background preloader - Fuga de Palabras - Generador de textos con huecos (palabras o sílabas) para completar - Fuga de Palabras - Generador de textos con huecos (palabras o sílabas) para completar

Crossword Puzzle Games - Generador de crucigramas imprimibles y de diferentes tamaños (en inglés) Create A Crossword Puzzle Enter up to 20 words and hints (clues) below to create your own puzzles. There's no need to use all 20 words, you could use as little as two. Hints can be left blank. This free online crossword creator software can be a great tool for educators. Add puzzles to web sites for fun. If your puzzle has too much blank space in it, try starting with 10-14 words. This is the first version of the crossword puzzle creator software. Samples made with this free online puzzle maker : Easter FunSt. A free cryptogram maker is also available to create even more of your own word puzzles. Make a Quiz Enhance your Website to Retain Visitors Longer From quizzes and surveys, to tutorials and training or selling, unflattened addictive content created with QuizRevolution generates, on average, over 10 minutes of sticky user engagement which translates into the kind of meaningful interactions—conversions and leads—that websites need to achieve their goals. Once you have created your quiz or survey you can also publish it to Facebook. And soon to come, customized Mobile Apps. Make a quiz or survey about anything - in minutes. With our easy to use wizard, you can make your own quiz or survey app with your very own extensive customization and loads of unique cool features.

Ejercicios gratis para aprender a decir la hora - el reloj. Imprimelos y listo! De Realiza hojas de ejercicios para aprender a leer la hora de un reloj con agujas o a dibujar en un reloj en blanco las manecillas que corresponden a la hora de un reloj digital. Todos los ejercicios vienen con respuestas (en la parte inferior de cada hoja de ejercicios se encuentra un enlace que te permitirá acceder a la página de las respuestas). Después de generar la hoja de ejercicios, puedes imprimirla desde tu navegador o GUARDARLA en el disco duro con el comando ("Archivo -> Guardar como"). Si los ejercicios generados no caben en la hoja, o si no hay suficiente espacio para resolverlos, elige un tamaño más pequeño de letra, menor espacio intracelular o menor columnas de ejercicios. ¿Cómo pagar por los libros Mamut Matemáticas? Esta información de modos de pago pertenece a los libros electronicos (descargos). Cualquiere modo de pago que use, después de completar la compra, O verá los enlaces de descargo en la última página del pedido, O recibirá un email que los contiene, o ambos.

Abctools - Generador de sopas de letras imprimibles en inglés This form can be used to create printable word search puzzles. Puzzles may be generated in standard rectangular sizes, or in a number of other available pre-formatted shapes. Puzzles may be printed in a variety of fonts, font sizes, colors and border options. Note that only a few word lists are available here. To preview or print a word search: Pick a word list. To preview or print your puzzle, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. The directions of the words hidden in the puzzle are determined by the 'Difficulty' setting as follows: Easy - Words are hidden left to right and down only. You may choose any available font size for the puzzle. Large puzzles may take some time to generate (possibly up to 30 seconds).

Project Based Learning Checklists Spanish translations provided by Josmar Martínez Edited by Eduardo Acuna. Kubbu - Generador gratuito de crucigramas, cuestionarios, ejercicios de emparejar (match) y de clasificar (divide)- Online o imprimible Crea tu propia sopa de letras El mundo de deckerix TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. The first thing we need to work with TypeScript is an editor. I recommend Visual Studio Code. Once you have installed Visual Studio Code, you can start creating a new .ts file. Visual Studio Code first TypeScript code Visual Studio Code includes TypeScript language support but does not include the TypeScript compiler which helps us to transform our TypeScript code into a javascript file. The easiest way to install the TypeScript compiler is through npm, the Node.js Package Manager. If you have npm installed, you can install TypeScript globally (-g) on your computer by: npm install -g typescript Install typescript compiler through npm Now you can test your install by checking the version for example. Terminal testing TSC Create a simple tsconfig.json file like this one: Run compiler

Zunal - Creación de webquest 1,2,3 Tu WebQuest on-line - Información Introducir los datos en los campos correspondientes: Título del Proyecto, Autor/a, Área, Nivel, dirección de correo electrónico, Descripción, Palabras clave, Introducción, Tarea, Proceso, Recursos, Evaluación, Conclusión y Créditos. Si tenemos el texto escrito en otro documento electrónico podemos "Copiar" y Pegar". Todos los campos (excepto Autor/a, Área, e-mail y Nivel) son opcionales, no es obligatorio rellenarlos, los que dejes en blanco no aparecerán en la página Web generada. Descripción: Es una breve descripción de la página creada. En "Palabras clave" escribimos una serie de palabras que van a servir a los motores de búsqueda para que cataloguen nuestra página. Puedes seleccionar el tipo de letra, el color del texto y el color de fondo de la página marcando en las opciones correspondientes. Si deseas algún color que no está disponible puedes introducir su código. En el siguiente menú desplegable tiene un amplio listado con los nombres de las fuentes mas populares. Escribimos: 1.

Tools for Educators - Generador de dados con imágenes y palabras from Tools for Educators: Create your own custom dice with pictures, text or both images and text. You can make dice with just your text or choose an image category below to make dice with those images. (See below for some ideas on how to use the dice.) Make dice with text only make one die per page make two dice per page Make dice with images: The basic idea for using these dice in communication classes is that students roll the dice and use the vocabulary that comes up. A few general ideas on how to use these dice to get you started: - You can mix a text die with punctuation like '.' '?' - Make text dice with phonics digraphs, reading rules, and combinations. - Make dice with numbers and different operators ( + , - , x ) or just use regular dice plus the operator dice for simple math practice. - Make text dice with set questions or better yet, just the beginning, 'Have you ever ...?' - Combine the text dice with the printable board games in examples like those above.

Toolsforeducators Crisscross Bingo - Generador de bingos de texto y/o de imágenes imprimibles These CrissCross Bingo board makers are game templates that allow you to create CrissCross bingo boards for any of the available vocabulary categories. These boards are designed to be used with the dice from the dice maker or you can use flashcards from MES-English. Below you will see options for making 3x3 boards or 4x4 boards with images. (Any of the templates can be used to make text versions as well.) You can find a write up of how to play Crisscross Bingo here. Use flashcards to play or you can use the dice maker. Currently available sets: I recommend laminating your boards so you can reuse them. If you have larger classes, you don't need to make 30+ unique boards.
