys for us. * What do you think of the use and abuse of private tuition? * What makes an ideal teacher: Give your opinion.* Talk about your teacher of English* My teacher (uncategorized) * Living in an apartment instead of a college dormitory gain advantages and disadvantages. * Discuss science and its effects.

Dictation-English > BEST RESOURCES: PLACEMENT TEST | GUIDE | OUR BEST WORKSHEETS | Most popular | Contact us > LESSONS AND TESTS: -ing | AS or LIKE | Abbreviations and acronyms... | Adjectives | Adverbs | Agreement/Disagreement | Alphabet | Animals | Articles | Audio test | Be | BE, HAVE, DO, DID, WAS... | Banks, money | Beginners | Betty's adventures | Bilingual dialogues | Business | Buying in a shop | Capital letters | Cars | Celebrations: Thanksgiving, new year... | Clothes | Colours/Colors | Comparisons | Compound words | Conditional and hypothesis | Conjunctions | Contractions | Countries and nationalities | Dates, days, months, seasons | Dictation | Direct/Indirect speech | Diseases | Exclamative sentences! > ABOUT THIS SITE: Copyright Laurent Camus - Learn more / Help / Contact [Terms of use] [Safety tips] | Do not copy or translate - site protected by an international copyright | Cookies | Legal notices. | Our English lessons and tests are 100% free but visitors must pay for Internet access.

English Day by Day Learning English with Michelle: Listening Welcome to the Listening Page If you want to improve your listening, you must listen to English as much and as often as you can. You need to surround yourself with the MUSIC of the English language. You need to do this without subtitles or captions or reading, just to get the feel of the English language. It takes effort to improve something that is difficult, If you don't make the effort, you will not improve. Use subtitles, and scripts AFTER you start getting used to the "sound and rhythm" of English and begin to understand some of what you are listening to. At this point, English captions and scripts can help you build your vocabulary and other How to Practice Listening with Recorded Materials General Tips: Remember, you are NOT A COMPUTER. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT STOP and START the recording or video every few sentences in order to try and completely understand what the people are saying. HOW TO LEARN ENGLISH In GENERAL English Numbers. TOEFL Listening Practice Complete Tests Nature

Spraktrollet: Listening Here you will find good exercises to improve your listening skills. Topics for Debate in English This page lists suggested subjects that can be discussed to practise agreeing and disagreeing in English. Here are 20 topics to discuss with a friend or group. Practise agreeing and disagreeing even if you have to argue against something you actually believe in. One way to have fun with this is to make up a bunch of cards that say agree or disagree. Each person has to pick up a card and then the topic is read out. It is more fun to have a debate this way because you don't have to play your true self. This page lists suggested subjects that can be discussed to practise agreeing and disagreeing in English. Here are 20 topics to discuss with a friend or group.

English Listening Online Views: Biking in Cambodia Julia talks about cycing from Cambodia to Vietnam with her friends (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4). Mixers : Bad Hair Cut Six people talk about getting a bad haircut. Plus, be sure to check out all the re-edited mixers with new activities 1-25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-100. New Videos for Mixer Listen to over 20 new videos with new speakers from Chile, Argentina, Canada, the U.S. and more. Scenes: Erina in Vancouver Listen as the series ends with Erina starting her new job at Campus Pizza Scene #6 and Scene #7. Advanced Level Listening: How to Spot a Liar I noticed that some of you would like more realistic listening practice, so here's another Ted lecture for you to test your listening skills! How are your listening skills? Listening to long English lecture style listenings are an important ability. Students on our university preparation programmes practise listening to lectures, because in American universities, lectures are the main way of teaching. It's a difficult task to listen and take notes for future reference at the same time. This skill is also important if you need to listen to business presentations in English. This lecture is about lying (the telling of lies, or false statements; not telling the truth). To answer the true or false questions below, you only need to listen to the first five minutes, but feel free to listen to the whole lecture and let us know what you think! Have you experienced listening to an English university style lecture? Decide the following statements are true or false: 1.

Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities Reading Strategies and Lesson Plans | ESL Voices Students need to master both cognitive and metacognitive reading skills if they are to read well in English. For academic and job-related purposes, students learn cognitive reading skills such as prediction, asking questions while reading, guessing the meanings of unfamiliar words, analyzing themes, and writing a short summary of a passage to demonstrate comprehension of the main ideas. Visit Site Map, Current Lesson for integrated skills reading lesson plans concerning current news topics. Click here for previous Lesson Plans, Business Writing, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, Charts & Organizers. Resources for Teachers. Reading Strategies Reading strategies help students in their reading comprehension. Activating Background Knowledge Before reading any material, students need to activate their background knowledge and acquire new information about the topic. Reviewing Unfamiliar Vocabulary Example: Words: restaurant beach zoo Sentences: Last night we went to a new_____.

Short Stories Free Audio Sort by Titles Per Page 1 - 10 of 343 Titles by Washington Irving Available on: Audio Download The quiet Dutch community of Sleepy Hollow lay in the Adirondack mountains on the western shore of the mighty Hudson River in America’s colonial period. by Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century (two of them in prose, the rest in verse). by Oscar Wilde A collection of children’s stories written in 1888, dealing primarily with love and selfishness. by Edgar Allan Poe Monday, January 19, 2009 marked Edgar Allan Poe's 200th birthday. by Rudyard Kipling Just So Stories are considered some of Kipling's best works. Prince Prospero and his courtiers, locked safely away from the plague of the Red Death... by F. Ranging in tone from humor to sentimentality, these stories by F. by Henry R Schoolcraft by H.G. An idle villager experiences some strange events while taking a walk in the mountains.

simple past review Learn to Fika | Try Swedish If you learn only one Swedish word, make it fika (fee-ka). Confusingly, it’s both a noun and a verb. Strictly speaking it means a coffee break. But you get a better idea of what it’s all about - and why it’s so important in Swedish culture - by thinking of it as a verb. Loosely translated, it means spending time over a coffee and a pastry - preferably a sweet bun - chatting and generally hanging out with a friend. It can happen any time; possibly several times a day. Flickorna Lundgrens, Kullahalvön peninsula, Skåne Started by the seven Lundgren sisters, in 1938, in an old fishing village near Arild, this café and bakery is still owned by the family. Olof Viktors, Glemminge, Österlenvägen, Skåne This café and bakery takes a bit of finding - in the countryside between Ystad and Simrishamn, near Glemminge - but is well worth it; it was voted Sweden’s best café in 2013. Cafe Husaren, Haga Nygata 28, Gothenburg Here is where you will find, possibly, the biggest cinnamon buns in Sweden.
