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Creators - Dedicated to inspiring designers, inventors & the creative spirit in all of us.

Creators - Dedicated to inspiring designers, inventors & the creative spirit in all of us.
August 22, 2013 Artist’s Work Paints a Beautiful Picture Animations Tyrus Wong, a 102-year-old artist’s work influenced the visual direction of Bambi in 1941. An exhibition at the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco will be held to celebrate Wong’s work. According to the Disney Museum site, the drawings felt different from what is commonly known for Disney animation and this is what caught Walt Disney’s eye. Copyright Davison 2013 Sources: August 20, 2013 Hope “Floats” for those with Carpal Tunnel Product Innovation This levitating wireless computer mouse was invented by Vadim Kibardin of Kibardin Design, in order to help prevent and treat the contemporary disease, carpal tunnel syndrome. The levitating mouse consists of a mouse pad base and a floating mouse with a magnet ring. Source: August 15, 2013 Making Handmade Art, Literally Alex Solis, a talented artist from Chicago, had an idea to incorporate his hands into his imaginative illustrations. Pin It August 13, 2013 Redefining the Golden Arches

Daily Dream Decor: Guesthouse in Amsterdam If you are planning to visit Amsterdam and don't know where to stay, try Maison Rika, the stylish guesthouse of stylist-turned-designer Ulrika Lundgren. The three room guesthouse is located right above the Rika store in the center of Amsterdam. Love the sophisticated effect of the black floors, and the whole black & white design + the color pops. The Colors of Holi 2012 - In Focus Around the world, Hindus are celebrating Holi, the Festival of Colors. Holi is a popular springtime celebrations observed on the last full moon of the lunar month. Participants traditionally throw bright, vibrant powders at friends and strangers alike, celebrating the arrival of Spring, commemorating Krishna's pranks, and allowing everyone a momentary freedom -- a chance to drop their inhibitions and simply play and dance. Gathered here are images of this year's Holi festival from across India and several other countries. [31 photos]

Great Resume Designs that Catch Attention–and Got People Hired Inspiration June 21, 2011 When applying for a job, you have no choice but to do your best to outshine competition. Even before winning an interview, your qualifications (or in some instance, your character) are already judged by the resume you’ve submitted. We Made This Ltd Often, when you get a job back from the printer (having laboured over it for hours, days, weeks, and often months), there can be a certain sense of disappointment, with the final result not living up to your by now unjustifiably elevated expectations. That’s not to say that the finished object isn’t worthy of love and pride, just that you can easily have an idealised view of what you hope to have created, a view which reality can never match. But every now and then, the reverse happens. Despite having those same supposedly unrealistic expectations, the finished object manages to exceed them.

Tire Search Results Enabling Cookies for Windows Internet Explorer 6, 7 & 8 From the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options." Click on the "Privacy" tab. ZsaZsa Bellagio PARTY DETAILS as told by Jessica. . . . “The most important part of every party or shower is the food. Well, aside from the party decor and invitations, of course! How You Can Make Good Use Of Your Old Machines Almost everyone reading the articles on this site will have spare computers languishing about. The rapid growth and improvements in hardware means that we cycle through a whole machine in only a few years. If you have spare machines and parts languishing about, you can put them to good use! In this article I have outlined some of the purposes your old hardware can serve.

MIT Creates Amazing UI From Levitating Orbs Anyone else see The Avengers? Just like in Iron Man 1 and 2, Tony Stark has the coolest interactive 3-D displays. He can pull a digital wire frame out of a set of blueprints or wrap an exoskeleton around his arm. Those moments aren’t just sci-fi fun; they’re full of visionary ideas to explore and manipulate objects in 3-D space. Except for one thing: How would Stark feel all of these objects to move them around?

Sweet Station Zemer Peled Peled was born and raised in a Kibbutz in the northern part of Israel. After completing a BA (Hons) at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem she graduated with an MA (Hons) from the Royal College of Art. Personalized "This Is What Love Looks Like" Engraved Glass Frame Enjoy Great Financing! Make the most of your shopping experience with the Walmart Discover® or Walmart Credit Card. Save $25 when you open a Walmart® Credit Card and spend $75 today. Elizabeth Anne Designs: The Wedding Blog - Wedding Ideas and Inspiration No words can express our love for the beauty that unfolds on our favorite blogs each and every day and this week the wedding world was blooming with a limitless amount of prettiness. We are so thankful that we get to close out every Friday with a small amount of lovely from the week. Have a beautiful weekend! {Image by Lisa Lefkowitz via Snippet & Ink}

Mind-Blowing Illusion Makes Water Freeze in Mid-Air This Video from Youtube user Brusspup shows you how to do a cool science experiment from home that will make water appear to freeze in mid-air. The sound waves from the speaker will cause the water droplets to fall in a uniform pattern. Combine that with a camera that follows the same frequency in frames per second, and a picture is taken at a time when a new droplet is in the same spot. The effect is that the same droplet is frozen in mid air, when really it is 24 new droplets in the exact same spot. Tune the Subwoofer to a slightly lower frequency than the fps and the water appears to go back up into the tube. Brusspop explains how to do it yourself in the video description:

How Do You Create A Culture Of Innovation? This is the third part in a series by Scott Anthony, author of The Little Black Book Of Innovation. It sounds so seductive: a “culture of innovation.” The three words immediately conjure up images of innovation savants like 3M, Pixar, Apple, and Google--the sorts of places where innovation isn’t an unnatural act, but part of the very fabric of a company.

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