Free Pictures - 7 Applications Twitter Gratuites Pour Faire De L’analytics Les billets de la série Marketing sont ouverts au parrainage. Si vous voulez parrainer un de nos billets, merci de consulter la rubrique « annonceurs » . Vous utilisez Twitter pour promouvoir votre entreprise ? Si vous souhaitez analyser votre compte Twitter avec précision, je vous invite à découvrir ma sélection de 7 applications Twitter dédiées à l’analytics. 1. Twitter Counter est proposé par L’identification via le protocole Oauth est nécessaire pour l’utilisation de ce service. J’aime : le graphisme correspondant à l’évolution du nombre d’abonnés et du nombre de tweets (onglet « mixed »), la fonctionnalité qui compare l’activité de plusieurs comptes Twitter (3 au maximum). 2. TweetsStats est une excellente application Twitter pour visualiser des statistiques au sujet d’un compte Twitter sous la forme de graphiques. 3. Là encore, il s’agit d’une application Twitter très intéressante. Voici le détail des informations présentées : Onglet « profile » Onglet « metrics » 4. 5.
Google+ may outweigh LinkedIn, Twitter next year By this time next year, could Google+ surpass LinkedIn, Twitter and MySpace to become the second most popular social networking service in the U.S? It could, says one study. With an estimated 16 million more U.S. online adults joining Google+ in the next year, the month-old social network could reach 22 percent penetration, according to the YouGov US Opinion Center (full data at bottom). That’s more than the 20 percent penetration expected to be seen by both LinkedIn and Twitter over the next 12 months. Currently, with 25 million registered accounts, Google+ has 13 percent penetration. While it’d be significant enough to see Google+ rising above LinkedIn and Twitter, it’s worth noting that the networks experiencing the most casualties would actually be Myspace and Facebook. Even more surprising: YouWeb found that 30 percent of Facebook users already on Google+ plan to diminish their Facebook usage over the course of the next year.
Save web articles as PDF for reading later: Joliprint TwooglePlus When Google Circles Collide Editor’s note: Guest writer Rocky Agrawal blogs at reDesign and Tweets @rakeshlobster. I like to create. You can find content I’ve created on my own blogs, TechCrunch, Facebook, Twitter, flickr, Quora, EveryTrail, Namesake, Yelp, foursquare, YouTube, disqus, Kindle, FlyerTalk, and now Google+. I create more content than the vast majority of Internet users. I actively think about how to create content and the right audiences for it. Given the level of control that Google+ is offering, I should be thrilled with this great new tool. It solves the wrong problem, particularly with Google Circles, the Google+ feature that lets you share different things with different groups of people. Reaching the right audience Google is absolutely right when it says that there are multiple circles in people’s lives. Facebook. This separation also makes it much easier for me to ensure that content doesn’t get shared to inappropriate audiences. I could segment the content within Google+. Worlds collide
Readability is Best Tool to Read Online What is the best, easiest and most comfortable way to read online in your web browser? I use Readability, a bookmarklet that makes reading really comfortable, reduces eye strain and has brought back the joy of reading on the web, without the online clutter, animated ads and widget rich sidebars and footers. Advertisements The best way to start is to customize your bookmarklet, you can choose fromStyle – Newspaper, Novel, eBook, TerminalFont Size - Small, Medium, Large, Extra LargeSide Margin – Narrow, Medium, Wide, Extra Wide For example – This is a NYT page before Readability As you see I have hardly access to any article text as of now, and see lots of navigation menu, lots of ads etc. and now see the difference on the same page when I click Readability. Did you know that Readability won the Pogie award 2009 for the single best tech idea of 2009!
Twitter Adder – Professional Twitter Marketing Tools – Automatic Twitter Software – Automate Twitter Posts, Auto Twitter Follow, Automate Unfollow, Mass Tweets, Twitter Search, more .. ANALYSIS: Top 5 Features of Google's New Social Networking Tool that Could Take Down Facebook Finally, online social networking is going to be not only about Facebook: The Google+ project, now available for testing, is Google's newly introduced way to connect with people online. Google's timing for introducing a fresh experience in online social networking is impeccable. Two weeks ago, it was reported that Facebook was losing share in North America. If 2008 saw Facebook growing beyond industry expectations, 2011 is abuzz that saturated markets like the U.S. and Canada might be ready for something different and new. Top 5 features of Google+ Google's new project does look promising, with certain novel features. Google says the Hangout feature is similar to the effortless real-world experience of entering a pub and hanging out with friends, which doesn't require someone to come forward and ask the most awkward question to a group, So shall we hang out? The +Mobile feature allows users to seamlessly upload photos from any device.
Pour réussir son site web - dossiers, audits, formations, consei Comment valoriser une vidéo sur le web L'intégration dans la page, les boutons de contrôles, le contenu, la durée,... Comment améliorer la lisibilité d'une page web Les choix typographiques, les contrastes de couleurs, les alignements, la gestion des espaces,... Comment plaire à Google Choisir les bons mots clés, les placer au bon endroit, développer le maillage et la popularité,... Conditions d’utilisation 1. Top 10 social media dashboard tools Hootsuite: Among the best of breed. How to manage the torrent of social media conversations — and increase your productivity! By Kim Bale Socialbrite staff One of the things we often hear from nonprofits and social enterprises is: How do I manage the torrent of social media conversations coming at me? The answer used to be: Painstakingly and one conversation at a time. When selecting a dashboard for personal or professional use, you should consider such items as cost, analytics and which social networks they support, among other things. Here are 10 of our favorite social media dashboard tools: Threadsy: Unify your email, social networks 1Threadsy is an intuitive, easy-to-use dashboard that allows organizations to connect through multiple email accounts as well as Facebook and Twitter. Myweboo: Organize your information streams 2Haven’t heard of Myweboo? Hootsuite: Integrate all your platforms 3Our personal favorite is Hootsuite because of the depth of its products and services.
New Data: Tweet Lots of Links to Get Followers For more mythbusting and social media science, don’t forget to register for my Science of Social Media webinar. My effort to analytically study the unicorns-and-rainbows myth of “engaging in the conversation” started by looking at the relationship between the number of followers a user has and the percentage of their Tweets that are “@” replies. I found that highly followed users are less conversational than those with few followers. This time, I looked at the relationship between follower count and the percentage of a user’s tweets that contain links and are not replies. Using a sample of random, recently active Twitter accounts, I found a strong correlation. As the amount of links a user tweets increases the number of followers they have also increases. The data is starting to mount to suggest that “engaging in the conversation” is a waste of time from a marketing and reach-building perspective, especially when compared to sharing content.
Yahoo! Babel Fish - Traduction en ligne : français, anglais, esp Home - YoruFukurou YoruFukurou (NightOwl) YoruFukurou (NightOwl) is a native Twitter client for Mac OS X. Features of YoruFukurou Create Tabs from Rules and Lists You can filter tweets by defining rules with user IDs, keywords, and regular expression. It is also possible to remove the filtered tweets from your timeline. You can also create tabs from Lists. Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts YoruFukurou lets you manage multiple Twitter accounts at the same time. Create Twitter Search Tabs You can create a tab that shows search results from Twitter Search. Appearance Modes You can choose the timeline appearance from three different appearance modes. Image Thumbnails The application shows the image thumbnails from various image hosting services on the drawer. The thumbnail can be clicked to enlarge the photo. Autocompletion YoruFukurou supports user ID and hashtag autocompletion to save your precious time. Conversation Conversation filter feature allows you to see the tweets related to the selected tweet. input field.
ça semble évident mais j'y avais vraiment pas pensé, merci by norpendragon Sep 2
: peut etre pour savoir dans quelle langue on doit tweeter ;o) et aussi à quelle heure (prise en compte du decalage horaire) ... by agnesdelmotte Sep 1
je ne sais pas si ça peut servir à quelque chose mais je trouve ça sympa et rigolo by norpendragon Aug 22