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20 Lessons Of Innovation For 2015. The best examples of street art in 2012 (48 pictures. National Flags Created From the Foods Each Country Is Commonly Associated With. Feeling hungry?

National Flags Created From the Foods Each Country Is Commonly Associated With

You will be after looking through this creative collection of food photography by Australian advertising agency WHYBIN\TBWA. To promote the Sydney International Food Festival, which is Australia’s largest food festival which had almost a million attendees last year and chefs from all over the world, the imaginative team re-created 17 national flags using foods common to each nation. Finland has an education system the US should envy – and learn from. A new book has attracted much interest in the Washington DC, especially on Capitol Hill, Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn From Educational Change in Finland?.

Finland has an education system the US should envy – and learn from

The book arrives after Finland scored first in science and second in reading and math on the standardized test administered by the Program for International Student Assessment. Conducted among industrialized nations every three years, American students finished 25th in math, 17th in science and 12th in reading on the latest PISA assessment. Obviously, in our global economy, this nation's international educational attainment is discouraging for our future prospects. Joe Stewart, Creative Director At Huge, On Making User Experience Pop. NYC Subways Deploy A Touch-Screen Network, Complete With Apps. Not so long ago, we featured a radical proposal for New York City’s payphones.

NYC Subways Deploy A Touch-Screen Network, Complete With Apps

The criticism we sensed was that this networked, touch-screen system--equipped with cameras and Wi-Fi--was too too sci-fi for a city of today. But the designers behind that vision--Control Group--have been hired by New York’s MTA to bring a very similar plan to their subways. DNA Test for Ancestry from National Geographic.

Join the more than half a million people who have already taken part in National Geographic's groundbreaking Genographic Project—contribute to this real-time scientific effort and learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible.

DNA Test for Ancestry from National Geographic

About the test National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Spencer Wells and team designed Geno 2.0 based on the new technologies and insights that emerged since the launch of the Genographic Project in 2005. Using an exclusive, custom-built genotyping chip, we test nearly 150,000 DNA markers that have been specifically selected to provide unprecedented ancestry-related information. Kick-Ass Writer Mark Millar on Why Superhero Genre Was Due for Overhaul.

The amazing stories of the world’s most iconic cameras. Not all cameras are created equal.

The amazing stories of the world’s most iconic cameras

We take a look at some that changed photography forever. Cameras are not just functioning things; a few have also gained iconic – even mythological – status. This has been either because of those who used them, the historic events they captured, their giant technological leaps or simply downright beautiful design. Everyone will have an opinion about their favourite camera, but here’s the ones we think make the grade. Bullet Proof… Literally. The 11th Principle of Good Design. 7 Pearls Of Startup Wisdom From Investors and Innovators Who Matter.

From the art of the pitch to a smooth sale and everything in between, these seven tenets come straight from the annals of successful startups.

7 Pearls Of Startup Wisdom From Investors and Innovators Who Matter

Last week, Vancouver's GROW 2012 conference convened some all-stars of the startup scene, stirring together corporate leads from Indiegogo, Eventbrite, Zite, Paypal, Cheezburger Inc. and more with infamous super angel Dave McClure and a smattering of high profile venture capitalists from firms like Bessemer and the Founders Fund.

By the book! The 5 best movies based on novels. What Google Gets That Others Don’t: Innovation Evolves Customers. Customers don’t just adopt innovations; they alter them, adapt to them, and are changed by them.

What Google Gets That Others Don’t: Innovation Evolves Customers

Like economic Charles Darwins, successful innovators strive to observe and understand how their customers evolve. Pick any product or service that matters. Google’s search engine. Credit cards. Beta List. Innovation / Business Model Innovation. I attended Alex' workshop in Boston in oct 2011 on this. Phenomenal ! Started using this for my clients !


The best street art in Helsinki. Since today is Friday and I’m sure many of you are already looking forward to the weekend, I’ve decided to showcase some of the amazing street art I discussed in my last post about Helsinki. These avant-garde images are created by local graffiti artists in the Suvilahti neighborhood. My favorite thing about the artwork I found in Helsinki is the variety of styles used across the designated graffiti wall. There’s also a vibrancy to many of these images, which adds to the overall effect of each message being displayed. Wide-Eyed and Beautiful Dazed and Confused Looking A Recent 2012 Addition. Why Branding Is An Artifact Of The Past. A short while ago, I wrote an article on this site suggesting that you can’t build a brand simply by setting out to build a brand. And in fact, thinking too much about brands can actually get in the way of the real business of your company. I suggested that you try an experiment: Stop talking about brands for a month, and see what happens.

The article got a lot of attention on Twitter, and provoked a lively debate in the post’s comments section. Inspirational Hand Painted Body Art. Cartoon time! A day in the life of an animator. The story of the ‘secret’ room at Pixar, frequented by Steve Jobs and many other celebrities. Creating Start-Up Success. Business Model Alchemist. 13 sites to get your creative juices flowing. Does Creativity Require Constraints? Magic Hours: Tom Bissell on the Secrets of Creators and Creation.