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Innovation pédagogique

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THE Journal, March 2017

Transformation (publique) The Inquiry Project. CFORP_dec16f.pptx. THE PEOPLE VS THE SCHOOL SYSTEM. 213475e. My Keynotes & Interviews. Although my most recent presentations haven’t been recorded, here are some selected presentations and interviews where I explore how new technologies are transforming the teaching and learning environment.

My Keynotes & Interviews

There’s a bit of overlap between some of these, and many of them address work I did at Abilene Christian University — which hosted a first-in-the-world mobile learning initiative from 2008 through 2012 — but these illustrate the trajectory of my thinking. I hope you’ll find them useful. 2016 · EdCrunch 2016, Moscow · Learning Outside the Box 2013 · Teaching, Learning & Assessment Conference Berkhamsted · Building Sustainable Learning 2012 · Cork, Ireland · Quantum Learning vs Newtonian Learning 2012 · Swedish Television Interview · Making Learning Relevant 2012 · Arkansas State University · How Mobility Transforms Educational Design 2012 · ACU ConnectEd Open House · The Trajectory of Digital Books. La bibliothèque scolaire du XXIe siècle.

Compétences pour le 21e siècle. Co-résolution code-créative de situations-problèmes au cœur des compétences du 21e siècle.

Compétences pour le 21e siècle

Savoir lire, écrire et compter sont des compétences nécessaires depuis deux siècles. Compétences pour le 21e siècle. Science. Over 30 years ago, Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in students' attitudes about failure. They noticed that some students rebounded while other students seemed devastated by even the smallest setbacks. After studying the behavior of thousands of children, Dr. Dweck coined the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence.

When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement. Recent advances in neuroscience have shown us that the brain is far more malleable than we ever knew. At the same time that these neuroscientific discoveries were gaining traction, researchers began to understand the link between mindsets and achievement. What does growth mindset teaching look like in the real world? Our Iceberg is Melting YouTube. Premier pas pour la direction d’école – partie 2 - éducO - le blogue d'innovation pédagogique.

QuickFactsWinter2014Fr. The 5 Best Times to Use Technology in Class. By Patti Grayson At the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference this summer, there was a great deal of discussion about how this year’s sessions addressed the use of technology.

The 5 Best Times to Use Technology in Class

While there are still plenty of “60 apps in 60 minutes” sessions that always draw a crowd (and can help us find great resources), I was glad to see the focus begin to shift in 2015. We’ve heard for a long time that technology should not be separate from instruction (C’mon kids, let’s all go to the computer lab, and “do” technology!) , but should be integrated seamlessly. 20 Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking. 20 Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking by TeachThought Staff This is part 1 in our #iteachthought campaign.

20 Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking

This is our equivalent to “back to school,” and is intended to help you focus in the 2015-2016 school year on taking a thoughtful approach to your craft as a teacher. Among these shifts we’ll talk about is turning our focus from content and teaching to thinkers and thinking. This is a student-centered approach to pedagogy (and heautagogy), and will consist of three parts: Part 1: Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking Part 2: Learning Profiles: What Great Teachers Know About Their Students Part 3: 50 Questions To Ask Your Students On The First Day Of School. Exploring the Science of Effective Classroom Design [Infographic] How much of a difference does classroom design make to what gets accomplished in the room itself?

Exploring the Science of Effective Classroom Design [Infographic]

A lot, as it turns out. The fact is classrooms with attention placed on colour and comfort can have a positive impact on learning and engagement. Studies by organizations like 360 Steelcase, Salford University, and Herman Miller confirm this. Future - Do we have a ‘preferred style’ of learning? When you trying are something new, do you learn more easily from diagrams, from someone telling you how to do it, or by having a go yourself?

Future - Do we have a ‘preferred style’ of learning?

You might be tempted to answer that it all depends on the nature of the task in question. Learning to drive entirely from a book or from someone sitting in the kitchen telling you about it, is no substitute for having a go. Watching someone ice a cake might give you just the technique that it would take a long time by trial and error. But in general you might well have a preference for learning in a certain way, or as they say in education, a preferred learning style. Over the years, masses of different ways of categorising learning styles have been developed - pragmatist versus theorist, concrete thinker versus abstract thinker, organiser versus innovator – and many, many more.

And schools are offered the chance to buy dozens of different assessment tools. The idea has intuitive appeal. And teachers seem to concur. Michael Fullan: Author, Speaker, Educational Consultant - Michael Fullan. Faire l’école autrement : pas une mince tâche ! Innover à l’école en 2016… - Le blogue de Roberto Gauvin, directeur d'école... Repenser les espaces de classe - Padagogie. La grande majorité des enseignants pensent chaque année à innover, à avoir une approche active de l’enseignement.

Repenser les espaces de classe - Padagogie

CTIC Lestalentsnumériques2020 FRANCAIS FINAL mars2016. Start With Why. La Nouvelle-Zélande révolutionne son système d’éducation - École branchée. On entend souvent parler de la Finlande quand il est question de nouvelle pédagogie, mais saviez-vous que la Nouvelle-Zélande a aussi complètement transformé son système éducatif?

La Nouvelle-Zélande révolutionne son système d’éducation - École branchée

Portrait de cette île sur l’échiquier éducatif mondial. (Première de 3 parties) Un enseignant du nom de Richard Wells est venu présenter le système éducatif de son pays au iPad Summit de Boston, qui se déroulait du 13 au 15 novembre derniers. Selon lui, ce nouveau système est un rêve pour tous les enseignants qui ont le goût de préparer leurs élèves à la réalité du siècle actuel. Uk.businessinsider. La pédagogie active. Dans son article, Un monde en changement (2015), Isabelle Senécal évoque l’importance d’instaurer une pédagogie active dans les écoles.

La pédagogie active

Ce changement dans les pratiques nécessite : d’en comprendre les caractéristiques et les modèles de classe (le quoi) d’en reconnaître la pertinence (le pourquoi) de valoriser les initiatives des leaders pédagogiques qui œuvrent en ce sens (le comment) C’est ce que nous développerons dans le présent dossier. Cette publication est appelée à être révisée et enrichie encore à l’avenir. Être premier plutôt que septième de la classe, c’est souvent être plus attentif, plus sensible aux formes, plus soigneux, plus ordonné. Wanna Improve Education? Demolish the Classrooms. "Education is experience, and the essence of experience is self-reliance. " —T.H. White, The Once and Future King Who removed the classrooms? Apparently, the Danish government did. In 2005, the Danish government established a new vision for the secondary school reform. 3XN, an architectural firm based in Copenhagen, responded to the government's vision by creating a radically different learning environment for Ørestad College. 3XN's design for Ørestad College is a novel interpretation of agility and openness where the architecture complies with the pedagogy of individualized and interdisciplinary learning.

In designing for teaching and learning, I am continually asking myself the following questions: 1. Well, I've found the answer—Ørestad College. For more of our coverage of 3XN's work, click here. For more images of the school, check out Dezeen. La communication, la pensée critique et la résolution de problèmes seront évaluées chez les jeunes ontariens. CoursDeDemain2 F.

Cours de demain cdd. L’innovation pédagogique à Sainte-Anne. L’éducation est à réinventer. La créativité, ça s’enseigne.