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What American English sounds like to non-English speakers

▶ Homosapien | Felte ORDER DIGITAL VERSION at itunes, emusic and more. Last we heard of Australian three-piece PVT, they were exploring the outer reaches of electronic rock with their 2010 album 'Church With No Magic'. The Australian trio have made a distinguished career out of making genre-bending guitar music, carving themselves a reputation as sonic innovators, and in 2008 becoming the first band from their homeland to sign to iconic UK label Warp. The difference is apparent from the instant you hit play on 'Homosapien': Richard Pike is singing. To create the sounds that became 'Homosapien', the three members of PVT spent a month in complete isolation in a quiet, remote, rural corner of Australia. PVT's sound has already been described as a "futuristic INXS", a sonic collision of machine and man, and indeed, 'Homosapien' does sound like pop music from some distant future where song craft is as important as glitz and glamour. More information available at Copyright Control

Basic English international wordlist Wikipedia:Basic English international wordlist From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This is a list of Basic English "international" words in alphabetical order. These words are similar in many Western languages, are used in diplomacy or schools, or are international standards. alcohol • Algebra • aluminium/aluminum • ammonia • anaesthetic/anesthetic • April • Arithmetic • asbestos • August • automobile ballet • bank • bar • beef • beer • Biology • bomb cafe • calendar • centi- • champagne • chauffeur • chemist • Chemistry • check • chocolate • cigarette • circus • citron • club • coffee • cocktail • cognac • College • colony dance • December • degree • dynamite eight • electricity • eleven • Embassy • Empire • encyclopedia • engineer February • fifteen • fifth • fifty • five • four • fourteen • fourth • forty • Friday gas • Geography • Geology • Geometry • gram • glycerin half • hotel • hundred • hyena • hygiene • hysteria Imperial • influenza • international you Views

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El Blog para aprender inglés La Mansion del Ingles. Curso de Ingles Gratis. Cursos de Idiomas English Club Phrases in 5 common languages to know when traveling in Europe | Travel tip... Traveling abroad this summer? These helpful phrases will open doors and help you gain immediate acceptance. You don't need to be fluent in the language of the country that you are traveling to, but learning some key phrases makes a great impression. If someone hears that you're trying to speak the language, they will give you their respect and help. From saying hello to asking how much something cost; knowing some important phrases will set you up for an amazing trip. Its also a great way to meet and connect with people, you can find a secret spot that only the locals know or the best place to eat in town. Your pronunciation doesn't have to be perfect, all that matters is that your trying and that means a lot the locals. Here are some helpful phrases in 5 common languages to know when traveling in Europe French, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch The Basics: Hello: bonjour (bohn-zhoor) Please: S'il vous plaît (see voo play) Thank you: merci (mehr-see) Goodbye: au revoir (oh reh-vwar) I’m lost!

Languages - Homepage: All you need to start learning a foreign language Combatiendo la frustración con el inglés Tipos de frustración Hace ya varios años conocí a una persona que habido sufrido una gran desgracia en su vida y había decidido tomarse la justicia por su mano haciendo desgraciado a todo aquel que se cruzaba en su camino. Era algo así como si se hubiera dicho a sí misma: "la vida ha sido cruel conmigo, yo voy a hacer que sea cruel con todos los demás." No cogía una pistola o una navaja para atacar, pero sus enredos eran ciertamente mortíferos. Poco antes de dejar de verla supe que había conseguido con su actitud que gente generalmente inofensiva en otras situaciones, se pusiera a conspirar en su contra hasta conseguir que la despidieran. Sin duda hay gente que consigue sacar de los otros lo peor que llevan dentro y ella era un ejemplo perfecto de ese tipo de personas. La persona que he descrito sufría una frustración absoluta y constante afortunadamente, no muy frecuente. ¿Por qué nos frustramos? ¿Por qué es importante no frustrarse? Consejos para evitar la frustración Novedades:

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Learning Strategies Studying strategies, also called learner strategies, are ways of learning. Good learners use these strategies to make their learning more efficient. There are two main types of learning strategies, the first are strategies for planning how to learn, and secondly strategies for learning. Strategies for Planning How to Learn Advance OrganisationDoing a preview of what you are going to learn. Directing Attention This means paying attention to studying something, and not doing other things like surfing the Internet. Selective Attention This means studying things that you can remember more easily, for example because they are useful for your university course or for your job. Self-management This is understanding the conditions that help you learn, and organising them. Advance Preparation Planning and learning English that you will need for something, for example learning the correct pronunciation of important words in a presentation. Back to the Top of this Page Learning Strategies

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