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新交所欢迎博纳产业在主板上市. SGX - Singapore Exchange Ltd. Stock Exchanges - Statistics & Facts. 維也納證券交易所成中東歐地區的中央IT系統供應商. ESMA responds to Commission consultation on Fintech. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has sent today its response to the European Commission consultation paper on “Fintech: a more competitive and innovative financial sector”, welcoming the initiative to take a stock-take of the EU’s Fintech industry. ESMA sees Fintech as a positive evolution overall as long as business models aim at improving financial consumer experiences and facilitate financial inclusion. In its consultation response, ESMA provides its on intelligence on some of the issues raised, including for: Artificial intelligence and big data analytics for automated advice and businesses – while ESMA acknowledges potential benefits, it also believes that the use of such technologies may trigger a number of concerns.

ESMA stresses that possible technology-driven cost savings should be passed on to consumers. Consultation on technical advice under the new Prospectus Regulation. These Consultation Papers may be of particular interest to investors, issuers, including issuers already admitted to trading on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, offerors or persons asking for admission to trading on a regulated market as well as to any market participant who is affected by the new Prospectus Regulation.​ The consultation has been split into three parts, with each consultation paper having a corresponding response form. If you are responding to more than one consultation, please upload all files in the same response. Instructions In order to facilitate analysis of responses, respondents are requested to follow the below steps when preparing and submitting their response: · Insert your responses to the questions in the Consultation Paper in the relevant form, available below. · Please do not remove tags of the type <ESMA_QUESTION_FAC_1>.

STANDING COMMITTEES. 陳碧芬 第七屆兩岸歐洲聯盟研究學術論壇 投稿摘要. Annual Report 2016 – SIX. Overall, it faces the megatrends that have already fundamentally altered other sectors: globalization, regulation, digitization. These developments have led to huge upheavals in other sectors over the past few decades. The same “wave” is now rolling towards the financial industry. Our diversified business model allows us to reduce our dependency on individual business areas and markets. That makes us financially stable – the best position from which to react appropriately to changing market requirements. We never stand still and we keep an eye on how our environment is changing. First, we regard the challenges currently confronting the sector as growth opportunities for SIX.

All News | Finance Magnates. Half of UK businesses lack confidence in government’s Brexit strategy. The immediate aftermath of the shock Brexit referendum result of 2016 has seen Britain perceived by many businesses as a more volatile, vulnerable place to base operations, while an inconclusive general election a year later has significantly weakened the negotiating hand of beleaguered Prime Minister Theresa May. According to a survey of business leaders in the UK, as many as 60% have lost their confidence in the ability of the government to tackle the challenges which lie ahead.

Britain’s vote to leave the European Union by 2019 has remained a contentious issue long after the apparently definitive vote was taken in 2016. The vote brought national class, generational and immigration-related rifts to the fore of social, political and economic life, as 51.9% of the UK’s voting public voted to reject the continued membership of the EU. A total of 20% of firms voted against further financial support spent on marketing, and aim to reduce it in the nearby future.

摩根大通啟動透過 AI 機器人來協助股票交易作業 | TechNews 科技新報. HKVCA - Hong Kong’s Evolving Regime: New Board for New Economy Companies. <div class="noscript">Note: This site contains enhanced user experience that javascript support for your web browser is recommended. </div> Contact English 中文 Member Login Home > Events > Supporting Events > Hong Kong’s Evolving Regime: New Board for New Economy Companies Events Hong Kong’s Evolving Regime: New Board for New Economy Companies Home | About | Committees | Education | Events | Industry | News | Membership | Resources | Sponsorship | Careers | Disclaimer | SiteMap | © 2017 HKVCA.

Produced by Javacatz. 證券市場發展動態 - TWSE 臺灣證券交易所. ESMA. 4dc18c15 b802 45e7 9c8e 2ea235d96612. The 20 Largest Stock Exchanges in the World. Investors know the NYSE as a home for the world’s most important blue chip stocks. Massive companies like Walmart, Berkshire Hathaway, Exxon Mobil, and Coca-Cola are listed on the exchange along with roughly 2,400 other companies, and together they add up to an astounding $20 trillion in value. But how do other exchanges around the world, such as the ones in Toronto or London, compare to the famed NYSE? Today’s infographic comes to us from, and it compares the 20 largest stock exchanges in the world in terms of market capitalization, total companies listed, and number of years since they were founded. The Oldest Exchange: Of the top 20 stock exchanges on the above list, the oldest can be found in Frankfurt.

Originally the location of medieval trade fairs in the 11th century, Frankfurt quickly became an important center for commercial and monetary transactions. In fact, only 16 exchanges have market capitalizations over $1 trillion. Related What is a Stock Market Index? World Federation of Exchanges. Stock Exchanges in Europe. Stock Exchanges in Europe Eurex (derivatives exchange, jointly operated by Deutsche Börse AG and SWX Swiss Exchange) European Energy Exchange (EEX) ICE Futures Europe NASDAQ OMX Europe Newex (trading segment for central and eastern European securities on the Regulated Unofficial Market of Frankfurt Stock Exchange) NYSE Euronext (pan-European stock exchange with subsidiaries in Belgium, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal and the UK; include the New York Stock Exchange, Euronext, Liffe, and NYSE Arca Options) OMX Nordic Exchange (part of NASDAQ OMX Group, serves as a central gateway to the Nordic and Baltic financial markets)

Brand Finance - Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) 2017. 概念股 | 玉山證券. E.SUN Securities. 證券交易所在ESG資訊披露中扮演重要角色-投資銀行-中國工商銀行中國網站. 第四屆中國責任投資論壇(China SIF)年會近日在北京舉行。 在以“證券交易所與環境、社會和治理(ESG)資訊披露”為主題的平行分論壇上,與會專家認為,環境資訊披露的重要性正被監管機構、交易所和投資人所認可。 證券交易所和上市公司越來越重視ESG資訊披露 與會專家指出,證券交易所在環境、社會與治理(ESG)資訊披露上扮演了非常重要的角色。 國內來看,深圳證券交易所和上海證券交易所都已發佈相關的資訊披露指引和規範。 據深圳證券交易所綜合研究所陳政博士介紹,2006年深交所發佈《上市公司社會責任指引》,積極倡導上市公司承擔社會責任。 深交所目前要求納入“深證100指數”的公司,在披露年報的同時一併披露社會責任報告,並鼓勵其他公司披露社會責任報告。 孫岩指出,未來證券交易所對ESG資訊披露應該扮演越來越重要的角色,國際交易所發展實踐中也體現了這個規律。

第二,證券交易所基於社會責任或ESG資訊,開發了很多證券衍生産品,比如和社會責任以及綠色相關的股票指數,來推動上市公司進行ESG資訊披露,這也是未來發展的趨勢。 孫岩談到,從資訊披露的內容約束來看,越來越多交易所對於上市公司的資訊披露要求,從自願性、鼓勵性披露,轉為強制或者半強制的披露。 孫岩舉例説,倫敦證券交易所對於上市公司進行ESG資訊披露的時候,不僅要披露定性的對於環境治理的要求,還要披露定量的碳排放量化指標,是全球交易所ESG資訊披露方面很重要的榜樣和嘗試。 倫敦證券交易所北京代表處首席代表Jon Edwards表示,交易所提供了非常好的一個交易平臺,可以讓公司在進行廢物管理、智慧城市、太陽能方面進行很好的發展,實現節能減排。 A股披露ESG資訊上市公司比例上升金融業最高 數據顯示,A股上市公司社會責任報告披露的數量在不斷增加。 孫岩引用2015年上市公司協會關於A股上市公司社會責任資訊披露報告中的數據指出,從2006年、2008年開始,A股市場能披露社會責任報告的上市公司只有184家,截止到去年達到711家,越來越多A股上市公司在努力披露ESG資訊。 另外,經濟越發達的地區,上市公司履行社會責任的意願越強。 陳政指出,深交所披露社會責任報告大概包括三類,分別是社會責任、可持續報告、環境報告,總體來説這類報告的數量越來越多。 陳政同時總結了這些公司披露的幾個特徵。 專家分析了A股市場在資訊披露方面還存在的問題。 孫岩提出了一些思考。

澳洲 市場

Brand Finance - Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) 2017. 「澳洲FinTech探索之旅」海外考察團-台灣金融研訓院. 預計參訪機構涵蓋澳洲國民銀行National Australia Bank (NAB)、澳洲聯邦銀行Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)、帳聯網New Payments Platform (NPP)、澳洲證券交易所Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)、於亞太區享譽盛名的FinTech交流平台Stone & Chalk、推動政策革新的要角FinTech Australia,以及多家在智能理財、人工智慧、FinTech領域舉足輕重之新創事業,為您帶來全方位學習澳洲FinTech市場趨勢、洞察金融產業未來發展的最佳契機!

數位金融法律領域意見領袖:King & Wood Mallesons (KWM)、University of New South Wales 數位銀行先驅:澳洲國民銀行、澳洲聯邦銀行 創新支付平台:帳聯網 區塊鏈技術應用:澳洲證券交易所 科技金融推動者:FinTech Australia、Stone & Chalk 代表性新創企業:SelfWealth、stockspot等 機構介紹: FinTech Australia Founded in 10/2015, Australia’s FinTech industry association comprises over 70 startups, VC funds, hubs and accelerators that specialise in FinTech.

It is advocating for better policy on behalf of its members, especially in Robo-Advice, RegTech, Open Data and Blockchain and it is feeding directly into policy makers and the Government. Stone & Chalk Stone & Chalk is an independent NGO aiming to be the leading Fintech hub in the Asia Pacific. View News. Sydney Stock Exchange wins Most Innovative Stock Exchange Company 2016 Award Sydney 26 October 2016: The Sydney Stock Exchange has been awarded the prestigious Most Innovative Stock Exchange Company Australia award 2016. This is an award by a UK based financial information, research and media group, Global Banking and Finance. Sydney Stock Exchange CEO Tony Sacre, said “Its pleasing to be recognized by this prestigious global media for the work we have been doing and our unique position and market offer in the Asian region. We are expanding Australia capital markets and providing a necessary link to Asian capital markets, in particularly China and India, the two biggest emerging markets in the world.

“One of Sydney Stock Exchange’s core philosophies is to grow interconnectivity between Asian and Australian markets. APX Settlements CEO, Mr. About Sydney Stock Exchange Sydney Stock Exchange is a part of the Asia Pacific Exchange Group. About APX Settlement Media Contacts: Hugh Fraser. NSE Named Most Innovative Stock Exchange in Africa 2016. The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE or The Exchange) has emerged the Most Innovative Stock Exchange in Africa 2016.

This award was presented to The Exchange by The Business Year Magazine on Monday, October 17, 2016 at the Stock Exchange House, Lagos. The Business Year Magazine Awards recognize different categories of players who have shown exemplary leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship. These include stock exchanges, socially responsible companies, regulators, listed companies, investment banks, stockbroking companies,​ research teams and fund managers. According to Andrea Bernaldo de Quiros, Country Manager Nigeria, TBY magazine “the Most Innovative African Stock Exchange in Africa award was given in recognition of NSE’s success in enhancing investor experience and transforming Nigerian market dynamics through the deployment of advanced technologies, innovative trading capabilities, and a new trading platform.” Speaking on the award, Mr. Malta Stock Exchange wins the Most Innovative Stock Exchange Award  —  — EXANTE.

Most Innovative Companies 2016: Top 50 Businesses Leading the Way. Luxembourg: an innovative leader for the listing of new products. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) has always been at the forefront of the financial markets' and the securities industry's trends and evolutions. Over the years, it grew to become a renowned financial centre with one of the world's safest business environment, notably as a result of its financial, political and social stability and innovative approach of the financial sector.

As such, issuers and investors in Luxembourg benefit from strong and stable regulatory and tax frameworks, in line with European Union directives and regulations as well as from the presence in Luxembourg of many cutting edge advisors (law firms, banks, consulting firms). Luxembourg also benefits from a typically quick implementation of European legislation by the Luxembourg authorities, which ensures a predictable and an up-to-date legal framework. The LuxSE was founded in 1928 and has from its inception offered an innovative marketplace for international issuers and for a large range of securities. World Exchange Congress 2017 | 29 - 30 March 2017. Sedex.en. 01 13 31 專題二 協助特色產業進入資本市場—特色產業上市(櫃)審查及資訊揭露規範.

Legal Requirements : Vienna Stock Exchange. Innovation and Market Value. The Case of Tourism Enterprises - Dawid Szutowski. Investors - Pioneers - Startup Driven Innovation. 0002000095. a56. 「現有市場鼓勵上市公司自我毀滅!」《精實創業》作者成立「長期股票交易所」欲改寫華爾街規則|數位時代. 科技新創近年如雨後春筍出現,然而「首次公開發行股票(IPO)」市場卻相當冷清。 對新創公司來說,上市不僅需面對市場波動,緊接而至的是來自股東和市場追求短期利潤的壓力。 根據研究機構 Renaissance Capital,2015 年科技新創 IPO 的數量,不僅創下 2012 年以來最低紀錄,2016 年第一季甚至沒有科技公司 IPO。 (圖說:近兩年科技新創 IPO 市場冷清。 圖片來源:wikipedia) 為了鼓勵新創公司上市,創業家萊斯(Eric Ries)、同時也是《精實創業》(The Lean Startup)作者,創立「長期股票交易所(Long-Term Stock Exchange ,LTSE)」,試圖改寫美國證券交易遊戲規則,希望透過獎勵長期持股和長遠經營策略,讓企業和投資人著眼長期利益,避免企業在上市後因短視近利,陷入慢性自殺的窘境。 萊斯在 5 年前出版《精實創業》,提出有別於傳統認知的創業方法,例如先推出「最小可行產品(Minimum Viable Product,MVP)」以獲得消費者回饋,以及「轉軸(Pivot)」,根據消費者意見快速更新產品等概念,短時間內獲得熱烈回響。 其中,LTSE 的概念也首次在書中出現,認為應成立新型、注重長期表現的交易所,不過該想法在當時備受質疑。 (圖說:《精實創業》作者萊斯將成立新型交易所,注重企業長期表現,遏止投資市場著重短期獲利的不良風氣。

上市追求短期績效、遏止創新,加速企業自我毀滅 萊斯形容,當今的市場環境,其實是鼓勵企業自我毀滅,而這也是為什麼美國上市公司從 1996 年的巔峰,跌到現在只剩一半不到的原因。 他認為,問題的根源在於,投資人總在追求每季銷售、利潤、用戶量等數字是否成長,一旦公司達不到預期,投資者便撤資,股價也下跌。 一直以來,美國科技新創都想改革公司上市發行股票的流程,以保護公司免於受到市場注重短期表現帶來的不良影響。 三大規則:著重長期經營表現、鼓勵長期持股、要求資訊披露 相較之下,LTSE 採用更為激進的手段,確保公司和投資人以長期發展為目標。 LTSE 上市公司需要選擇經 LTSE 核可的薪酬方案,讓管理人獎金不受短期股價表現影響,而是著眼長期營運表現。 萊斯解釋,執行長或其他高階管理人,每季獲得多少獎金,通常依據每股營收的多寡,也讓他們極力追逐數字。 兩大挑戰:通過監管機關核可、說服公司上市. 0001000340. MiFID II: The regulatory barrier to innovation. Patricia Regnault, Europe head of asset management at Linedata, the leading international software and technology provider, responds to interim findings in the FCA’s Asset Management Market Study around barriers to entry, innovation and technological advances, ahead of next week’s (20 February) deadline for feedback: “Increases in the overall burden of regulation presents an ongoing barrier for those asset management firms looking to invest in product development or improve efficiency to keep up with fierce competition in the industry.

There is no other choice but to dedicate time and money to implementing forthcoming regulations, which require both organisational and technological change to be compliant. “MiFID II has implications for processes through the entire value chain: from data requirements, to commission unbundling, and reporting. Without a robust and agile technology strategy, asset management firms simply won’t survive. A Fintech offspring of MIFID II research unbundling; Alphametry. Financial Innovation in Retail and Corporate Banking. 2017年2月奧地利維也納證交所股票週轉率為28.1128%@投資級經濟指標使用指南- STOCK-AI.COM. 全球交易所-欧洲 | Interactive Brokers.