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The library tote tutorial

The library tote tutorial
Here's a fun tote bag project I thunk up (yes, thunk) the other day. Of course there are tons of ways to make a tote bag, but I thought this one was fun and gives you a lot of options no less! | The Library Tote Tutorial | Whether you like things scrappy or streamlined, this bag is ready to go when you are. Ready to make one (or a few?!) Materials: 1/2 yard exterior fabric 1/2 yard lining (if you choose to use any) 1/2 yard for straps, or cotton webbing or a handle type you prefer bias tape - handmade or store bought thread, sewing machine water soluble pen {1/2" seam allowances throughout, unless indicated differently} Cut and prepare pieces: Cut two pieces from the main pattern piece out of the exterior fabric. Cut two pocket pieces. Cut strap pieces: cut two pieces 6" tall by 24-27" long, depending on how long you want your handles to be. Cut reinforcement pieces: these are on the inside of the bag, they can add a decorative or fun touch if you'd like, cut two pieces 3" tall by 13" wide.

Wallet-to-Tote On the Go ~ Tutorial Lorraine from ikat bag is a favorite around here… She has tons of fun tutorials on her blog and she’s joined us before with this wonderful Back to School Pencil Case tutorial. Today Lorraine shares a tutorial for a new summer essential, the On the Go Wallet-to-Tote! Construction includes three main parts: Assembling the Wallet, Assembling the Outer Bag and Making the Lining. From Lorraine: Hello, Everyone. These little bags have been around for as long as I can remember, and I thought they’d be a useful addition to the arsenal of summer gear I stash in my car and/or purse. I have three little girls, aged 3,4 and 6, and we’ve found that summer always takes us on adventures we hadn’t planned for– detours to farmer’s markets, dancing in the rain or treasure hunting en route to the park. We always appreciate an extra bag or two for our loot (and wet clothes)! Part One: Assemble the Wallet:You will need: Note: Please see Part Two & Part Three for a full list of supplies. The bag is completed!

Nicole Mallalieu Design - Tips and Tutorials for Making Bags and Purses Tips & Tutorials Back to top VIDEO TUTORIAL - How to set in eyelets with a setting tool VIDEO TUTORIAL - Simple method for inserting purse feet. VIDEO TUTORIAL - How to Use a Clover Quick Yo Yo Maker This is an absolute must-read for anyone embarking on bag-making! ALWAYS use interfacing on any bag piece where the pattern reads "cut [specified number] i/f". Interfacing creates structure if it is used on the body of the bag - but is entirely optional here, and using it depends on the weight of the fabric and the finished look that you require. By fusing interfacing to every piece of the outside of the bag you'll add a lot more structure and "OOMPH" to the fabric. You can interface the lining if you want a stiff lining, but it shouldn't be the main support in the bag. It's important to remember that by adding an extra layer of interfacing to a bag piece, you are also increasing the bulk of the fabric. Click here to see the range of interfacings at Nicole Mallalieu Design 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 3.

kate spade diaper bag mini-tutorial After Monday’s post (showing you the Kate Spade-esque diaper bag that I made for our sister-in-law), several of you asked for a tutorial. Here’s the thing. For pretty much every single bag I make, I follow the same approximate steps. They’re here. However, I did modify that tutorial a little to make this diaper bag similar to the ones my sister-in-law loves (think- adding pleats, a curved top and purse-ish handles). To modify the Teacher Tote tutorial to make a Kate Spade diaper bag knock off- Start with 17″x15″ fabric rectangles (two for the exterior and two for the liners). Follow the Teacher Tote tutorial to put together the exterior and the liner. To add purse handles, sew pleather/vinyl/leather tubes. I still added the option of an over-the-shoulder strap as well. The end result of this modified Teacher Tote?

sac(s) de piscine le retour ! - on va voir si je m'y tiens! pour emma, la copine d'adèle. pour capucine, ma filleule. toile cirée petit pan, toile enduite à pois eurodif (rayon nappe !)biais rose eurodif et biais marron à pois blanc fait maison.j'en vois qui lèvent le doigt et crient et moi, et moi ! alors voici un petit tuto parce que je ne compte pas passer ma vie à coudre des sacs de piscine même si, c'est évident au vu de vos commentaires, il y a un marché à prendre ! (un clic dessus pour mieux voir)

sac Gathered Clutch There are currently no images from other crafters. close Terms & Conditions You must enter into this Agreement if you want to submit digital images or other content to Prime Publishing through Sharing Customer Images (the "Service"). As used in this Agreement, "we" or "Prime Publishing" means Prime Publishing, LLC. and "you" means the individual or entity submitting materials to Prime Publishing. Any individual or entity that wants to use the Service must accept the terms of this Agreement without change. 1) Eligibility. 2) Definitions. 3) License Grant for Materials. 4) Removal of Materials. 5) License for Name, Trademarks and Likenesses. 6) Specifications and Guidelines. 7) Representations, Warranties and Indemnities. 8) Restrictions. 9) No Obligation. 10) Changes to Agreement. 11) Prime Publishing Intellectual Property. 12) Communications. 13) Waiver. 14) Disclaimer. 15) Miscellaneous. Sharing Your Own Images Who can share images? You! What should I share? What shouldn't I share?

Coudre facilement un sac shopping pour une petite fille ! (ou pour une grande !) + tuto « version sans couture !!! » Dimanche dernier, c’était Pâques et Lily, ma petite nièce, a pu emmener ses chocolats dans des petits sacs roses réalisés pour l’occasion (et surtout pour ME faire PLAISIR !!!) : Un cousu en 1 heure et un collé en 2 minutes : choisissez votre version ! La version "couture" - 1 heure de travail ! Je me suis inspirée d'un sac shopping publicitaire (pas trop beau mais il aura au moins servi à ça !) Après avoir déambulé dans les rayons "roses" du marchand de tissu (ça change !) J'ai découpé comme ça : Les côtés : - tissu (le même ou 2 différents pour l'intérieur et l'extérieur) : 4 rectangles de 10 cm par 8 cm (avec 1 cm en plus pour coudre) - toile ridigifiante : 2 rectangles de 10 cm par 8 cm Le fond : - tissu : 2 rectangles de 22 cm par 8 cm (avec 1 cm pour coudre) - toile ridigifiante : 2 rectangles de 22 cm par 8 cm (j'en ai mis 2 pour que le fond se tienne bien) Le devant et le derrière : - tissu : 4 formes comme ci-dessus (pour un "endroit" j'ai customisé en appliquant des motifs) Et les anses ?

Free Clothes Patterns Posted on | October 9, 2008 | 7 Comments I originally became interested in patternless sewing, many years ago, because I had a hard time finding patterns in my size. Nowadays, patterns in large sizes abound. These patterns generally of three types. Skirts are very easy to make without a pattern. I came across a few patterns that didn’t fit into any other category, so I gave them their own. We normally assume underwear is too complicated or to time consuming to sew ourselves. Aprons can usually be whipped up in less than an hour. Shirts and dresses are much more complicated to make than skirts. Coats can easily be the most expensive piece of clothing in your wardrobe. Click on the first link to get inspiration. Read More : Sewing or Home Comments

Tuto sac cabas réversible - Créations by-iaoraNanou Matériel nécessaire : Pour un sac de 35 x 35 x 12, il faut : 50 cm x 100 cm de tissu extérieur 50 cm x 100 cm de tissu intérieur 37 x 14 cm de nappe transparente plastique (facultatif) Fil Pour la partie extérieure : Sur l'envers du tissu, tracer un rectangle de 97 x 35 cm (qui sera le tour du sac) : 35 (devant) + 1 (marge de couture) + 12 (côté) + 1 (marge de couture)+35 (derrière) + 12 (côté). Dans ce rectangle, tracer des lignes verticales à 35,5cm puis à 48,5cm (et non 52,5cm comme sur la photo) puis à 84,5cm (et non 88,5cm) . Plier le tissu aux repères verticaux faits précédemment et repasser afin de bien marquer la ligne droite. Coudre à 0,5 cm de la pliure. Faire de même pour les 3 coins. Assembler et coudre le 4ème coin. Tracer un rectangle de 35 x 12 cm (qui sera le fond du sac). Pour la partie intérieure (doublure) : Faire de même que précédemment mais lors de l'assemblage du 4ème coin, laisser un espace de 8 à 10 cm (qui servira plus tard à mettre l'ouvrage à l'endroit). Anses : Tadam !!!

How to Make Clothing Buttons from Shrink Plastic… | scissors This tutorial is an old one of mine that’s too good not to share again. Since posting the first time, I’ve had lots of questions about these buttons which will hopefully be answered in this revised post. Equipment Some handy notes: 1. The buttons. single hole, hole punch (like this one here). 2. 3. Okay.. lets get started! Tracing tips: You can use either coloured pencils or permanent pens. Words must be writted backwards in order to be readable. Shrinking the buttons: To shrink the buttons, you can use an oven or a heat gun (the kind used for embellishing). After the buttons have twisted and twirled, and are LYING FLAT, it’s time to take them out. Note: If the skrinking is taking too long, you may need to turn your oven up. Here’s a short little stop-motion to make sure you’ve got the gist of how easy this is! Shrink Paper {here} Circle Punch {here} Hole punch {here} Pens {here} Update: I’ve made a video to show how to shrink the buttons using a craft embellishment heat gun. Kimanh

°DIY/cabas° - bidouilles & tambouilles Mais que fait-on si... on ne cuisine presque plus, on ne part pas en vacances, on ne se balade pas et que ce mois est en pointillé? Et bien en mai, fais ce qu'il te plaît, alors chez bidouilles & tambouilles, en mai, je bidouille! On commence par ma petite lubie du début du mois... le petit cabas! DIY / Le petit sac Les +: Pour les tissus, c'est IKEA et Mondial Tissus, pour les biais, c'est Mondial T et Eurodiff...Question taille, on fait un peu ce que l'on veut et ce dont à besoin.Ensuite question finition, on peut doubler l'intérieur en utilisant de la colle en bombe.

poupee de feutrine Petites poupées qui ont les cheveux et les vêtements échangeables. Chaque 6 pouces de haut. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'une machine à coudre.Peut-être que les enfants peuvent faire. Faire est presque le même que mini-chat . Matériaux font sentir, polyester bourre, perles et fils. Coudre des perles pour les yeux.
