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Simple, blog-aware, static sites - Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs

Simple, blog-aware, static sites - Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs

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ROMEO - Research Western ROMEO is an online management system Western uses to manage human research ethics submissions. Western, St. Joseph’s Health Care London and Lawson Health Science Centre researchers/investigators use ROMEO to submit proposed research studies to the office of Human Research Ethics. *Please note: ROMEO is not compatible with Safari; please choose an alternate browser Serving your resume over curl like a badass · a flash of light and a distant boom I thought it would be an appropriate use of time to make my resume viewable on the command line. Requirements Optional A Collection Of Interesting Rails Snippets # Say we have a Blog model and want to create a Comment model for comments. From command line:rails generate scaffold Comment title:string author:string content:text blog:references# Where blog:references is the foreign key that associates the Comment model with the Blog modelrake db:migrate #Run the migration Then in your comment.rb file: belongs_to :blog

Collection of 10 Best Free jQuery Plugins of May 2014 There are many web developers and designers who are actively working on developing various free jQuery plugins every day. Every month lots of free and open source jQuery plugins gets released. For the month of may 2014, we have a list of 10 best jQuery plugins which can help you enhance and optimize your websites and other applications . 1. Shaarli You want to share the links you discover ? Shaarli is a minimalist delicious clone you can install on your own website. It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy. Features Minimalist design (simple is beautiful) FAST Dead-simple installation: Drop the files, open the page. Playing with data: our ODI open data board game Playing with data: our ODI open data board game For the last six months, on and off, a few of us here at the Open Data Institute have been working on an open data board game. Ellen Broad and Jeni Tennision discuss its development Board games have been experiencing a resurgence in the past few years and, perhaps unsurprisingly, there are several keen board game enthusiasts here at the ODI. The idea of an open data board game was born out of discussions between us about why Monopoly was so awful, our favourite games, and the mechanics that made them work.

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PlumX Metrics - Plum Analytics PlumX Metrics allows you to get more value from an institutional repository (IR) by embedding the altmetrics about your research directly into the IR. These altmetrics are about the different versions of the same article – not just the one in the IR, so your authors can see the impact and reach of their research in just one place. This makes your IR a more valuable place for research and encourages your authors to deposit their articles and other research.

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