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RhinoCommon SDK W3Schools Online Web Tutorials Aliasing - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Properly sampled image of brick wall. Aliasing can occur in signals sampled in time, for instance digital audio, and is referred to as temporal aliasing. Aliasing can also occur in spatially sampled signals, for instance digital images. Aliasing in spatially sampled signals is called spatial aliasing. Description[edit] Aliasing example of the A letter in Times New Roman. When a digital image is viewed, a reconstruction is performed by a display or printer device, and by the eyes and the brain. An example of spatial aliasing is the Moiré pattern one can observe in a poorly pixelized image of a brick wall. Temporal aliasing is a major concern in the sampling of video and audio signals. In video or cinematography, temporal aliasing results from the limited frame rate, and causes the wagon-wheel effect, whereby a spoked wheel appears to rotate too slowly or even backwards. Bandlimited functions[edit] Bandpass signals[edit] Sampling sinusoidal functions[edit] = 1. = 0.9 and = 0.1. are and is where ).

Intro to C# Scripting in Grasshopper | Designalyze This tutorial covers the use of the timer block to continuously execute a custom script. By: Zach Downey In this tutorial we recreate the pointAt componet and the divide curve component using C#. In this lesson, we cover control flow in your scripts. We introduce the if-else clause and also touch on the modulo % operator. Nested loops! In this tutorial we demonstrate the while loop by recreating the series component. In this tutorial we look at the foreach loop. In this quick tutorial we apply what we learned about lists and loops from part 3 to create a list of points. In part 3 we step away from geometry and talk about constructing lists and loops. In part two we recreate the line between two points component using the C# scripting component. We begin by looking at the how to code a point using Grasshopper's C# scripting component. Want to be an author? Already have a video you'd like to post?

Application Development Tools | Develop Apps for Android, iOS, Windows and OS X Application development tools from Embarcadero are the development solution of choice for millions of software developers building true native apps for Windows, Mac and mobile, and getting them to app stores and enterprises fast. Build apps using the same source codebase without sacrificing app quality, connectivity or performance. With native app support across all major platforms, developers can reach the largest addressable digital markets in the world. RAD Studio XE6 The complete app development suite for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android Delphi XE6 The fastest way to build native apps for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android C++Builder XE6 Multi-device C++ development for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android

Visualizing Algorithms The power of the unaided mind is highly overrated… The real powers come from devising external aids that enhance cognitive abilities. —Donald Norman Algorithms are a fascinating use case for visualization. To visualize an algorithm, we don’t merely fit data to a chart; there is no primary dataset. Instead there are logical rules that describe behavior. This may be why algorithm visualizations are so unusual, as designers experiment with novel forms to better communicate. But algorithms are also a reminder that visualization is more than a tool for finding patterns in data. #Sampling Before I can explain the first algorithm, I first need to explain the problem it addresses. Light — electromagnetic radiation — the light emanating from this screen, traveling through the air, focused by your lens and projected onto the retina — is a continuous signal. This reduction process is called sampling, and it is essential to vision. Sampling is made difficult by competing goals. Here’s how it works:

Data trees and C# in Grasshopper - James Ramsden Understanding how Grasshopper handles data is crucial for taking full advantage of GH’s capabilities. For collections of data, they can either be in the form of lists or trees. A list is a collection of items of data, in a particular order, but with no hierarchical structure. Here is a list of numbers: The component in the top-right is the param viewer. The ‘N’ denotes a list with N items. A tree is any data structure in GH with multiple branches. Now, let’s make a grid of points. Here, we have cleverly grafted the Y input to coerce Grasshopper into giving us 25 points for our list of 5 numbers. What’s happened here is that Grasshopper has created 5 branches. We can verify this using the param viewer. Trees can be created and manipulated in C# components too. The data we are saving, such as a Point3d or an integerThe path we are saving to The path is declared as a list of numbers denoting the sequence of the branches needed to access the list we are interested in. Setting up a tree Related

Paso 3: poner el sitio en cuarentena - Ayuda de Herramientas para webmasters de Google Lo que necesitarás: Capacidad para evitar que el servidor web publique páginas (otra opción es hablar con el proveedor de servicios de alojamiento para que te indique otras opciones). En pasos posteriores tendrás que volver a conectar el sitio a Internet durante períodos de tiempo breves. Permisos de gestión de cuentas (la capacidad de ver a todos los usuarios, de suprimir usuarios y de cambiar todas las contraseñas relacionadas con tu cuenta). Help for hacked sites: Quarantine your site Help for hacked sites: In this third step in Help for hacked sites, we discuss how to prevent the cybercriminal from causing further harm to your site or your site's visitors. Pasos siguientes: Desconecta el sitio para que no ofrezca más contenido a los usuarios. Paso 3: el sitio se ha puesto en cuarentena.

Just my type | Typography news, resources and lessons Threading in C# - Free E-book Threading in C# Joseph Albahari Last updated: 2011-4-27 Translations: Chinese | Czech | Persian | Russian | Japanese Download PDF Part 1: Getting Started C# supports parallel execution of code through multithreading. A C# client program (Console, WPF, or Windows Forms) starts in a single thread created automatically by the CLR and operating system (the “main” thread), and is made multithreaded by creating additional threads. All examples assume the following namespaces are imported: using System; using System.Threading; class ThreadTest{ static void Main() { Thread t = new Thread (WriteY); t.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) Console.Write ("x"); } static void WriteY() { for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) Console.Write ("y"); }} The main thread creates a new thread t on which it runs a method that repeatedly prints the character “y”. Once started, a thread’s IsAlive property returns true, until the point where the thread ends. Done static void Go(){ if (! Done Done (usually!) Join and Sleep

Ayuda para webmasters: sitios comprometidos – Google Every day, cybercriminals compromise thousands of websites. Hacks are often invisible to users, yet remain harmful to anyone viewing the page — including the site owner. For example, unbeknownst to the site owner, the hacker may have infected their site with harmful code which in turn can record keystrokes on visitors’ computers, stealing login credentials for online banking or financial transactions. In this first step, we explain how and why hacks happen, and review options for recovery. Step 1: Watch the overview How and why sites are hacked Process to recover a site and remove the user-facing warning label Time-to-recovery depends on extent of damage and technical skill of administrator Two options: Do it yourself Get help from specialists After watching the overview video, you’ve completed the first step. We recommend that all site owners unfamiliar with website security complete this step as well as Step 2: Contact your hoster and build a support team.
